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Can I really just stop eating?

Am I understanding this? I read about that really obese guy that didn’t eat for over year.

I’m not that big, but I sometimes look down at this extra flesh and wonder, “how long would it last me?” It’s maybe 30-35 pounds. What do you folks think?

Can I just stop eating now, right this second, until it’s gone, and just deal with the consequences?

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Yes and no. 😊 Are you generally healthy other than the excess weight? If you have any underlying conditions or you’re on any medications, best to make sure you have a doctor who understands what you want to do and have them monitor you along the way.

For someone who has type 2 diabetes for example, their meds may need to be adjusted throughout their fast depending on the length of fast so a doctor will know how to deal with that.

You’ll need to look into refeeding syndrome and the dangers of that. Especially if you start fasting for 3+ days. Make sure you have a plan of how you’ll start eating again.

Also read up on electrolytes and what you’ll need in order to have a pleasurable and safe fast.

But otherwise, yes…you can pretty much just stop eating and see how it goes. If you feel unwell, then start eating again.


Ask yourself this “can you run 100 miles?” This question is very similar to the question you asked. Yes, you could certainly try but your body isn’t adapted for it yet. You need to train your metabolism. Your body will need to use ketones once the glucose runs low. That metabolic switch from glucose to ketones as fuel takes time for your body to “exercise” the ability to convert fat to ketones. It has to ramp up that capability. Shorter fasts train the body to use the alternate fuel—something it hasn’t really had to do if your insulin resistant. This is often why some people new to fasting and do an extended fast feel like they have the flu. They have depleted their glucose fuel and their body isn’t yet adapted to use ketones so essentially their body is lacking a good fuel source which makes them feel awful in the beginning. Once their body has adapted to using ketones then longer fasts are much easier to handle and they feel great while fasting. Shorter fasts train the body to adapt just like shorter runs train the body for endurance to run more miles.


Why would you?

Baby steps, man. Start with intermittent fasting (IF). Go keto, that will help tremendously. Then do a 24 or 36 hr fast, see how/if you like it. Continue IF between longer fasts. Try 72 hr after 36.

Then play around with alternate day fasting (ADF), over time shorten your eating window and maybe try OMAD (one meal a day).

There lots of healthy options to make LIFESTYLE changes that are required to KEEP the weight off after you hit goal.

If you’re looking for one fast/easy way to lose the weight, it’s highly likely you’ll gain it back on a re-feed. There’s a reason you’re overweight right now, and doing something like this isn’t going to change that thing.


Idk if you ever came off serious drugs but it’s mentally and physically draining but at some point you break through that atmosphere and it’s a float. Yes you can stop eating today and within 30-40 days lose 30–40 pounds. This is so much better than exercising to lose weight! Because if you start exercising now you’ll put so much strain on your bones because your muscles are underdeveloped so your bones will have to compensate your weight. I know so many “fat losers” who lost a tone load of weight from these fat camps and have bad knees, elbows, and wrists. For me it’s so much easier to not eat anything than to be limited to only certain foods or have some kind of moderation. Stop eating but if this is your first fast most likely you won’t make it past the second day just being honest. You have to really wan it. Also I speak form an experienced 40 day fast.


The average healthy person walking the street has enough reserves to go 40 days on water. You lose about a pound a day when water fasting. It’s an incredible spiritual experience but it’s tough (for me at least) to work and have enough hustle with an extended water fast. The longest I’ve gone is 2 weeks on a water fast and I wish I had the space to do it again every year. The most I can fast and work is about 5 days.


You’re better off transitioning away to a keto type diet first so that your body gets used to metabolising fats before you start fasting. This helps with energy especially if you currently get a lot of your calories from high GI foods, carbos and sugars. Also, when fasting you need to supplement with body salts, sodium, potassium, magnesium or else really bad things can happen.


A very rough calculation is that if you only consumed electrolytes and water from tomorrow, you’ve got enough excess fat to fast for 49 days.

3500 kcal per pound of fat


/2500 kcal estimated metabolism and exercise per day

=49 day’s worth of excess fuel on your body right now.


Currently started about 2 months ago.

I removed soda from my diet and start minding what I was eating. Monday to late friday.

Thuesday to friday I fast one day 24hours. Currently slowly but surely getting use to fasting for a longer periode. I am no expert but thats how I am doing it, and If I fail I try again. Currently trying to get to about 28-30hours from 24 hours.

But always consult your doctor and if you feel you hit your limit dont be brave. Eat some and think about it and the next week you can try again.


I’m currently day 10 of a water and electrolyte only fast. Starting weight 278 currently 258. Keep in mind I’m 6”9 so I’m going to drop a lot more water weight than the average guy. Fasting and keto has dropped me down from my high of 325 pounds to 258. Yes it’s just as easy as deciding to do a safe supplemented water fast.

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Categories: obese medication diabetes refeeding electrolytes keto glucose to fast extended fast intermittent fasting alternate day fasting eating window omad one meal a day overweight lose weight muscle 40 day fast water fasting water fast energy calories sugar sodium potassium magnesium soda