Let’s say a type 2 diabetic on insulin decides to fast. He stops taking insulin altogether. Can his blood sugar drop too low? Or is hypoglycemia only an issue for type 1 diabetics?
If the goal is to avoid triggering insulin production, and I consume sugar-free sweeteners during the fasting period, does it matter since I can’t produce my own and don’t need to dose for things like that?
Interested in how other pre-diabetics feel while fasting and what kind of results they've seen. Personally, I combine IF with a low carb Mediterranean diet. I've been eating horribly for months now, so I decided to check my fasting blood...
So I did IF back in 2018 and it work amazing for when from 280 to 200 in 2-3 months and working out, but i wasn't diabetic at the time and I want to get back on it, but now...
Hi all, I recently re-started IF after taking a break and I also just got a continuous glucose monitor. I always knew I had an issue with the "Dawn Phenomenon" when my blood sugar rises at night...
Hey Fasting Community, I've (29M) been intermittent fasting 16:8 for several years now which has helped my type 1 diabetes quite a bit. My recent A1C is 6.0 but my doctor recently stated my blood pressure is elevated. Not quite high...
Should one Water 💧 Fast before starting a Prolonged Dry Fast.
After the fasting, blood sugar was optimal for two days, then It started to get high during the fasting state, and It was costantly over 115 and in the fed state It webt to 200. Why the benefits vanished so...
New to even thinking about blood sugar. I get it checked annually and A1C is good and so is fasting glucose. But I got a glucose checker just to satisfy curiosity. For context I’ve been doing OMAD for the last...
Hey everyone. I am 40yo and was diagnosed with T2D 3 years ago. They immediately put me on several meds since my BG was 495. I immediately dove into the world of diabetes and learned a ton. Soon after I...
I'm going on a water fast starting Sunday the 24th, I plan to maintain it as long as I can because I have a lot of weight to lose and I'm tired of being sick with diabetes, I've had it...
I just started working from 6 am to 4 pm Monday through Friday, I sleep from 9 pm to 5 am those days. I am a primarily hypoglycemic type 2 diabetic. I have been doing 16:8 but with my new...
I've been doing a 60hr and 36hr fast each week and am feeling like I can extend to 2x60hrs. Been doing this for 6 months. On my days off I eat what I want. I don't seem to have any issues...
If so, what has your experience been like.
Hello My Fellow Fasters! **Backstory:** Wanted to start off by saying this community has been awesome and I am very thankful for you all! As you can see in the title, I am a Type 1 Diabetic. I have recently...
Hi everyone, I just drank masala tea during my fasting window, have I broken my fast? Ingredients: Masala Cloves Ginger Water
Is one more beneficial than the other?
i reduce my insulin during fasts btw. so basically what i’ve read is that sometimes sodas are considered to break wl fasts because they cause an insulin response. however i of course don’t produce insulin as a type one diabetic,...
Last year I experimented with Keto and I loved it. I was able to control my hunger and I felt satiated a lot of the time. I was doing this as a means of controling my diabetes. Then I got...
Tomorrow I am getting blood drawn at the doctor for annual tests and what not. I will be 24 hours into a fast at the time I get blood drawn. Should I break my fast after I get home, or...
Is it necessary to have medical supervision for longer than 7 day dry fast?
Basically the title. Read the post and AMA. As my experience with fasting was good, I still would not recommend this to any typical t1d without decades of knowledge and experience. Everyone's diabetes is unique and acts differently in...
Ignoring that one may be easier than the other (all dependent on personal preference), is there a benefit to one slightly longer fast over 3 ‘medium’ fasts? (Or vice versa)
I was using Zero, but it got all buggy on me. So instead of just reinstalling it after uninstalling, I’d figure I would check out something new. Any tips?
Just checking is this normal? Has anyone experienced something similar. Sorry mean bowel movements
Anyone have recommendations for the best / classic books recommending a fasting lifestyle from the last couple years? I’m looking to get back on track and looking for a good book to inspire me
So I took my blood sugar reading 1 day after my 5 day fast. Yesterday I ate mostly high protein and 2 ww fiber one bars, black beans and Shitake mushrooms. .. nothing way high in sugar,and when I...
