| | Water Fasting

Beginner With Questions

Im new to water fasting long term and I never really dived deep into how things works. I’ve usually done 1-3 day water fast and i wanted to start doing 5-7 day so i had some questions and tips. does water fasting slow down my metabolism, will i lose muscle mass, are electrolytes super important, how do i control cravings and hunger (i feel like i’m starving on the 3rd day), will the weight i lose remain off? It’s a lot of questions but i hope you guys can answer some of them thanks!

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Does water fasting slow down metabolism?Yes, but mostly because you’re losing weight/BMI (body mass index) which in turn lowers BMR (basal metabolic rate).

Will I lose muscle mass?At first, but once in keto it’s supposed to be minimal as GH (growth hormone) increases and ketosis keeps fat burning as the key source of energy.

Are electrolytes super important?Yes, otherwise you’ll get cramps, weakness, muscle spasms, shortness of breath and kidney problems. Having enough electrolytes is one of the most important parts of extended water fasting - absolutely cannot be ignored.

How do I control cravings and hunger?This is a tough one and I think is more personal… so for me, drinking mineral water works, exercise or any type of distraction works, sipping an electrolyte mix helps, positive self-talk is key, less television means less food advertising… that’s all I got. I’m sure others will chime in!

Will the weight I lose remain off?You’ll have a rebound effect on the scale when you refeed as much of original weight loss will be water and muscle-stored glucose.

Here’s a chart that isn’t gospel but might help you visualize your expectations. It comes from a trainer named Joel Staley - not the best source of info and is a bit on the nose with some of his commentary on being overweight… but nonetheless these weight loss stats are based off 3500 calories = 1 lbs of fat:3 lbs of fat loss = Four 24 hour fasts ortwo 48 hour fasts orone 96 hour fastSo if you lose 10 pounds in 96 hours much of that will be water/glucose weight so don’t expect to keep the 10 pounds off. That’s not to say it’s 7 lbs of water weight - this is it a definitive reference, just to keep expectations realistic.

Good luck! Hope this helps. If others think I’m wrong, please chime in. I have thick skin 😂

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