| | Water Fasting

Tired of people judging me for fasting.

I’ve had family members, friends, and people alike ALL discourage me from fasting. But fasting has done wonders for me. It gives me energy, it’s helping me lose weight after being overweight for so long, it literally cured my PCOS, it helped my depression.

I try to explain this to them but they roll their eyes and tell me I’m starving myself and that I’ll see the consequences soon enough. Or that my immune system is going to be shot. Or whatever else BS.

Feeling disappointed because I wish I had people on my side IRL. I wish they could see how much this has made my life better. I guess IRL I’m just gonna have to face being alone with this 😪

Edit* I don’t understand how this post has triggered such rude responses from some people. This isn’t some sort of crisis or heartbreak; I’m literally just venting about something that I’m tired of. It’s not the freaking end of the world so please stop suggesting that this is what I’m asserting. Jesus fucking Christ.

And by the way I don’t talk about my fasting to these people. They NOTICE when I’m not eating because my family and friends are the closest to me. then they’re constantly on my case about it and I have to explain myself. & I’m not looking for attention, I was looking for somewhere to vent. You can easily ignore my post and move on to another one. For fucks sake

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People fear what they don’t understand - you know it works for you, so carry on doing what you’re doing 💪💪 you got this!

I’ve only told my partner of my fasting (he lives in the same house so pretty impossible to hide!) and that’s worked for me so far. I’d say this community & the support is pretty invaluable and we’re here for you at least!


A lot of research has shown the many physical and mental benefits of fasting. It’s great that it is working for you. I guess that it’s something that you’ll just have to try to keep to yourself around them. But at least you know how great the benefits are. And you can share your good results on this sub.

I’m just getting back into 16 hour IF fasting and I already feel better physically and mentally. My husband understands, but my best friend thinks it’s weird. It’s one of the few things that I don’t talk to her about.


Ive had the same type of hate/negativity projected towards me for fasting too. People don’t understand that our bodies are all different and some do better with different diets than others. I’ve learned to just brush it off and assume that the other person is not in the same mindset as myself and therefore, doesn’t understand the true benefits of fasting. Keep your head up and keep going!


I get negativity from family members all the time, but I blow it off lol. I’m on the smaller side as a guy and I’m far from finished with my journey. I have LOTS of family members with type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, but I honestly avoid them as much as I can. It’s pretty much the sayings of “misery loves company,” and “water seeks its own level.” They aren’t happy so they’re going to do everything in their power to drag you down to their level so they feel personal comfort. They KNOW that you’re losing weight and getting smaller and they’re trying to block you. Keep pushing on and realize that you’re doing this for you and nobody else. I have no shame or problems in ordering food at a restaurant, while asking for the waitress to bring a to go container on a second run. I’m not hungry and I shouldn’t have to force myself to eat RIGHT NOW just because you’re stuffing your face . Fasting strengthens your immune system, makes you alert, keeps you focused, and gives you patience with discipline that you can apply to other aspects of your life. Don’t let anyone derail your progress because they’re too blind to research as to why fasting is a thing 🙂🙃


There’s no money or comfort in people fasting. Doctors make no money from it. Family and friends are too weak to even imagine doing it.

clears throat You are ignorant if you think fasting has no benefits. Yes there are cautions and other things to take care of for safety. How the hell did people ever evolve through the ages of food scarcity? Closed minded people should keep their mouth closed too.


This is a big assumption and I apologize if I am wrong, but are you a biological female? I’ve always wondered if women have more of a stigma attached to their fasting than men because people, erroneously, assume that a fasting woman has an eating disorder. That sucks to have to deal with, I’m sorry if that might be what you’re experiencing.


I get the same, smart little backhand comments about starving myself and “how bad it is” for me. Needless to say none of the people making these comments are even remotely in shape. I vent to my family about it sometimes but otherwise it’s just one of those things you’re gonna have to deal with. I don’t even argue anymore (as they don’t want fasting to be a good thing so they will never accept it as such) and I tell almost no one when I’m on a fast. My co workers are the only ones who know and that’s just cause they see me not eating.


