Is it just me. or is the first poop after a fast just REALLY smelly. I mean like, smells absolutely rancid and disgusting? A lot more than normal anyway. Anyone else?
Weeks into a fast and still making actual occasional turds. I've always assumed this is basically from digested GI tract cells as they are sloughed off and replaced. Is this the case or does food really take 3+ weeks to...
Broke a 5 day fast on Wednesday night. Haven’t been able to poop since, but I am farting nonstop. When can I expect to drop this load?
This has never happened to me in my whole life (apart from when I was a baby). 48 hours into my first fast, and a short time after having some electrolyte water, I went to the bathroom to pee, and something...
I’ve been doing rolling 72s since January 19th. Today was my third refeed. After my refeeds I’ve been eliminating extremely minimal amounts. I started taking fiber gummies (during my keto refeeds) to help the process but it doesn’t seem to...
I’ve done water fasting for 7 days before, and I usually go to the bathroom for the first 3 days. But what about dry fasting? I will probably not poop if I don’t drink water. Is it okay? I’m going to...
Hello, I couldn’t find answers to my questions. So, do you stop peeing after a few days of dry fasting? Isn’t that dangerous for the kidneys? Does brushing teeth count as soft dry fast? What happens if I break my...
I’m on day three/four of a 16/8 fast, I’m not really getting any cravings, except between 11am and midday before I eat. Feeling lighter already, but holy moly, I’ve been passing some rancid gas, and passing enormous stools. Is this...
I am doing one 24-hour fast per week. Been doing it for about two months; it is going well. Two things: 1) When I am fasting, I do not poop...
Hi Team, I've been doing IF for a while now and found it really is my favorite way to lose weight and feel healthy. My routine for the past 4 months has been essentially OMAD(dinner) but sometimes I'll have a small...
Hello Redditor, Im a little worried, I’ve been fasting right now for over 100 hours and I am still pooping at this stage… what is wrong with me, is my digestive system bad… I might go to a doctor, but...
I used to have undiagnosed 'stomach issues'. Some days I'd go several times a day. It was common to have extremely loose stool and diarrhea. I always kept immodium near by. So, I've been doing IF and proper fasting for the...
I quit cannabis last week, and the sickening withdrawals inspired me to start fasting last Thursday. No food, just some water. The first shart came last night. I do have GI issues and have sharted many a time before, so...
I just finished a 7 day water fast. Prior to this i had the routine of pooping once a day. During the fast, I only went twice - once on day 4, and once on day 7 after a 5k...
I mean, I am, kinda, but not like a full bowel movement. More... Liquid. I mean, there's nothing to really digest, so it makes sense, but wouldn't my body keep producing waste anyway? Maybe not like full on bowel movements...
Forgive me this is long Thanks in advanced TL;DR; How can constipation affect your body’s actually being in a fasting state ? I feel like I’m not getting there, any more or much… / So I have ibs-c which means prone to constipation....
When I was young I used to poop like an animal, basically when I needed to. Now older you could say its neuroses but I prefer to wake up eat with coffee then poop then shower. I hate getting out of...
Been drinking electrolytes/water. So far so good. My hunger comes and goes . I’ve been pooping liquid poo. Is this normal? My longest fast prior to this was 6 days so this is something new for me .
Hi, My wife just got interested in fasting and started reading / watching a lot of stuff. Almost all get sources say that you should defecate your bowels when starting and during the longer fasts. Is that true? Is there any...
Hi, It may be a stupid question. Sorry in advance. I was trying to search it in group but I could not. I am now in 90h of fast and I actually needed to poop. How the heck it is possible? I...
Does anybody know any research about compounds found in chocolate (cacao powder) that makes people crave this stuff and get hooked on it? Does it have something to do theobromine (stimulant similar to caffeine but found in chocolate) or is...
I've noticed that anytime I fast and on a ketogenic diet, a hard stool accompanied with blood comes out with lesser bowel movements. When I went back to an unhealthy diet (sugar and high carbs), I had more frequent bowel...
5'6" F, SW 180 CW 174 GW 150 So I've been doing IF for nearly 3 months now. My progress has been slow, as you can see by how much I've lost, but I'm not too worried about that. My windows...
Basically what should i eat the day before i start my dry fast.
Let me know.
Does anyone else lose weight in odd patterns? I will go like a full week with no changes at all. Maybe max a fraction of a pound. Then suddenly I will have a period of rapid loss. Ranging from .5...
I just found out about Dry Fasting today and i want to know do you just stop eating and drinking cold turkey? I go to trade school mon-fri at 8:00am-2:30pm and I lift weights mon-sat for 13-30min. How would I...