I did a 72 last week and it helped me push through knowing other people were also fasting. Anyone want to join me on this one?
I'm working to research the effects of water fasting on viral illness. Does anyone know if there are any sources regarding those who have cured themselves of something like HIV or Hepatitis C via extended water fasting?
my main goal is to lose 50 pounds in 3 weeks and the researches I've done suggest that one day of dry fasting equals 3 days of water fasting in terms of effectiveness. what's your take on this?
I am going to do a 3 day dry fast and I was thinking of going straight into a water fast after the 3rd day? Is it okay? Or should I do 3 day dry fast and eat for a...
hello! i broke my fast two days ago (not in the right way), i was fasting since february 8th (i broke on the third day tho, pretended nothing happened after) and i'm restarting today. when ur in the first three...
I heard fasting can raise cortisol levels.
Starting another dry fast. I want to do another dry fast. I am already in day 1. I would like to do at least 6 days and push it till my body tells me to stop. So at least 6...
Hello, I fasted for 52 hours, then I ate in the next 24 hours. I do gym lifts and yoga. Will I lose muscle if I fast again right after I ate? Thanks for help
can you gain or lose weight when you in intermittent fasting and positive energy balance if you lose weight how
Or vice versa? I think I read somewhere that it might be dangerous for the human body. So, if we start a dry fast, it should remain a dry fast until you end it. Or if it's a water...
I'm planning on doing a 21 day fast, cos I've done short ones before. Do you just eat like normal leading up to the fast, or should you start lessening the food and types of foods, and how many days...
These are very good and sweetened with stevia ... Will it break my fast ? https://imgur.com/gallery/bS6ASIn
If if I were to do OMAD or 20:4 TRF and made dinner my one meal or dinner time my eating period every time does your body still fast effectively or are you going to see better results if you...
If you're serious about fasting, feel free to message me. I am looking for a partner who seeks motivation and advice throughout the process. ​ Fast starts on: 08/28/2022- 09/11/2022
If I do 18:6 IF and my first meal is at 14:00, would it be better to take the blood glucose test after waking up, or before having the first meal?
I think my body got better at generating the enzymes that convert my body fat into energy with each fast. has it gotten easier for you? if so why do you think it has?
I was wondering if there were any diabetic intermittent fasting doers here and if so if they could give me tips on how to keep my blood sugar from getting to low and ill just take IF tips in general...
Anyone tried dry fasting? Is it better than water fasting? Which is better for weight loss? Thanks
How about zero sugar energy drinks? As long as they have no sugar in it, fasting is not broken by drinking them?
I was doing great dropped 50 pounds and got off almost all my medications . Then I got COVID , my doctors tell me COVID has severely damaged my pancreas. I need to be on Insulin . I go on...
Just wondering what current thinking was. There seems to be contrasting opinion on whether its beneficial to fast or not, is anyone able to share their experiences on this? Thank you!
I’m kinda confused. Ive read that some people say its okay to have bone broth, is it? Is it also okay to have vegetable broth instead? Or would broth be counterproductive to fasting? Should I just stick to coffee,...
I began tracking my blood glucose, and ketone levels, during my fast yesterday. I've only tested and experimented in the past, so I do not have extensive records. I will record on a daily basis for the foreseeable future in...
I'm on my first dry fast now. I've previously done a number of water fasts. I have completed 48 hours dry so far. I am planning on getting water around the 60 hour mark. At that point I was thinking...
Can I smoke during my water fasting period ?
Noob to fasting but I did a 40 hour or so fast recently and once I got over the initial hump of hunger I felt amazing. For water fasting, should I drink coconut water periodically for electrolytes? What’s the easiest...
If I drink A sugar free red bull?
Hello, tomorrow will be my 7th day of hard dry fast; i wonder if going hard longer will be any beneficial? I heard that soft dry fast is better in long term and i am currently going for 14 days...
Is a 24 hour fast the same as skipping a whole day? For past 4 days I’ve been eating 24 hours my last meal so like from 8pm on Tuesday to 8pm on Wednesday. Will this have the same effect...