Crabs in the bucket.

>Crab mentality, also known as crab theory, crabs in a bucket mentality, or the crab-bucket effect, is a way of thinking best described by the phrase “if I can’t have it, neither can you”. The metaphor is derived from a pattern of behavior noted in crabs when they are trapped in a bucket.


This might not be super helpful but it might put it into perspective for you.

The person who was the loudest and most adamant I was being unhealthy now fasts a lot, so much so she posts about it on her social media and makes videos about it. She claims she doesn’t remember me ever being into fasting and says she doubts she was against it as I claimed. I have the texts receipts but I’m not petty enough to send them.

Point is, people are loud mouths who need to tell others their often uneducated opinions. I remember when my mom was obsessed with keto and then before that low fat diets. Now she’s on a new diet wagon she claims is the only acceptable one.


I get the same from people and family I tell. Mostly fat people, curious about how I’m losing weight. They tell me it’s unhealthy ect. I don’t want to say the obvious thing. I’m in healthcare and most of the people there are down with it especially the Dr’s and the only ones that put up a stink are the fat people. 🤔 I think these people are just afraid of not eating and trying to project their fears on me. Haters gonna hate. Love and tolerance is all I can give these people.


Only my wife knows the full extent of my fasting, doing 72 hour weekly fasts.

My brother who has done a week-long fast before gets to know a bit more than that since he’s more accepting of the info. He knows I’m doing occasional 3 day fasts. Though it wasn’t pertinent to inform him that they are happening every single weekend.

As far as everyone else is concerned, my weight loss journey involves doing portion control and skipping some breakfasts. Both technically true, only the portions are being controlled by reducing them to zero and the “breakfasts” I’m skipping allude to any meal that I’m passing which would break my fasts on the days that I’m not eating.

Make strides in silence. You don’t need cheerleaders or people on your side. You’re doing this for you, not for them, anyways.


Yeah I had a lot of the same problem at first. My coworkers were oddly the most accepting of it while my family thought I was crazy. They eventually changed their mind, but I had to be persistent and live my better life to prove it. Hopefully they’ll come around eventually


Yep, we had a family gathering - a very large bunch of Irish - New Zealanders and my young son decides to, loudly, articulate his annoyance at my ‘starvation diet’ and then my NZ husband decides to defend me but does it in such a way that I literally want the ground to swallow me up. He’s like, ‘stop criticising your mum, she is eating her own ass!’ like, wtf!! I knew he meant well and he does get in a muddle when upset and we had discussed how my round tush needs to go and how the body burns through fat while fasting but yup, it didn’t come out right.My Irish family were choking on their tea and trying to stifle there laughter.From that point on, I suggested to hubs that we don’t mention fasting at all. 😅It’s not a conversation which I have, much like, commenting on someone’s weight, physical appearance, health status and so forth. I politely say, ‘I don’t tend to discuss my diet, it’s a personal matter, thank you’ - unless it’s someone who is genuinely interested in fasting.Oh and, my ass continues to ‘eat itself’ and I am slimmer than ever.


There’s no point to preach or try to explain dieting to people who are hooked on meds and junk food.

Just let them suffer and enjoy your best life. Maybe they’ll come around after seeing how healthy you are for a while. When people ask me about my diet, I just say I’m experimenting and leave it at that.


I’m so happy for you that you managed to get healthier and cure your PCOS. I have PCOS too, and have tried EVERYTHING to cure it or even just make it better. It’s just gotten worse over the years as I’ve continued to gain more weight.

I tried fasting (along with every other diet that exists), but I couldn’t stick with it due to blood sugar issues. Some days were fine, others I would feel like crap and start shaking until I had something off-feeding hours. How did you deal with it? It seems like PCOS prevents you from eating less in any way, shape or form. It makes me a monster who eats absolutely everything in my path if I don’t overeat for awhile. I hate it so much.


I’ve been doing 16/8’s as often as I can.

I do a monk fast, typically 36-42 hours once per week.