Anyone know of a cheaper alternative to athletic greens daily nutrition powder?
It's easily one of the most important nutrients diet wise when it comes to regulating weight, blood sugar, and diets high in it typically see lower rates of many types of disease. What's more, foods rich in fiber tend to...
I’ve seen things online that say enemas are good to do while fasting. But I cannot specifically find anything about saline enemas. Is it okay to use saline enemas while fasting? Or is it just supposed to be a regular water...
I tried OMAD, but I noticed my breath started to smell and my very regular bowel movements became interrupted. I didn’t like it so stopped after three days. But I’m wondering, does this settle over time?
Since dehydration makes it harder for you too poop and I’m already constipated bad, my question is.. Will my poop get stuck in my stomach? Because I’ve heard stories where guys poop got stuck in their stomach because they were too...
I was wondering what happens to your last meal or two when you dry fast. Do they just sit in your guts drying up or are you still able to have bowel movements. I imagine not. I've only dry fasted...
I have been on IF for some months already and I just noticed this today, its probably been happening for a while but I just connected the dots. ​ Ive been pooping very little and kind of liquid when the...
I suppose your body will interrupt ketosis to consume the calories, but if the calories are few, ketosis should rapidly resume, no? A few nuts will not set ketosis back for 24 hours because you're not really adding to...
Just wanted to drop this here if you guys never tried it, so far it has been pretty accurate !
I'm pretty experienced with fasting through Jason Fung's stuff and always had urgent, turbo poops shortly after breaking a fast. I tried psyllium husk, metamucil, various foods and macro-combinations, easing into breaking a fast and all lead me to full...
#Share your daily fast story thread! 📃 ⏳ **Length** of fast (*start/end/total*) ❓ **Why are you fasting?** (ex: *weight loss, other health benefits, spiritual/religious reasons*) 📝 **Notes** (*How is it going so far? Any concerns? Insights to share?*)...
So currently I‘m on day 20 of a 24 day water fast. As expected I haven’t been to the toilet for a while now. Since I went slightly overboard with salt at around day 10 I got some awful diarrhea...
Just had the worst Diarreah and stomach craps of the last 2 years after i woke up from my 16:8, it took me an hour to recompose myself, Now I'm fine but I'm afraid of continuing my 16:8 routine.
Apologies if this question comes up a lot. I did a little look on the sub and most people are asking this question around calorie value not adding up. But I've seen a number of products the sum of the...
I’ve been doing this combination for 2 weeks. And I’ve only gone to the bathroom twice. *in two weeks*. Both of those times are laxative produced. Starting IF was the only new change (I’ve been Keto...
Please clear something up regarding physics and me eating. If I eat stuff, wouldn’t that simultaneously be counted as caloric intake and not caloric intake as a result of the calories’ fate being linked to a random subatomic event that...
Is there a reason why?
Hi! Hour 58 into my 72 hour fast and was OMAD for about 3 weeks prior. I'm seeing a lot of comments saying their stool tends to get watery. Anybody else get the opposite? I know I've need to go...
I did IF for 2 months and lost a few pounds however i developed major gut issues. Fyi, I did not have coffee during fasting period. Now after 2 months of IF, my stomach gets gassy post dinner until i...
At 12am today I started a 24hr dryfast… I failed to complete it.😞 My SW was 238lb and Ending weight was 234lb around 9:40 I drunk water and ate yet when I measured my weight I was only 325.6lb… Did I...
I'm following alot of advice from Dr Berg and fast, feast, repeat Previously was on a very junk based diet, combined with PCOS and a pregnancy (I had my daughter 21 months ago) and my weight has only gone up...
i 've been on ADF for 1 week before i made a 60 hours fast . i broke my fast yesterday and im fasting today. its 4:00 pm and im feeling a bit nausea( i dont know if i spelled that...
I know its disgusting but this is a big deal for me. For the last 8 years my bms have been all over the place very rarely normal looking but since starting this I'm doing big long whole poops which...
Sunday 8pm all I can eat crawfish and whatever else they had at the Chinese buffet it was glorious and I made my money back 3 fold. Typicall I’m on a strict keto diet but I love rice so why...
I recently started intermittent fasting(10pm to 1:00 pm). So I workout in the afternoon. Break the fast with 1/2 a whey protein as a pre workout. But I am struggling to lift heavy (the very weights I used to lift...
I have been searching for an answer to this question and I have not found an answer. I am currently 16:8 and have an upcoming colonoscopy. Can anyone tell me whether the polyethylene glycol prep breaks a fast for...
