| | Water Fasting


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What else do you guys drink besides water? I love tea but I’m one of those people that can’t drink it on an empty stomach. I have been drinking a lot of coffee, which is kinda giving me caffeine headaches (eating pink salt so I’m pretty sure I’m getting enough electrolytes.) Just getting a little bored. Drinking a lot of lecroix carbonated water, and splurging on some “craft juice” (jalapeno /lemon, its awesome! pretty sure it is 0 carb…)

Just looking for some other ideas. I haven’t been fasting very long (on my second fast ever currently at 42 hrs) and one thing that has shocked me is how much I think about food when I’m just bored…looking at gifrecipies, thinking about it, etc. Did not realize the mental hold food had over me!


Today is day 4 of my first 7-day water fast. After day 7, I’m planning to stick to a 16/8 keto diet until my next fast. I had concerns about what this will do to my female reproductive system. Will I still be able to conceive?


hello, i’m on my 5th day of fasting and i was wondering, powerade and gatorade or other similar stuff with no calories are good for the fast? becouse i was reading the nutritional information and it says that have salt, potasium, calcium, magnesium, wich seems like a very good deal of nutrients while fasting. (i’m sorry for the broken english, i’m a native speaker of spanish)


I’m planning to do a 30 day water fast. I’ve done juice fasts in the past and it looks like I need to worry about electrolytes. From what I’ve read I need 4700mg or potassium, 2300 mg of sodium, and 400mg of magnesium. I take a Centrum every day but that isn’t going to do it. :(

A teaspoon of salt mixed in with some water every 12 hours should take care of the sodium. How do I get the other 2 (please be specific)? Is there anything else I should take?


I do 24 hour fasts whereby I eat from 1 breakfast and wait till the next breakfast. I would consider longer but I’m afraid of losing muscle mass. Anyone have experience here, those who fast for longer periods but take their muscle mass / gym life serious xD?Is it possible to fast longer?


I take gummy vitamins as I generally do not feel well on pills and will get headaches and other issues with all vitamins I have tried. So, I have a gummy multi that I take once a day and a d vitamin gummy, because my D levels are way below normal. Cant give that up. These gummys are 25 or so calories each. So my question is, what amount of calories or is it more the macros(carbs), that will break the fasting state and convert back? So far I am on hour 30ish of my first fast. No defined fasting time in mind, just listening to my body for when I need to end. If I think I have 5 days left, I get food obsessive, so I am not making a timed end. I have been doing IF and OMAD most of the last month or so. About 7 pounds down!! Going on vacation in May and would like to be about another 10 down by then so included fasting into the mix.


Hey y’all new to the subreddit quick question about water fasting how long can i go for until my body needs something other than water obviously height and weight play a factor. I’m 6’1 and 220 lbs. Also what are the tell tale signs of ketosis kicking in?


I’m starting my 10 day fast today but have an event on tomorrow where we will be drinking. Can I stick to scotch and soda and continue the fast over the following day?

I am also supplementing with 12g Citrulline,some synephrine and ALCAR, creatine etc. I’ve done this ‘supplemented fast’ before and have retained all muscle and leaned out very quick (my setpoint is about 15%)I just haven’t had an event like this that includes drinking.


Hello all! I’m in need of some advice. I plan on doing a 3-7ish day water fast in a few weeks from now, however I am currently taking spironolactone for my hormonal acne. This medication has a type of diuretic effect and Since it’s traditionally used as a blood pressure medicine it can affect my potassium levels. I just want to confirm that I should not take this medication while fasting. Should I stop taking it a few days prior to the fast as well? Thanks in advance!


40 hours in water fast.

I have only been fasting for about a week total, so I’m going through the Keto adaption symptoms. I also exercise daily.

How do you know when you’ve had sufficient electrolytes? I am taking salt, potassium, and magnesium but I don’t know how much or when to stop supplementing. I still am experiencing Keto flu, so I suspect I am lacking.


So if I’m to break say a 14 day fast, and I want to maintain the weight, do I look to go into maintenance calories or a -500 deficit? (as if I were dieting as normal, I’m looking to go into a chicken/broccoli diet afterwards with maybe one shake of Huel a day)

New to this so will probably ask more questions :)


Getting ready to start an extended fast starting tomorrow. I’ve seen people recommend against a regular daily vitamin and instead opt for pink Himalayan salt. I actually have some in the cupboard, but am wondering how much I should drink in the morning (and is that all I do?).


Is it beneficial to fast for 48 hrs twice a week so 4 day water fasting and 3 day eating but it would be split up like this

Monday: fastTuesday: fastWednesday: fast till 6pm and eat a mealThursday: fast Friday : fastSaturday: fast till 6Sunday : fast

And so on , and then gradually increase it to 3 days of fasting the next week then 4 days of fasting then etc etc

To build up a “fasting muscle”


I am finally ready to do my first water fast! 34/f 5’2” SW 210lbs. I’ve been lurking here for quite a while but haven’t come across the answer to my question. What is a good length of time for my first fast? Thanks in advance!


I’m starting to fast for 21 days and I’m stocked up on water, is tea an acceptable drink during the fast? It’s just plain green tea bags. I’m 205 lbs and even normally I average about a gallon+ water a day. I’ve done a week long before which was easy. Just wanted to know if plain tea affected anything?


Hi, been on water fast for 14 days. All going great. Have been having slight acid reflux. Last night, reflux was little bit worse, some thick saliva came up with a pink/red tinge to it. Since then, nothing. Spoke to my Dr. He was horrified and told me to stop immediately and load up on omeprazole. I don’t want to stop my fast and I definitely don’t want to start taking omeprazole every day again. I was planning on 28 days. Am I an idiot to ignore my doctor - even though he kept referring to my fast as a diet!?


Is slowly building up to a week long water fast with first 24 hrs, 36hrs and so on recommended?

I always want to do a week long fast but either I get too hungry at the end of one day or it’s hard to say no to food when someone else offers it that gets in the way, but I am unable to do more than 24hrs.

Does anyone has any tip as to what to do when the first 24hrs is over to ensure it’s a longer fast.

I am 25, 170cm, 76kg. Ideal weight should be around 68kg. I am 8kgs or 14 pounds overweight.Motivation to do the fast: Weight loss, Discipline when it comes to food, no bowel irritation, low frequency to go to the washroom.


My girlfriend is thinking of water fasting with me next month. She plans to continue taking her birth control pill daily during the duration of the 10+ day water fast. She has been taking the pill for about 8 years now.

what side effects will her pill have if any being consumed once daily without any food only water?



Supposing a human took multivitamins and drank water, is there a calculation I can do to figure out number of days for survival? I’ve heard internet rumors that some guy went a year doing it (Angus Barbieri) , but I’m certain survivability is dependent on starting weight and body fat percentage to some degree, no?

TL;DR: If you drink water and take vitamins, how long can you go?


What do you guys do to help with water retention? I’m on my 5th day and I just feel so bloated and like I’m not losing the water weight. I’m drinking 2 liters of water a day. Is there a supplement or something I can take?

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Categories: tea stomach coffee pink salt electrolytes water fast keto calories nutrition magnesium 30 day water fast juice fast potassium sodium 24 hour fast muscle to fast vitamin macro carbs omad water fasting ketosis 10 day fast soda medication blood pressure 14 day fast deficit chicken extended fast morning overweight weight loss diabetes angus barbieri body fat