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/r/Nutrition Weekly Personal Nutrition Discussion Post - All Personal Diet Questions Go Here

Welcome to the weekly r/Nutrition feature post for questions related to your personal diet and circumstances. Wondering if you are eating too much of something, not enough of something, or if what you regularly eat has the nutritional content you want or need? Ask here.

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Looking for some snack ideas. Preferably minimally processed but I’ll take any suggestion. I eat a LOT of rice cakes and need some variety 😂 preferably something that’s 10-20g carbs, 1-2g fat, and 1-2g protein.


Hi. I am 24F, 5’8”, 169.4 lbs, 30-31% BF. My goal is to cut fat/inches. I started crossfit at the beginning of October, my weight has stayed basically the same since October (I have not yet checked inches, planned to sometime around Dec 17th or Jan 5th).

After a month, I realized I was exhausted and took a look at my nutrition. Someone mentioned it sounded like I wasn’t eating enough. I used the IIFYM macro counter and it gave me: 1858 kcals, 132 protein, 175 carb, 70 fat.

My issue lies in the fact that I spent years eating 1200-1500 calories with no exercise to lose weight, and I’m struggling with the idea I have to eat so much. 1858 is huge to me, and I worry maybe I’ve broken my body?

I have read hitting my protein goal is the most important with cross training so I can gain muscle. I eat chicken, shrimp, egg whites, rice, protein bars, etc. I grabbed some Isopure protein powder and it has really helped me hit my goals. However, I feel so full all the time and sometimes find I’m behind at the end of the day and scramble to find something.

Do my macros look okay? And will my body get used to eating this much, or will I always feel this full?

I dont want to hurt myself by eating too little, but I also dont want to hurt myself by overeating accidentally.


Hi guys,I have a question about my nutrition and how it affects my body and mind. I find that if I don’t always ensure I have eaten really recently, I get super super irritated, anxious and low. Its worse in the evening if I haven’t eaten recently and not had dinner yet. Its worse than just being hangry, it feels quite extreme.I have always done a lot of sport (1-2 hours per day minimum), so I’ve always eaten a lot, but I feel like my body should be able to handle not eating for a while, but it feels like if I don’t have a big breakfast lunch and dinner and snacks in between it absolutely decimates my mood.I eat a fairly average diet. Meat, carbs, veg. I was wondering if a higher protein and fat diet would help as my body would get used to ketosis? As from what I can tell, maybe my ups and downs are caused by highs and lows from carb intake?

I just want to be able to get to a point where (if I needed to) I could go like half a day without eating without my body reacting so extremely. I don’t plan to but it would be useful.

Any thoughts or ideas?


From my understanding, If I eat less than my daily calorie limit (ex; 2,100) and eat only 1500, I would lose weight? But what if I eat only 1500, but my sugar intake is over 55/60g (which on MyFitnessPal says is over). Would I see no change?




I’m 19, 5’11 and 166. I have body fat on my back and abs I want to get rid of, but I lift weights and am gaining muscle (I think).. if I eat ~1500 calories with 100+ g of protein a day, could I lower my BF% while gaining muscle? If so, how long would it take to lose 7 percent? Thank you!!


I am vegan and am trying to figure out the best ways to obtain Vitamin B12. I believe organic chlorella has B12, but most food forms of organic chlorella are really supplements. The back of organic chlorella products show supplemental facts instead of nutritional facts. And another way is from supplements from a reputable company like Pure Encapsulations for B12. And lastly, I could get it from fortified foods and drinks. I know B12 usually comes from animal products so, of the choices available I am trying to pick the smartest one. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


How can I add more protein to my diet without needing to cook anything?

I just started tracking my macros and I am really struggling to meet my goals for daily protein intake. (I’m using the recommendations made by Stronger by Science). Due to some interesting work/life circumstances, it is not possible for me to cook my meals. I love those little tuna kits that come with crackers but probably need to find some other protein sources.


Can anyone help me identify any nutrient deficiencies in my current daily meal plan?

Image of my meal plan on MyFitnessPal: https://imgur.com/I4GaaoI

This meal plan is pretty satiating for me and gives the energy I need, when I need it, so I am liking it, but that doesn’t mean I am getting all of the vitamins, etc. that I should be and I’d like some feedback on it, if possible.

If it helps, I am 33, 6’1”, 230lb. I work out (strength and cardio) 5-6 days a week for 1-2 hours per day. I am currently trying to lose some extra fat, and my calorie intake is 2600 per day with an approximate macro split of 40-45 C, 30-35 P, 20-25 F.

Thanks in advance!


I hate the taste of coffee and tea, but enjoy caffeine for not being drained in the evenings. Bai Boost has been my (I assume) “healthy” caffine intake for the past months, but since Sam’s Club isn’t selling it anymore, I have to find an alternative. Would love to hear what healthy caffeine alternatives you guys use besides coffee and tea?


