So yea is that okay?
Long term fasting tips are much appreciated!!!
technically I'm starting after I'm done eating today
I'm working to research the effects of water fasting on viral illness. Does anyone know if there are any sources regarding those who have cured themselves of something like HIV or Hepatitis C via extended water fasting?
Hey guys, I'm starting my 40 day fast today. (Monday 20th Feb 2023 and I'm going to end it on the 1st April 2023). Doing this for health/faith reasons. I'm writing this diary to keep myself accountable. Hopefully this inspires others...
Currently planning on doing a 40 day water fast in February for spiritual reasons. I’m 31 years old 6’1 190lb looking to weigh 200-205lb before I start. My main concern is electrolytes and if I should add them into my...
I have gained a LOT of weight lately...100+ lbs. No history of disordered eating or health conditions, just loving food and eating when I'm bored. I'm ready to change! I want to fast for 40 days like Jesus did, for my...
Right now I am just in cruise mode, I never thought it was ever gonna be this easy. Sure sometimes , I think about food like any normal human should 😂, but I am feeling great overall. My body is...
New to this reddit, but I have been fasting for several years. My longest fast to date has been for 14-days. This year, I’m taking on my longest water fast ever, 40-days. I am a 62 year old male, 5’-10” and...
23F. 185lbs. Looking for a water fasting friend to talk to and motivate each other. I started today and I hope to do a 40 day fast as I have successfully done 7/10/14 day fasts. Doesn't matter if you are...
Still feeling pretty good, I don't have to break unless I want to. SW was around 195 and CW is around 170. I was thinking of breaking and doing another 14 day fast if I really felt like it later...
day 1 - Feb 12th will edit to add every 5th day completed.
Hey all, I'm currently 17 days into my 40 day fast and I was just hoping to get some advice from people who have fasted for a long time before. Basically, I haven't lost any weight for...
I am doing a 40 day fast for spiritual reasons. For anyone who has done them how are your mental and physical energy levels on the fast. I am just going to walk and of course hydrate with electrolytes. ...
I will update every day. 19/male. day one : a little bit stomach pain here and there, but every thing eventually was fine after a little bit of salt, i love the sense of it. Decide to sleep early today. day two:...
40 day water fasts are done by a lot more people than 15-16 day dry fasts Can it be almost equally similar in regards to the transformative healing potentials?
I would be starting this today June 27th Ht 5”11 Female 240 lbs One mean after 5 pm Please motivation needed. Would you prefer I document daily? Let me know.
i've done a 30 day fast in the past but i started at a significantly lower weight and i lost 30 lbs (from 130lbs to 100lbs) now a couple years later my SW is around 170lbs. i'm starting my fast...
Today was definitely the best day so far, I had a lot of energy and wasn’t thinking of food that much. I can’t believe its already 10 days, even this fasting has felt like an eternity, it also has gone...
I am embarking on a 40 day water fast for spiritual healing but am curious to the physiological changes as well. It is really a blessing to see so many in this community push into starvation of the flesh in...
Day 14 update: last Weigh in-218 starting - 234 lost - 16 Now I'm not going to lie: I overexerted Myself on (about) day 11 and for the last few days have been out of Comission. As one who Pushes Caution. I've decided to...
Check in: SW 233, CW 198 The past few days have been rough until I started supplementing with a multivitamin. Intaking 1-2 tsp of sodium and 1 tsp of potassium per day. Also 250 mg of chelated magnesium per day. I...
I’d like to time it from March 1 to April 20
30 or 40 day water fast - Starting Today ( CW 285 / GW For fast 245 Ultimate Goal weight 185-195lbs) Height 6'2 Male ​ Will be starting my Journey of self healing. I was fairly fit and healthy in high...
Hello! I've done a few 10 day fasts before for health reasons. I'm attempting a 40 day now after preparing for a while. I'm doing this log as I haven't seen a lot of people do long fasts with my stats....
Hoping not to lose too much weight, this is mainly for the health benefits, I normally do 3 day dry fasts every so often, this is my first week long fast, is it safe for me to transition to a...
I do the random 3 to 5 day fast. But what i really want to do is eat every other day. If you have been doing something like this please share your experience.
•I am female 5’10 around 210 pounds
I wanna start 40 days fasting journey ❤️ So anyone here wanna go with me so we could encourage each other during that long road trip Or support me with ur expectations in the comments
I’m 5’6 260lbs so I got like a hundred lbs to lose at least. I figure that should easily last me 4 days and then some fung says you lose half a pound a day on a fast, so that’s...
So the most I have actually gone was 5 days but I truly cannot think of anything that I am craving anymore and oddly enough, being keto generally, I will usually crave MEAT during the initial days of the water...
**DISCLAIMER**: I know people rarely do these when they say they will. I'm going to fast for 40 days except: *-on days 10, 20, and 30 I am having bone broth (for gut health)* I'll post a daily update to keep myself focused....
I’m trying to incorporate 3 fasting days a week. Is there a noticeable difference between doing it for 3 days straight vs doing a 2 day fast, eating as normal for a couple of days and then doing a...
What is the optimal length/schedule for day-to-day dry fasting to maximize health and longevity ?