I’ve been posting about it on facebook while discussing the benefits and how I’m going about it. I’ve had a few weird comments, but mostly people that are intrigued.


Don’t worry about it. The people giving you a hard time likely resent the fact that you’re doing something. You say you’ve been overweight for a long time. It would be reasonable to think that your family may have the same issues/relationship with food. Your fasting in that case would make them feel bad about their own choices, or lack thereof.

Edit: Get your support here.


Haven’t read all that u wrote-“sharing” w/myself to read later. Just know-YOU AreAWESOME! I’m on first ever all water fast-113hrs in and for first time in my life I have a clear nose! Fasting is powerful. It can not only heal u mentally but physically also. Sorry, I just had to share-seeing ur title spoke to me like a dog passin a patch o’grass. Sorry for ramble. Keep on keepin on-stay awesome!


Just do what I do. Tell them to mind their own business. My mother doesn’t like it when I go more than 20 minutes without eating. She will never understand, but that’s ok. It’s not important for her to understand. It’s only important for me to understand.


I am about to do a 5 day fasting mimicking protocol (about 500 cal/day) and told my spouse that this was a ‘gut health’ diet as I have a ton of gut issues. if I said I was ‘fasting’ he would freak out. I normally to 16:8 or 18:6 time restricted eating, but usually eat dinner with the family.


It’s a right of passage for those who are intent on being better people. It doesn’t just happen with fasting. It happens in careers, education, hobbies, everywhere.

It’s a problem of the human condition. You are going to lose friends and face scorn on your path to internal wealth.

They hate ya, cuz they ain’t ya. It’s okay. It’s natural, expected behavior. It is sad, yeah that it’s this way. You can’t change them. Not even they can change them.

There are people in the real world who will appreciate you for what you’re doing though. Is you become better, they’ll be more and more difficult to find though. I had a boss a long time ago who told me, “Success is lonely.”

And you’re feeling it right now, but you’re okay. You’re doing well.


for me, you gotta constantly lie. If you feel that fasting is the real truth that you need, in an environment of obstacles, then you have no choice but to sidestep or bludgeon the obstacles with lies.
you not eating/eating soo little?

i just ate
i’m meeting a girl/guy for a food date later

i, had a lot of snacks

you see the packets of cookies i bought at home? i actually bought two packs and just ate one

oh didn’t you see me? i was soo hungry i finished it all in 5 minutes

i had a hugeee craving for mcdonalds/kfc/whatever and stuffed my face just before coming home/going out/meeting up.. sorry i did it without you


Most people I talk to about it are genuinely intrigued, particularly because I’m in very good shape for my age. Fitness and fasting go hand in hand and most people are far too lazy and lack the discipline to workout, let alone control their eating.


I feel you. The one time someone caught me not eating lunch because OMAD they were like “you shouldn’t do that!” And it was well meaning but. I definitely should!

On the counterpoint I did have a heartwarming experience. Knowing these social difficulties I planned my extended fast on a week where I had to see absolutely NOBODY.

However a friend unexpectedly crashed at my place and brought pastries so… Had to explain that I wasn’t eating breakfast the next day, and they were nothing but curiously interested! They asked one time if I was sure I didn’t want anything, to which I replied “I really want to do 7days, no way I’m breaking my fast now!” And they understood and immediately dropped it and did not ask again.

They had also brought sandwiches for lunch and stuff and everytime they ate, they made sure to ask me if I was okay with them eating next to me.

I was fine with it but it was most appreciated!


Pick a horrific medical problem and say fasting helps alleviate that.

Men don’t know what PCOS is so that’s a no-go. I’ve said that fasting helps with an imaginary intestinal problem I have and people tend to respect that.


I get the same shit from people. It’s really annoying. Without stopping to think about anything they just say “that’s bad for you”, and then when I lay out my long drawn out argument for why it’s not, and all of the papers that have been published in support of fasting they just repeat themselves over and over again. It’s like arguing with a wall.

People just don’t listen to what you’re saying, assume the only reason you’re fasti g is for weight loss because that’s the only thing they understand, and then repeat themselves over and over again

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