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Daily Fasting Check-in!

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I’m doing 16:8. Day 7.

I’ve been seeing everybody’s success pics and feeling like I’ll be stuck on Before forever. I did lose 1.4 lbs so I’m glad about that!

This first week I’ve just been trying to stay in my window. Over the weekend I did a 12-hour fasting window instead of 16:8 and it was hard to get back on 16:8 but I did it.

My goal for the second week is to wean myself off of sweets, which is my downfall. All week I have had something sweet every day. If anyone has any advice on how to do it, I’d appreciate it.


I guess I’m now doing closer to 18:6 instead of 16:8. We moved family dinner time to 6 pm to fit the kid’s schedule better (and instead of doing 2 dinners & 2 cleanups). I’m feeling pretty good about it and it is nice to eat dinner together as a family. It also frees up more time to chill in the evenings after we get the little one to bed. I’m really enjoying this as a lifestyle change.



Day 1

This is my first fast ever, never thought I’d get into this but I got two more hours left. I had my morning coffee and just been sipping on water. I hope to lose a few pounds with fasting, running and lite workouts.

I started my fast at 9pm last night and went to sleep. I get an average of 7 hours and 30 minutes of sleep since I work from 6am-2pm. I can eat a meal when I get home from work, have a snack and then another meal at 7pm.

So far I feel like I can keep this going since my schedule allows me to easily. Anything I should expect the next few days?


Day 2 (I promise I won’t post everyday 😅)

I started yesterday with only a 14 hr fast with the goal of 16:8. It was a little tough (see yesterday’s comment). I understand it’s mostly water in the beginning that’s coming off, but those 1.5 lbs down was a great motivator this morning! I didn’t feel at all deprived of food the rest of the day. Today I made it without much todo to 16 hrs. I’m using the Fastic app, so that helps keeping me on track with the timeline. I have had again just water and black tea during day 2, and a dash of salt. I really look forward to doing this now most or all days. I don’t have a deadline in mind, but it would be good to loose around 30 lbs this year. That would be down to the weight I was in my 20s.


• Type of fast (water, juice, smoking, etc.)OMAD 23:1 w/dinner at 7-8ish, Day 10, Water, tea, coffee. SW: 200 lbs CW: 193 lbs TW: 147.

I’ve really found OMAD to suit my working style - I had a small upset with electrolytes so stopped supplementing except for magnesium and I actually feel far better and clear headed than before. I’ll supplement if I feel dizzy at all but feeling more in control.

Really pleased about the weight loss but preparing for a quick slow down. I’ve also not done any exercise, so building in a hours walk per day from now.

Considering trying a 48hr fast before the end of the month, with Lchf diet beforehand. Oddly another target before weight is to try a 14 day fast, but I will try shorter fasts before then. But OMAD is here to stay.

Possible trip up is a colleague dinner on Monday (curry and drinks) so will not punish myself if I eat in a wider window than an hour!


Day 1 of my first 16:8.

SW 190, GW 155.

I’m hungry. I have tried and failed IF many times but this time I’m determined to make it the 3 weeks so my body can adjust. I’m hoping posting here will keep me motivated. My goal is to lose weight so I can have more energy.

Only 1 hour left till food time!


Currently on hour 36 of a 20 hour fast that I decided to extend to 42 hours. Water, lite-salt and unsweetened black tea only.

This is only my second fast after a 6 month lapse. Still feeling pretty good except for some unrelated back pain that’s been killing me.

Goal is to drop 15-20 lbs over the next few months which puts me at 160-165 lbs, the weight I feel the best at. The plan is fasting weekdays only with 1 42-46 hour fast 4 20 hour fasts, and then just calorie counting aiming for maintenance on the weekend.


I started Jan 2 16:8 with Saturday off to eat when and what I want. 6 days a week I do IF and lazy Keto. I plan to weigh in every Saturday morning. The first week I weighed in 5.8 lbs down!!

Goal is to lose 70 lbs


Type of fast: no food, no calories, no artificial sweeteners. Only getting electrolytes to stay safe during these extended (multiple day) fasts.

**Context of fast:** 

Started Sunday 5:30pm, Plan to end today 5:30pm. 65 hours in as of writing this

**Length of fast (8 hours, 3 days, etc.):** 

72 hours, no less

**Why? What you hope to accomplish with your fast:** 

Healthy lifestyle and maintain my abdominal area. Keep it lean.

**Notes How is it going so far? Any concerns? Insights to share?:** 

Going great. I actually love not having to worry about what to eat and when. I’m usually do 18:6 IF, but every now and then I like the challenge of 48-72 hour fasts to really kick in the benefits of ketosis (I do weight lifting).


