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My Extended Fast, round 2: Day 11. Thoughts from experienced fasters wanted

TLDR is basically the bolded stuff

My experience with my 1st 21 day fast is here


I had gained a lot of weight since my last fast, I could feel it with my clothing, and I was at the highest point I’d been at in a while. A lot of it was emotional eating, I had to spend time at my family’s home (a family issue combined with the thanksgiving holiday), which is a bit of toxic environment, and whenever I felt overwhelmed, I would end up in the kitchen eating, whether that was fun size kit kats leftover from halloween, or a sandwich with cold cuts and mustard. Note: I don’t consider OMAD and ADF fasts anymore, because that’s not an uncommon thing for me to do; now when I am talking about fasting in general, I mean full water fasts of 3 days or more. This is not meant to be offensive, just writing this to be clearer in this post

After I got home from Thanksgiving, I decided I was going to fast for a few days, but I wasn’t aiming for anything more than 5. I weighed in at 145 lbs/65 kg which really surprised me, as I had not weighed that much in a long time. I generally don’t weigh myself often because I find it’s generally not helpful for me, but I am weighing myself on this fast to see what happens. I am guessing my goal weight would be at 110 lb/50kg, but my end game is not a weight, but fitting into my favorite clothes, so keep that in mind. Aside from the reset and weight loss, I’m also very interested in autophagy.

The first few days were ok, honestly, a lot of the cravings and hunger were neutralized by the emotional stress hangover I was experiencing (huge double edged sword there), and once I hit my 5 day goal, I decided to keep going with an extended/block fast. I had black coffee in the mornings on the first few days, unfortunately I was not keto adapted before hand (though pretty focused on IF/OMAD), so I used this to help me. On day 3, I had half a cup of coffee and threw the rest away because I didn’t even want it, and went pure water from then on (either room temperature tap or hot water sipped). I am writing this at 11 days in and my last weigh in was 129 lb/58.5kg).


So far the fast has gone so much easier than my previous fast. I don’t know if it’s because I’m more prepared, because I’ve been fasting more regularly or if it’s just too early, but keeping my fingers crossed that it continues well.

I did feel a major loss of energy around day 5, and I supplemented with some potassium and salt (less than a teaspoon is all I needed), which seemed to help (I still hate the taste). A bath with epsom salts also helped me feel better and more energized a few days later, but getting into a hot bath was not a great idea, as I felt dizzy getting out.

On day 6 I had a small bowel movement, and it wasn’t a running to the loo because it’s urgent diarrhea, like what happened during my last fast, but a small but normal-ish one (not particularly different in color/firmness/smell). On day 8, I had another bowel movement, again, the same kind as day 6 but it was a lot… like even if I was not fasting, I would surprised by that amount. No black sludge for me, but from what I understand that usually happens after. given what I’ve read, it seems that a normal BM like this is rare, is this your experience too or am I just worrying too much?


Other differences between this fast and my last fast is that my mental clarity does not seem to be as sharp as it was in my previous 21 day fast, my sense of smell doesn’t seem to be heightened, and I don’t seem to be as cold as I was (which is very odd given the last one occurred in June and me shivering on days where it was 90F/32C degrees). No feeling of nausea, except for one day and that was quickly sorted with sipping some warm water. I don’t understand why.

Minor things I’ve noticed: Velvet tongue, some breakouts on my face however my skin overall is much clearer.


As far as my weight goes, I appear to be losing a fair amount, though there have been some odd days where I appear to have stalled or even gained weight, which confused me (I weigh myself when I wake up, after peeing). I am attributing that to water retention but it doesn’t quite make sense still and there’s not really a difference in how my pants fit either. It’s part of why I think weighing myself is kinda useless for me.

I didn’t see any change in my body shape until when I got up yesterday, which was also when my period started (by the way, whoo hoo! Little to no cramps before hand!). The scale had moved after stalling (but not by very much), however, when I looked in the bathroom mirror, there was a noticeable change in my the shape where my stomach met my hips (not the hip bones, but the outer parts). I still have a fair amount of visceral fat in my belly area (FUPA), I still have my disproportionately fatty upper thighs and upper arms, and I did not have a noticeable change in my face or arms (at least so far) which I did during my last extended fast.

As far as sleeping, unlike last time it’s been fairly normal, and just like in the last fast, I am bored. Especially now that it’s winter; it’s so incredibly common to socialize around food in general, but much more so in the winter (whereas in the summer it was a bit easier to get around that with things like outdoor sports leagues, markets, etc). I haven’t been able to read as much as my last fast where I practically devoured books (again, difference in mental clarity), but I have been listening to a lot of stand up specials.