Im eating 2 eggs (130kcal, 11g protein), 300 g chicken breast (717kcal, 81g protein), 133g whey protein (485kcal, 100g protein) and a 450g cup of skyr joghurt (283kcal, 49,5g protein) daily.

This results in a total of1615 kcal241,5 g protein(I eat bread for the rest of my calories)

I supplement ashwaghanda, creatine and very occasionally kratom (mitrogyna speciosa)

I am a 18 year old male 1.95 (6’4) tall and weigh 110kg (242,5lbs) about 15 ~ 20% body fat.

Id really appreciate some advice on my diet, how the cholesterol will affect me long term and how I can mitigate problems that might occur.Assume I know nothing about nutrition (which I dont).

Thx in advance and sry for the poor English I’m German and struggle a bit with grammar.


M/25/6’3”/276lbs mixed fat and muscle – for a number of years I’ve tackled yoyo diets to success and failure. In that time I’ve grown to appreciate that diet and exercise is a lifestyle, not a reactionary solution to an ongoing and relatively lax lifestyle. That in mind I’m currently exercising 4 to 5 days a week (cardio and abs) as well as eating vegetarian weekdays and omnivore on weekends (still tweaking it, may do weekends and wednesday). A snapshot of my meals on a given day would be: buckwheat porridge with kefir, berries, and a bit of honey for breakfast. Half a bagel with melted cheese and mayo, a couple boiled eggs, and some pickles for lunch. And dinner could be anything from rice and beans with a whole avocado to a bowl of savory mushroom udon with a hunk of marinated tofu to a nice slow cooked veggie stew, it varies day to day. Throughout the day im drinking lots of water, maybe a cup of coffee with whole milk and a teaspoon of raw honey, and fresh brewed black or green tea. Based on this snapshot would you say there’s anything I should be sure to include in my diet just for the sake of better balance? I don’t really touch processed stuff or candy, I add blueberries or bananas in here and there, as I said weekends are omni days so I haven’t listed them (too varied to account for). Any feedback is appreciated (I know next to nothing about nutrition with regards to macronutrients and the like; I loosely calorie count but that’s the extent of it, im more interested in health than a numeric value).


Should I try Keto if I don’t have a weight loss goal?

Hello! I’m sure you all get this question not infrequently. I am a relatively fit male, 5’9” ~150lbs, I run at least 5k every day and strength train, and have definition and tone to my body—but, I have come across Keto and am wondering if it would help tone up even further, and is generally healthy long term?

I have seen contradicting opinions (some researchers say it’s risky and has long term health problems, others say the opposite), and it seems most people who go on it have weight loss goals, and I don’t really have that. If it doesn’t sound like the right direction re: nutrition, I’ll take any and all thoughts if there are other plans you’ve tried that are more appropriate. Thanks!


Can eating less than the recommended amount of a specific nutrient cause problems—even if you at least, eat, say, half the recommended amount of that one nutrient and get enough of most other nutrients?

I would doubt that eating even just half the recommended amount of a certain one nutrient would cause too many problems, unless it were protein. Is that correct?

It’s hard to get too little protein anyway though.


I’m by no mans a nutritionist, just someone who keeps active and tries to eat well. I was thinking:

People often talk about drinking lots of water to flush out toxins etc in the body? My understanding of fibre is it does a similar thing but with foods.

What’s the difference between water and fibre?


Had a diet question. I see carnivore diet popping up quite a bit and some people are getting great results on it. I’m also diving into the research regarding vegetables and am beginning to understand why the carnivore crowd wants them eliminated. However seeing as we have the teeth of an omnivore, and a predisposition towards sweetness that carnivores don’t have (take a pack of jolly ranchers and try to give it to a dog or cat and then try giving it to a
kid) wouldn’t it make sense to structure a diet mostly comprised of animal products (not deep fried) and fruits nutrient dense and full of fiber? Would love to get Opinion of this.


Hey guys, I have been looking recently for any type of product that can completely replace my food. Something that has everything I need all in one. I would prefer it to be something solid, I have looked into Soylent, Huel, etc. and have read that some people have issues when they use those products for 100% of their diet. Thanks guys!


I (40M, 180 lb 5’9”) make this as a meal replacement for dinner/lunch post workout a few times a week. There’s not a whole lot of rhyme or reason to it, just try and jam what I believe is healthy into a 3 cup big gulp of a meal. It clearly is a hodge podge of things that are on “super food” lists. Is this as healthy as I think it is? Any other ingredients you would recommend I add/delete as a good post workout meal?