I am on Day 3 today, doing OMAD & CICO. It really crazy to me how Day 1 for 16 hrs was miserable, and then doing 27 hrs Day 2 I didn’t feel a pang of hunger and even went for a light jog before I ate dinner. The body adapts so fast. Today I am on a schedule I plan to stick to more closely, 23:1 and my goal is to lose about \~30 lbs. So far today is going really well. I appreciate all the helpful tips and info in this sub. I think yesterday watching my electrolytes more closely really made a big difference.


16:8 Fast (Day 6)

I have some coworkers who have doin IF in the past and reaped the benefits. Also seeing all the great success stories here pushed me towards giving it a shot. I workout 4-6 days a week and seem to have plateaued on weight loss.

I know you can’t out exercise an unhealthy diet, but I don’t believe my diet is awful. With all the exercise I’m doing I find myself hungry throughout the day. I’m hoping I can try and reprogram myself to not crave food if I don’t actually need it.

I’ve been very interested in CGM technology but it’s extremely expensive and there isn’t a lot of science behind the tech to support the efficacy on weight loss. So instead of shelling out a lot of cash, I figured I would try this first to see what results I can get.


Type: dirty fast (water & coffee w/ creamer)

Context: 16:8

Length: 1 hr left

Why: weightloss sw: 230 cw:228 gw: 150

Notes: day 6 of 16:8… I lost 1 more lb this week! So down 2 lbs in a week. Yay! I’m never super hungry either and have been under my calorie goal everyday.


3.5 hours left of my 20:4 IF. Water only while fasting. My goal is for better Heath and weight loss. So far it has been going amazing. I eat really whatever I want for my one meal. As of this week I’m slowly reducing carb intake in my meal. Not keto but just reduced carb. I take a multi vitamin everyday. I’ve lost 10lbs in less than a month. I feel amazing and see this as a lifestyle that can be maintained for the most part.


Day 16 of 16:8, but I’ve tried out 20:4 and OMAD at some points in my fast to see what’s best for me.

Length: Currently in my eating window, 3 hours in.

Why: Health reasons, weight-loss, confidence boost. SW: 338 CW: 321.2 GW: 190LBS

Notes: I might change to OMAD since I’m usually a volume eater and I don’t usually get satied unless I eat a decent amount in one meal. I’ve done OMAD for some days and I find it really works for me, so this might be what I’ll be doing once I ease more into fasting.

I’ve never felt this great fasting. Losing weight has always been a struggle for me, and being able to lose weight while eating the foods I eat (in moderation now) is what I find great about this lifestyle. My skin, sleep schedule and clarity of mind has also been boosted greatly. I can’t wait to reap even more benefits of IF, and I can’t wait to see the progress pay off.


I started my IF lifestyle two days ago. I’m doing 16:8 which seems to be working. I fast starting from 7pm to 11am which allows me lunch and to have dinner with my family. Only this is I wish I had brought a heartier lunch to break my fast with today. I just had a salad and some fruit. It tasted amazing but some meat would have been ideal. My first day I had salmon and rice and I ate that up! It felt satisfying waiting for that meal.

I cut out coffee temporarily and am currently drinking a zero calorie, zero sugar sparkling water with caffeine. It’s very refreshing and I like the fruit undertones. Also the caffeine keeps me from being cranky from withdrawals.

My main goal is to have a more consistent eating schedule, cut snacking, and lose unnecessary fat. Wish me luck. I’m very thankful to have found this group. I think its a good support system for a healthy lifestyle.


Water: 16:8 (2 weeks), lose weight, feel better, been a bit sick with a cold (not Covid, testing daily) so keeping it simple. Shortening fast if I’m feeling trashy. Even while sick, 16:8 seems pretty easy for me!



Window is variable, exactly 2 hours post gym. No added/processed sugars, no breads.

So far I’m doing great. Dropped 3 pounds last and looking for 4 this week. I’m back to training 7 days a week and I’m seeing some seriously awful energy walls. Today I had to stop and sit down to recharge for a minute before continuing farmer’s carries.


Currently doing a 7day water fast. Started 1/8. The purpose of this fast is weight loss. I’ve have done IF over the years. Lost over 60lbs 2020, gained all weight back 2021. Went back to old ways. This is the longest I’ve ever fasted. Hunger comes and goes. Feel weaker by end of day. After a good overnight sleep I’m ready for the next day.

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Categories: tea dinner evening morning coffee sleep snack fastic omad electrolytes magnesium weight loss 14 day fast lose weight energy 20 hour fast pain keto calories 72 hour fast ketosis tips healthy diet vitamin eating window to fast losing weight struggle lunch heart fruit meat sugar sick water fast weak