| | Water Fasting

I fasted for 15 days and dropped down from a BMI of obese to overweight.

I hit a BMI of 29.9 today. So stoked to finally be in the overweight range. I started at a BMI of 34.4 (194 pounds, 5 feet 3 inches female). I weigh 169 pounds now. Having lost a total of 25 pounds in 15 days, I am more than happy and look forward to hitting the normal BMI range soon. I am continuing my fast for as long as I can go. I supplemented with Himalayan pink salt a few times. I dry fasted most days with a few days of water fasting in between.

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Congratulations! It must feel great to know you are approaching a healthier weight.

What are your eating plans for the first couple of weeks after the fasat? Broth?

From my fasting and weight loss experiences, the weight does come back and very quickly, unless you seriously cut calories for the first month or so. Every time I didn’t cut calories, I gained all the weight back, even if I was eating raw vegan and very clean.

After my last fast I was very mindful to eat only if hungry, and I ended up eating very small amounts of calories–500-1000 a day. It didn’t feel like deprivation, and I wasn’t at all hungry. I felt great. I only started to want to increase to 1600-1900 calories in the second month. My TDEE is 1800.

This was the only time I didn’t re-gain after a fast. I don’t fast for weight loss anymore (I lost what I needed), but I’m still mindful of my portions when I transition to normal eating, as I realized that just eating healthy (either keto, or vegan) but returning to previous portions leads to very rapid weight gain.

Best wishes with your fast and weight loss! You can do it!


congrats! like others said - refeeding is a key to successfully keeping the weight off. with my experience and others it takes 3x amount of time to return to normal. mentally and physically. eat only the cleanest and simplest food that you can afford. really focus on probiotics and prebiotics. have a bit with every meal - sauerkraut, yogurt, kombucha, kimchi, miso, kefir/buttermilk. your stomach is brand new like babys - rebuild it slowly and carefully. i really like omad too. took me some time to figure out when is the best time for me. did for few months breakfast- just sat for an hour or two and ate my daily calories. now i settled on 4pm and it works better. sometimes i have black coffee or guayusa tea on the morning when i have more demanding day but mostly just water. flavored carbonated water really helps me to trick my brain that i had something good - the mouthfeel and the taste. have bone broths daily. as others said try to stay away from carbs if you can. and obviously sugars. and seed oils. research and try carnivore diet. worked for me. simple - eggs, butter , whipped cream , meats , fish, bone broth, liver , bacon, cheese, ground beef, tallow, suet, duck fat. i am eating 60-80% of my calories from fat. there are essential fats and essential proteins but no essential carbs nor sugars. think about it.
let your body sleep as much as it needs- throw away your alarm clock. go to bed early. get some walking and exercise into your day.look into blue light effects on your hormones. it takes time for body to adjust so do not be discouraged if you slip. get back on track as soon as you can. but again - be almost religious about probiotics. cheers

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Categories: obese overweight pink salt dry fast water fasting fasting and weight loss calories a fast weight loss keto weight gain refeeding stomach omad coffee tea morning carbs sugar oil meat fish liver beef sleep courage