1/2 cup home-brewed kombucha
1/2 cup of almond milk
1/4 banana
cup and a half of greens I try and rotate (mixed greens, costco super blend, kale, spinach, etc)
2 tablespoons of an mixture of equal parts ground flaxseed, hemp seeds, chia seeds
1 scoop of orgain protein powder
quarter teaspoon of fresh ginger
dash of cinnamon
dash of turmeric + pepper
teaspoon of spirulina
1/4 teaspoon of matcha powder
1/4 cup of greek yogurt
1/4 of a raw small beet
topped off with water and blended in my vitamix


Hello, to activate the dried fruits and eliminate their antinutrients, you must soak a few hours in water, throw that water away and ready to consume them.

But how are they stored so as not to degrade over time?


Is 1,000 calories enough?

I struggle SO FUCKING HARD with food. I have it but it takes forever to try and make anything so the most common meal is a muscle milk a day, some eggs, maybe a couple mini recee’s to snack on, and idk some flavored water to drink. Somewhere in between I’ll have a slice of ham or if I’m lucky enough for the ingredients, a high calorie smoothie but that’s a rare one.

It’s just so hard to eat. Even looking at a bowl of plain rice and plain fish is hard enough, let alone eating it. I plan to see a nutritionist at some point but my bicycle’s my car and it’s winter.

I’m 6’5” and 170 last I checked. I don’t have a scale as other items have priority. I assume I need to be eating around 3300 but it is not feasible. I am poor so having that many calories a day would put me so far in the red, I may not be able to come back from it.

Are there any cheap ways to get a lot of calories at once?

Also I haven’t teeth which makes chewing things a little harder. I have the dentures but I can’t focus enough to get past the pain of getting used to them.

My lifestyle is kinda active. I cycle everyday on a ebike so it’s work but not work. Otherwise am at home in a chair. Hiking sometimes and canoeing sometimes.


I’m 19 years old iam worried about my dietI fast from 20 to 21 hours per dayAnd when i breakfast this is my first meal▪︎about 150 grams of chickpeas ▪︎about 150 grams of lupines ▪︎ 2 eggs▪︎1 or 2 concumber ▪︎1 or 2 guava▪︎1 pomegranate▪︎small piece of cheese And the second meal is▪︎about 150 grams of chickpeas ▪︎about 150 grams of lupines ▪︎1 egg▪︎1 or 2 guava▪︎1 or 2 concumber▪︎meatShould i eat more carbs such as bread or rice or add other gradient to my diet and doest this will stun my growth tell me if this diet is right or wrong i think also this isn’t good amount of calories


I’m 16, 5’4, and skinny. I have been trying to eat more recently, but I’m not sure it’s enough. I’m also trying to lift 3-4 times a week. I’ve heard that a good amount of calories per day to aim for is maybe 2600 calories. Can someone give me an example of a full day of eating? And maybe some tips? Can’t track calories and macros, or get a food scale. The best I can do is check labels for calories and do my best to get around the suggested amount in, and have 3 meals and try to get in 2 snacks. Today I had Cheerios mixed with granola (don’t know the calories for that) and some cashews (about one serving of cashews so maybe 80 calories for those), a pb&j with a spoonful of peanut butter on each half (I think it’s like 250 cals a spoonful), a small amount of jelly on one side, and sunflower kernels covering one side (wheat bread). And I’m about to eat a chicken and cheese burrito with veggies(about 320 calories?), 6 (smaller) pieces of chicken breast (160 in total?) and probably a boost drink after that (280 calories I think). Not doing good so far lol. I didn’t even get a snack in (maybe I’ll get one in yet). Also the actual quality of the food probably isn’t good so I could see myself getting unnecessary fat (working on finding better foods).


I have a question about cooking oils.

The only fast food I consume is Chipotle and part of my peace of mind is owed to what I thought were clean and eco friendly ingredients… However I learned today that they primarily use rice bran oil for cooking.

What’s the general consensus on rice bran oil? Is it bad?

And at home I have mainly been using avocado oil for cooking since it can withstand high temperatures… Is that preferable over rice bran oil or other oils? What’s the “best” oil to use - or should I be using raw butter?



I’m training for a triathlon and an ultramarathon next year. How do I get in enough calories? I’m eating 3 meals a day with 2 big snacks (3500ish calories/day). I’m going through 3-4 packs of Dave’s killer bagels a week because that’s my go to snack along with Kodiak protein pancakes/waffles. I just don’t have any more snack ideas but I’m getting bored of these.

Also for meals I’m tired of a protein, rice or potatoes, and green beans or broccoli. Any ideas on how to change it up? I’m not big on stews or casseroles because of how hard they are to log in my fitness pal.

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Categories: nutrition snack carbs macro calories lose weight struggling muscle chicken evening dinner lunch meat ketosis sugar body fat vitamin tea meal plan energy cardio coffee struggle yoyo weak boil keto weight loss fruit fiber fish pain tips oil