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Opinion on this diet.


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In all honesty sounds like a terrible diet. Seems like a good way to severally under eat and not get proper nutrition. Unless yourate meal of veggies and rice is something like 1500 cal I don’t seem how this will properly benefit you


Your body is basically running on sugar and coffee for half the day which is bad and on top of that you are training with no proper energy source, add more protein in the mornings like eggs with ham/sausage/meat and complex carbs like wholewheat toast, you need more quality carbs before your training session like oatmeal for example which mixes well with your fruit.

Overall you can definitely allow yourself more food, you shouldnt starve yourself because thats not sustainable. Learning more about how calories work will get help you a lot in understaning your nutrition choices. Good luck


It sounds like a lot of sugar and carbs..

But I also never have tried to lose weight with these items so I don’t know.

If you’re fine with eating animal products then chicken and turkey is the way to go (I don’t know about fish/seafood or pork since I never ate it )

I had a really successful diet once. I had gained like 60 pounds from some medicine.

In the morning, before work, I would eat chicken or turkey, I ate mine plain since I’m fine with that, but I’m sure seasoning wouldn’t hurt. Sometimes I would add a piece of cheese. At work if I drank coffee it was black. My job was active so I got to move around a lot. I got off at night and would just go to sleep. I’d wake the next day and go for a hike or walk, then eat my piece of chicken and went to work. Water or black coffee. Every other to two days I would fast for a day (but I have been fasting my entire life) and every ten days I’d eat a cheese burger. ( I also had just met my late husband and was very happy and having a lot of sex. So those feel good hormones help keep you from feeling hungry) I dropped 50 pounds in six months. My job thought I was on drugs and drug tested me and kicked me out for like 5 days until the test came back clean.

Now it was just perfectly at the right time. I was young. I had just met a partner. I was happy. I had 0 stress. I had a physical job. I took 0 daily medications. I already was used to extreme eating behaviors. I didn’t care about the taste of food.

That is a lot of variables that happened to shine down on me.. basically the opposite of me now..

But I believe less sugar and more protein will get you faster and better results. I wouldn’t do it as cut throat as I did because.. that would be stupid for most people to try and if I wasn’t already healthy with extra weight to lose I’d be in trouble health wise..

But, any way you decide to do it is great! Just putting in the effort counts for something! Working on your mental health also helps.


This looks very unhealthy to me, I don’t see any source of fat or protein other than a tiny bit of milk with your coffee and whatever you might get the one day a week when you allow yourself some pizza, burger, or steak.

Consider adding some whole milk yogurt and granola to your fruit and berries and eating it in the morning for breakfast.

For lunch maybe you ought to make a rich salad to get a variety of different nutrients; as an example you could use some or all of the following ingredients arugula, lettuce, cilantro, carrots, beets, radish, cucumber, bell pepper, mushroom, avocado, hard boiled egg, bacon bits, wild caught smoked salmon, feta cheese, peanuts, almonds, cashews, pine nuts, brazil nuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, sesame seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, poppy seeds, raisins, dried goji berry, croutons, olive oil, apple cider vinegar etc.

You should also probably eat some type of meat or fish with dinner.

If you really want to be as healthy as possible make sure all the ingredients of everything you eat are organic to avoid gmos, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, etc. and to maximize the amount of nutrients in your food.

If you do all of the above and find you are gaining weight (or not meeting your weight loss goals) either work out more intensely, reduce portion sizes, or consider intermittent fasting one or more days per week as needed.


Learn to go for coffee black if ur drinking it twice a day. And add way more protein- think chicken ground turkey/beef eggs fish beans/lentils nuts/seeds. I think u must be lying about this diet because this is less than a 5 year old would eat. Berries for breakfast and a small dinner with no protein? That’s it? Gotta be a mistake

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