by this i just mean avoiding faint/dizzy spells, exercise and such. are electrolytes really the answer to all?
Hi for the health benefits, mostly prevention and "optimizing" health, how often is it advised to fast? For example once a month? Or you can feel the need to fast?
If i really need water, ill just rinse my mouth. Or take a small ass sip. Is this a good tactic? Ofc ill listen to my body like dehydration headaches etc
I have been told that hair loss increases when one doesn't meet their caloric and nutritional requirements. does this happen when you fast ?
I just read a [2019 study by the National Institute of Health](https://www.vesbium.com/fasting/2019-nih-intermittent-fasting-health-aging-disease) (*Dr. Cabo & Dr. Mattson, et al*) that made some conclusions that ketone bodies acted as potent signaling molecules and affected major cellular and organ functions (inferring that...
I have a jpouch, which means I don’t have a colon. I lost it due to colitis and I have a lot of gut problems (SIBO, dysbiosis). Anyone have success fasting for their gut, either water or dry? What is...
Will losing weight with fasting help my health? I know it’s a dumb question but I’m 21m am 193 and have high blood pressure but I think it’s because I’m technically obese and I’m only saying that because my BMI...
Was just wondering about the health benefits, specifically cell regeneration. Since cell regeneration starts around 120 hours, does the longer you extend a fast five time for more cell regeneration? Or is there a window of time where after it...
Hello there, does anybody here know if there are some health risks associated with alcohol consumption and fasting?
Hello, I am new to prolonged fasting and have only experimented with intermittent fasting over the last few months (mostly OMAD). I am extremely interested in the benefits of prolonged fasting and it all seems too good to be true....
Hello, I saw a post on another sub but I’m interested in doing a supplements only fast. I’m on a lot of supplmemts already but maybe I could bump it up. My goal is healing my brain. I think if...
Been keto carnivore 2 years so I am fat adapted and can fast…but everytime I get past 22 hours I start getting scared to pass out. My blood glucose will be like 51…how do. I know if it’s safe to...
I've been struggling with some annoying physical health problems like fatigue, chronic inflammation, brain fog and poor sleep. I've been to the doctor and ruled out anything serious, but I really want to start feeling better again (I'm only 30)....
hello im interested to hear if anybody here with mental problems like anxiety-ocd-deppresion-or also neurological disorders like adhd and autism, have tried fasting for 3-7 days to kill the bad gut bactiers? if so did your experience you mental...
Fasting is great. I feel so energetic and invincible after the 18 hour mark. My stomach can finally rest and it doesn't cause me any pain, bloating or cramps- my mood improves and most importantly I find that my medications...
the most I've done is 56 hours and feel ready to go beyond. either the 72 hour or 5 day. Which one would maximize benefits or does autophagy really peak at 72 hours?
I'm already doing that. Today I finished my second 24 hours dry fast (I do it every friday to saturday between the lunch meals). At the same time I'm trying to keep my normal 18/6 IF schedule (two meals a...
Should one Water 💧 Fast before starting a Prolonged Dry Fast.
Did fasting help anyone for mental health. I have anxiety and depression.. saw a video on fasting that it can help anyone that has had experience with this.. I’m also taking medications so idk if I can fast because I...
I'm currently following The Phoenix Protocol and am on day 4 of my dry fast and I was wondering how long everyone else had to dry fast to improve their skin. I have been receiving "help" from dermatologists for years...
What impact does fasting have on you mentally? I’ve started fasting because I noticed it helped my anxiety. Once I get past that initial “hangry” phase, I actually notice that I’m more calm and honestly more cheerful. This is especially true...
Hi! I've been intermittent fasting for a long time now. Recently I changed my eating schedule and started a 4 hours eating window normally. With some times (in particular every two weeks) a 24/40 hours fast, the last being my...
Hi! I've been intermittent fasting for a long time now. Recently I changed my eating schedule and started a 4 hours eating window normally. With some times (in particular every two weeks) a 24/40 hours fast, the last being my...
Hello! I lost roughly 50 pounds doing OMAD as a way to cut out snacking awhile ago and I'm going back to fasting in order to get back on track with weight loss, but now I get ravenous and...
Hey guys, I recently had a dental filling replaced and upon returning a month later due to pain in the region, I'm told I need a root canal and got prescribed antibiotics. I'm highly adverse to nuking my gut biome...
F, 33, 148lb, 5'9" I am skinnyfat and I have bad cellulite on legs and glutes. To what extent can dry fasting remedy it? How long/what intervals would work in my case? I can get to about 125 before...
My longest water fast has been 5 days and I’m keen to try going a bit longer next time. I see people getting impressive weight loss results around the 7-10 day mark and seriously incredible weight loss in 20-30 days...