I’m 5’8 155-160, and down from 178 and I was wondering how many calories I should eat to keep losing fat.
Just checking is this normal? Has anyone experienced something similar. Sorry mean bowel movements
Do they yield the same results? Would the 7 day fasts be more tolerable and safer? This is what Dr. Jason Fung said on the topic: “Longer fasts have more power, but more risk. To me, there is no reason to fast...
Any recommendations? It’s worth it or should I stick to DF. I’m doing it for health maintenance/prevention
my main goal is to lose 50 pounds in 3 weeks and the researches I've done suggest that one day of dry fasting equals 3 days of water fasting in terms of effectiveness. what's your take on this?
I really want to do a 40 day fast consuming juiced kale and seamoss and spring water only. I’m just a little scared of not being under any supervision. Plus this will be my first fast. Please any ideas?
Going to be hard/ but body and mind needs this. Wish me luck and any motivation helps !
Woke up this morning in middle of my daily 18:6 Fast and I think I'm just going to keep rolling with it to Thanksgiving Meal - and make it like a 40 hour fast - and then enjoy the hell...
Is it necessary to have medical supervision for longer than 7 day dry fast?
As the title states, what should I expect in this experience? I have no other obligations besides just studying for a standardized test. I imagine studying for extended periods of time would perhaps be too hard on the body.
So I am on day 3 of my water fast, beginning on Sunday 20th May. The last thing I ate was some eggs, beans and bacon. I am planning on staying on this fast for 40 days, so I will break...
Which is better for weight loss? Or is the weight loss gonna be similar to water fast and omad? If it's similar I rather do OMAD...
Day 17 I feel good. My GKI has been <1 for the last 7-10 days. I use a Libra 24/7 glucose monitor to track blood glucose and a Keto mojo to track Beta-Hydroxybutyrate. At this point it's more of...
You know, like after i refeed and hydrate.
Hi everyone. I ate on my fasting day. I’m doing ADF. Should I break my fast and eat normally or leave it. Feeling a bit guilty
Does anyone fast 5 days and eat on the weekends? If so what is your experience with this 😊 Thank you!!!
Can anyone link me to reports or bef after pics of a long 10+ day fast? I am on a 40 day waterfast now.
Which of these will help you retain more lean muscle? I read somewhere in a study that participants who exercised and water fasted for extended periods of time lost only 10% of lean mass and 90% fat. Compared to...
If you're serious about fasting, feel free to message me. I am looking for a partner who seeks motivation and advice throughout the process. ​ Fast starts on: 08/28/2022- 09/11/2022
Is a 24 hour fast the same as skipping a whole day? For past 4 days I’ve been eating 24 hours my last meal so like from 8pm on Tuesday to 8pm on Wednesday. Will this have the same effect...
I’m trying to do this because i’m not sure if I can straight up dry fast for 7 days without a break.
I m 22 hours in into my 5 day dry fast, feeling low energy and tingling legs, other than that everything fantastic, anyone wants to join me ?
If if I were to do OMAD or 20:4 TRF and made dinner my one meal or dinner time my eating period every time does your body still fast effectively or are you going to see better results if you...
Let me know thank you.
Would some chicken soup broth and steamed vegetables be okay to eat?
Leading up to this I did mostly keto, and a lot of intermittent/several day fasts. I only ate the 5th and 6th of this month. I want to do a 7 day dry, follow by 7 day water...
So made it through day one, I hear this where things could be fine or get hard. Let's find out!
Hey everyone, I’m a 25 year old man who will begin a 40-day water only fast beginning this Saturday. I’m 5’10 and weigh 165 pounds & want to fast for the physical, emotional and spiritual benefits. I did a 10-day water only fast...
rolling 72s to lose 50lbs by the new year. Updating per fast with numbers. Lets go. (anyone else get results from this ? )
Or can I just have some broth for breakfast and go back to normal after?
Starting weight: 315 pounds Current weight: 289 pounds
Hi. Been doing intermittent and extended water fasts for a while. Only done a few dry fasts, a couple 24 and 48 hour ones. I was curious as to your thoughts of doing intermittent dry fasts within an extended water...
Doing a 3 days water fasting would be nice to hear some history from y'all
Our discord is going strong! It's a nice place to get support and chat. Everyone is super nice so if you're up for the challenge come join us x Edit: there's been 37 people come in now :) a bunch are...
So I just did my 2 days weekend fast and I feel accomplished. I prepared a good amount of healthy food to break my fast. Vegetables and fruits. But I noticed that I got full before even finishing all...
I am on day 7 of a 21 day fast and experiencing some weakness. Blood ketones 4.8 glucose 72. The purpose of the fast is spiritual; repentance and purity. I have not been using snake juice can this explain the weakness....
First time ever, it was easy because i had some things to do and my mind wasn’t on food. I only had one green tea, nothing else. It’s easier to fast on days I have things to do or focus...
Let me know please. Also can i just rehydrate on those days instead of refeeding?
It's my third day of fasting. I'm struggling here. I want some PHO so badly lol.
Hi folks who get their period! Has anyone noticed a difference in their period while fasting? Specifically taking any hormonal form of BC? I'm hoping to do a 48-hour fast while on my period, possibly longer.