Since my last fast, I have started reading more about fasting advocates and practitioners, some good and reputable (like practicing MDs like Dr Fung) and some who I think gave some good info and collaborates with some reputable people, but I’m still not sure if he himself is reputable, like Dr. Pompa, whose MO seems to be shill a lot of products and services (and I find his credentials a bit questionable…). Dr Mercola is another one I’m side eyeing for similar reasons.


I’m planning on keeping my fast on for 21 days now, and then keto for at least 21 more days (should it be longer?), in order to become fully fat adapted; if it were not for the Christmas holiday, depending on how I felt at day 21, I would want to push the extended fast until 30 days. Barring complications, I will break the fast on Dec 18th, which gives me plenty of time to transition to eating more normally in time for Christmas dinner with my (judgemental) family (I will be cooking).


My plan for breaking the fast is ACV in the evening, raw fermented Sauerkraut as my meal the following day, and slowly building up to OMAD keto. I thought about MCT Oil, or even doing it organic virgin coconut oil instead (because I already have it and it’s similar to MCT oil in fatty acid chains), but I’m scared of the sudden diarrhea others have reported (but it’s supposedly the best thing for fat loss which is my ultimate goal). any advice on Coconut Oil vs ACV?**


I have still been looking at cooking videos and recipes, and can’t wait to try them. I plan to cook a nice feast for my family at Christmas (reverse seared prime rib and pan sauce, roasted Brussels sprouts with bacon and lemon zest, braised asparagus, braised cabbage, fondant potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, either pavlova or chocolate mousse for dessert; obviously I won’t be eating potatoes, pudding, or dessert).

I’m still very confused on what is good/acceptable food; there is so much contradictory information out there, from reputable sources, semi reputable sources, and what should be reputable official health organizations that have essentially been promoted by corporate interests, that I don’t know what’s to believe anymore.

Some examples: how low should protein levels should be kept varies (on the lower end of your intake if you’re not bodybuilding or it doesn’t matter)?. Then there are those who say no dairy because of the hormone impact, those who say no nightshades (tomatoes, eggplant, peppers…), alliums (garlic, onion, shallots…) and so much more. Even with carb intake (for after being fat adapted), yes, keep them low, yes an ancient grain is going to be better than wheat, but some experts say wheat isn’t the problem, it’s also when you eat it and what with (end of meal and do not combine with any sugar; the same applies with fruit too, end of eating window, do not combine with carbs). How often can you eat carbs after being fat adapted? Once a month? What is the deal with alcohol and fat adaptation?

I’m fully aware that doing 80% is better than nothing, but I am also worried about putting all this effort it and sabotaging everything due to misinformation, and I also don’t want to be miserable totally restricting myself to the handful of basically universally safe foods.

Going forward, I will try to update every few days.


Please let me know what you guys think, and If you have any feedback/clarification for the things I’m confused about (safe foods for post fast, how long for full fat adaptation; who is actually a reputable source besides Dr Fung), I’d love your input.


Thanks for reading!

*Edited for formatting and missing link

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>If you have any feedback/clarification for the things I’m confused about (safe foods for post fast, how long for full fat adaptation, who is actually a reputable source besides Dr Fung), I’d love your input.

I would say look at Dr. Valter Longo’s research. He is a research scientist and has done a lot of the most important research in fasting up to this date. His book “The Longevity Diet” is excellent and gives a lot of good information on “safe foods”. However, this is all assuming you are fasting for health reasons.


While you’re doing the research, decide what you think is the best way to go and try it out! Look at the sources and look at the science. I never look or read meta studies, and I automatically distrust anything funded by a government or corporate entity— too much room for influence and lobbying. Make an assumption based on what you think is the best information and test it. Make your own decision.

For me, it took about six months to figure out what dietary pathways worked best for me. Everyone’s body reacts differently to diet, take the time to figure out what you like and what you’ll stick to. I’d say the only universal diet tip I can give is make sure you’re eating good food, as in no chemicals, preservatives and additives. And stop eating sugar!!! It’s basically poison……a treat every once in a while won’t kill you though! Keto has been good to me…..but I’m considering the carnivore route lately. Good, natural foods for either route! I’m not afraid to toss something aside if it’s not working out…..food should make us feel good!

As far as your current fast is concerned, you’re doing great!! Keep it up! Most of what you described is normal, in my experience….and sounds like you’re fighting off a touch of emotional episodes as well. I think you’ve got this fast under control.

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Categories: extended fast 21 day fast refeeding omad water fast to fast weight loss stress coffee morning keto energy potassium tea bathroom stomach sleep fung dinner evening oil sugar fruit eating window carbs alcohol fasting for health studies working out