I am trying to lower my salt intake so I decided to google "low sodium fast food options" for when I occasionally do eat out with friends or have to grab a fast bite. What I found was that 99%...
You get older, then you really start wanting to learn more about your body. Can't help but feel that what can't be healed or reversed is just not natural of this Earth. Or, I fear the answers to our health...
I try to eat a lot of green vegetables, avoid sugar, no bread, and minimize pasta and meat. I "try" to do this, but inevitably become more lax about my diet as time goes by. This results in...
I was already doing a water fast, 3 days in, when I suddenly just felt the urge to try a dry fast. I am about 24 hours in on the dry fast currently. Not sure how long I should do...
I am in excellent shape and health and I Intermittent fast daily, 24 + hour water fast 1x a week and do 4 extended water fasts a year (4 days) for cleaning with change of seasons. I see people doing...
I'm also interested in: \- any disadvantages and/or negative effects people experienced? What hours worked well for you, why etc.
Hi everyone, I just drank masala tea during my fasting window, have I broken my fast? Ingredients: Masala Cloves Ginger Water
Is one more beneficial than the other?
I have several health issues and I’m hoping to heal or at least improve some of them via fasting. I’m wondering if I can do it with a series of 2-4 day fasts or if I need to shoot for...
So yea is that okay?
Maybe I'll switch my fasting day to Fasting Fridays but I'd prefer it to be Mondays and I can't think of a catchy name. Ideas?
Hi everyone, Almost completed day 6 of a 10 (but potentially longer) water fast. My reasons for attempting this are to try and see if it can help me recover from some lingering health issues that I am suffering with (suspected...
Today I went to see a psychologist that I see because of my anxiety disorder and I happened to say how fasting helps with my anxiety. She said that fasting is doing a lot of long term damage to my...
I drink coffee with skinny syrup while I’m on fasting everyday till my friend told me it’s no good. I have to ask here. Is drink a black coffee with butter safe? Thanks.
And my hands are trembling. Should I break my fast? What's causing this?
I'm sure I'm not alone in this, but after reading a few of Dr. Fungs books, and watching a ton of videos to learn about how fasting works, how our metabolism works, and how to ACTUALLY achieve weight loss, my...
Do you find soft a lot easier, if so how so?
Ignoring that one may be easier than the other (all dependent on personal preference), is there a benefit to one slightly longer fast over 3 ‘medium’ fasts? (Or vice versa)
I was using Zero, but it got all buggy on me. So instead of just reinstalling it after uninstalling, I’d figure I would check out something new. Any tips?
Hello, I always had a white tongue no matter how long I brush it and it always made me sad. Is it gonna help me if I do 7-days fasting? (I started anyway)
Just checking is this normal? Has anyone experienced something similar. Sorry mean bowel movements
Anyone have recommendations for the best / classic books recommending a fasting lifestyle from the last couple years? I’m looking to get back on track and looking for a good book to inspire me
Hello everyone, I am a 20 y/o male and I am fasting for 40 days for religious and health reasons. Is lemon water (water with the juice of a squeezed lemon) acceptable for a water fast ?
I did a 72 last week and it helped me push through knowing other people were also fasting. Anyone want to join me on this one?
I notice that obviously you get drunk easier but it seems like it takes me days to get back on track and I feel drained.
my main goal is to lose 50 pounds in 3 weeks and the researches I've done suggest that one day of dry fasting equals 3 days of water fasting in terms of effectiveness. what's your take on this?
I am going to do a 3 day dry fast and I was thinking of going straight into a water fast after the 3rd day? Is it okay? Or should I do 3 day dry fast and eat for a...
Any recommendations? It’s worth it or should I stick to DF. I’m doing it for health maintenance/prevention
Do they yield the same results? Would the 7 day fasts be more tolerable and safer? This is what Dr. Jason Fung said on the topic: “Longer fasts have more power, but more risk. To me, there is no reason to fast...
Are you starting a new fast this week? We'll be posting this thread every Sunday, at the beginning of every calendar week, so you can check in and tell us about your plans for a fasting this week!
You know, like after i refeed and hydrate.
hello! i broke my fast two days ago (not in the right way), i was fasting since february 8th (i broke on the third day tho, pretended nothing happened after) and i'm restarting today. when ur in the first three...
I heard fasting can raise cortisol levels.
Hello, I fasted for 52 hours, then I ate in the next 24 hours. I do gym lifts and yoga. Will I lose muscle if I fast again right after I ate? Thanks for help
can you gain or lose weight when you in intermittent fasting and positive energy balance if you lose weight how
My side hurts bad i dont know if its a muscle problem or something wrong with my kidneys.
24 hour of not eating anything, and exercising every day of the week
Long story short I'm doing rolling 120-168 hour fasts and I accidentally consumed some sucralose in this new electrolyte powder I bought. My question is does consuming sucralose break my fast?