Hi all, I impulsively jumped into a 10-day fast (first-time doing any kind of fasting!) 2 days ago. I am now 48 hours in with 0-calorie intake. I am still getting waves of hunger/urge to eat and my mouth tastes much...
So I do 18/20 intermittent fasting daily for health, and once a month do a 3 day fast as a religious/spiritual practice. Water fasting Incase anybody gets worried about that. So I was just curious how long is safe for a...
Does eating meat when your body has never consumed meat make your body feel like it's a foreign food substance or does nothing. Would meat take longer to digest in a vegetarian's alimentary canal or no? what's the exact biology that...
What is the best diet for basketball players
I know it's a disgusting matter, but how are feces managed by the body during an extended fast? Is there any chance of them becoming liquid? Or does the body not expell anything? Could I have problems?
Hello beautiful fasters, I have been practicing fasting for a bit now. I went from intermittent fasting daily to 2 day fasts and last week I progressed to a 3 day fast. My problem is that I keep gaining all the...
I’ve heard it repeated multiple times that carnivore-dieters have very few and small bowel movements because of this alleged fact.
After your last meal, when does the clock begin for a timed fast? I want to do 72 hours, my last meal on Sunday was around 6 pm… any ideas ?
Hey guys so whenever I get to around the 40-hour mark there is a high chance that when I need to use the bathroom, I get nauseous and extremely sweaty and feel like I'm going to vomit. As I sit...
Does your body make vitamin C etc. when on this diet?
I’m interested in doing a seven-day water-only fast. I did one last year and remember getting severely constipated. Does anyone else get constipated during extended fasts? If not, how have you avoided it? What are your secrets? Is it avoidable? I...
Has anyone exerpriances fasting and having no loss at all? So strange. I decided to up my electrolytes and have a bit of Mct in my black coffee in the morning. To my surprise no loss at all the morning after..
Completed a 36 hour fast & I lost 2.1 lbs & BMI was down...I ate a meal with very little carbs then began a 20 hour fast ( OMAD) I get on the scale the next morning & my Weight...
Currently 96kgs, writing this down to keep me accountable!!
Antibiotics tend to wreak havoc on the gut microbiome and I was wondering what the best probiotics are to use after a course of antibiotics are done. I understand most of the time the recommendation is that probiotic pills are...
I don’t really fast for long. 36-48 hours every 1-2 weeks. But I find that anything longer than 20 hours I get some diarrhea when I break my fast. Additionally, if doing a 36+ the diarrhea will last for like...
Any tips on preparation. Have done many 72 hours even cascade fasting routine. First 7 days. Any tips on preparation. I keep seeing mentions of emptying bowel prior. Is that even possible?
Autophagy is our body killing old and making new cells, ketosis is burning of our stored fat. And when both these happens you could think how much toxicity would be releasing in our system this is why we see skin...
Ok so if I'm reading this right this is where questions or concerns go. Im a skinny guy with a beer gut and I hate it. I started on Saturday. OMAD. I know that's a little...
Pork is often one of the last options people pick when choosing between meats. What do you think is the reason (apart from religious beliefs). It’s often one of the cheapest options and there are many lean cuts available.
Last fast I made it 39hrs has to break because work dr was giving me shit for high resting heart rate 118pm when doing my physical I’m cleared now went to my primary and I’m in very good health besides...
The title say it all, but I'm forced to write something here.
I wanna know if we absorb more of what we eat doing IF or with your average 4 meals per day. My intuition tells me our digestive system would be more efficient with higher meal frequency and smaller quantities of food....
Yea well if a person goes back to eating a high carb/sugar diet with tons of sodium in a caloric surplus, no **** they're going to gain it all back. But for people going back to healthy lifestyle it won't...
6 days of 23:1. I had a stressful day but didn’t let it ballon too much; I had one day of 18:6 and today I’m planning on going back to OMAD. However I was 2kg heavier on the scale this...
I’m currently trying to improve my eating habits because they are reallyyyy bad. While reading the dietary guidelines for Americans it said that we should be eating an average of 5 1/2 cups of red and orange vegetables per week,...
I just broke my 16hr fast with a few slices of apple and peanut butter. Eating slow. Have been drinking a lot of water. Not taking any meds and my stomach hurts SO BAD. Happens each time. I’m new so...
This Sub and the LIFE app really helped me push through as it was very difficult for me at the end. I felt faint and when I had a bit of diarrhea I knew it was time to call it....
I’m curious as to how many following IF are also low carb or NOT low carb? I lost some weight in 2019 over 6-8 months doing low carb/keto, approximately 10kg and felt amazing … and then slowly regained most of it...