I fast for 20 hours everyday (OMAD) most of the times it's easy but there are some days where I get hungrier way sooner than usual. Does anyone know why this happens and if it can be stopped?
I’m on day 3 and I feel quite alright. It’s the first time I’m fasting. I took the opportunity of being so mentally troubled that I couldn’t eat even while forcing myself, to just fast, cause I’m trying to lose...
Hour by hour, day by day compared to water fasting dry fasting is probably the easiest thing I’ve ever done. I’ll happily go without food, water and porn but I can’t kick the nicotine habit. Weird right. I’m working on...
Should one Water 💧 Fast before starting a Prolonged Dry Fast.
Hey all, I’ve done up to five day fasts, and I’m wondering if in long term fasts there’s a point at which the whole thing becomes easy. I’m planning on doing a 10 day fast in February. Also should I...
Hi everyone, I'm thinking of doing ADF (36hrs) but like running in the morning. I've been running for an hour lately or 5 miles at a slow aerobic pace 139-149bpm which has been going well and building my aerobic engine....
Hi all! I’d like to see if anyone had a similar experience. Ive been doing 18-6 hour fasts most days of the week for a few weeks now, and decided to try a 24 hour fast for the first time. I...
Anyone have recommendations for the best / classic books recommending a fasting lifestyle from the last couple years? I’m looking to get back on track and looking for a good book to inspire me
I've been on and off using IF for a handful of years now, but only simple 18:6 or 20:4 windows and nothing more. I saw good results last time but I admittedly kinda fell off the wagon. In that time,...
Hi everyone, I just drank masala tea during my fasting window, have I broken my fast? Ingredients: Masala Cloves Ginger Water
Is one more beneficial than the other?
I've started IF just a few days ago. I eat only from 08:30 to 14:30. Fasting is easy and I feel great in the morning. I could go on I think, but I make a point to eat nonetheless as I'm...
Has any female fasted on their time of the month? How effective was it compared to other fasts?
Three years ago, I did a series of 7- and 10-day fasts. I fasted for 70-days over 8 months, and reached my perfect weight again, after 20 years adrift. But those water fasts were so hard that I've never done...
Would it be safe to dryfast during the weekend and waterfast on weekdays for four weeks?
Do i start my Fast right after my last meal or when i wake up the next morning (after my last meal).
Ignoring that one may be easier than the other (all dependent on personal preference), is there a benefit to one slightly longer fast over 3 ‘medium’ fasts? (Or vice versa)
I was using Zero, but it got all buggy on me. So instead of just reinstalling it after uninstalling, I’d figure I would check out something new. Any tips?
It's like my will power is nonexistent
Just checking is this normal? Has anyone experienced something similar. Sorry mean bowel movements
I did a 72 last week and it helped me push through knowing other people were also fasting. Anyone want to join me on this one?
my main goal is to lose 50 pounds in 3 weeks and the researches I've done suggest that one day of dry fasting equals 3 days of water fasting in terms of effectiveness. what's your take on this?
I am going to do a 3 day dry fast and I was thinking of going straight into a water fast after the 3rd day? Is it okay? Or should I do 3 day dry fast and eat for a...
hello! i broke my fast two days ago (not in the right way), i was fasting since february 8th (i broke on the third day tho, pretended nothing happened after) and i'm restarting today. when ur in the first three...
I want to start intermittent fasting as I'm not comfortable about my body. Can someone please explain the procedure, what timings do I have to fast at
I heard fasting can raise cortisol levels.
Hello, I fasted for 52 hours, then I ate in the next 24 hours. I do gym lifts and yoga. Will I lose muscle if I fast again right after I ate? Thanks for help
can you gain or lose weight when you in intermittent fasting and positive energy balance if you lose weight how
Or vice versa? I think I read somewhere that it might be dangerous for the human body. So, if we start a dry fast, it should remain a dry fast until you end it. Or if it's a water...
I'm planning on doing a 21 day fast, cos I've done short ones before. Do you just eat like normal leading up to the fast, or should you start lessening the food and types of foods, and how many days...
These are very good and sweetened with stevia ... Will it break my fast ? https://imgur.com/gallery/bS6ASIn
Or did it never go away for some of you?
If if I were to do OMAD or 20:4 TRF and made dinner my one meal or dinner time my eating period every time does your body still fast effectively or are you going to see better results if you...
If you're serious about fasting, feel free to message me. I am looking for a partner who seeks motivation and advice throughout the process. ​ Fast starts on: 08/28/2022- 09/11/2022
Hey guess I have developed kidney stones from dry fasting and not doing baking soda. Any ideas on how to help. Should I drink lots of water
I think my body got better at generating the enzymes that convert my body fat into energy with each fast. has it gotten easier for you? if so why do you think it has?
Anyone tried dry fasting? Is it better than water fasting? Which is better for weight loss? Thanks
How about zero sugar energy drinks? As long as they have no sugar in it, fasting is not broken by drinking them?
Which is better for weight loss? Or is the weight loss gonna be similar to water fast and omad? If it's similar I rather do OMAD...
I’m kinda confused. Ive read that some people say its okay to have bone broth, is it? Is it also okay to have vegetable broth instead? Or would broth be counterproductive to fasting? Should I just stick to coffee,...
Are you starting a new fast this week? We'll be posting this thread every Sunday, at the beginning of every calendar week, so you can check in and tell us about your plans for a fasting this week!
As the title suggests any recommendations for podcasts around fasting that you have found useful.
My cravings for snacks/sweets have decreased massively
I'm on my first dry fast now. I've previously done a number of water fasts. I have completed 48 hours dry so far. I am planning on getting water around the 60 hour mark. At that point I was thinking...
Can I smoke during my water fasting period ?
Trying to get back into going 20 - 30 hours once a week like I used to be able to do. Kinda been struggling. Any tips you guys have to ease the urges you get while fasting? (that is if...
If I drink A sugar free red bull?
Hey all! I started alternate day fasting a few weeks ago but honestly didn't expect much success over the holidays which proved true. Now that that season is over and I can focus more on the fast and what I...
Hello, tomorrow will be my 7th day of hard dry fast; i wonder if going hard longer will be any beneficial? I heard that soft dry fast is better in long term and i am currently going for 14 days...
Is a 24 hour fast the same as skipping a whole day? For past 4 days I’ve been eating 24 hours my last meal so like from 8pm on Tuesday to 8pm on Wednesday. Will this have the same effect...
Is the safety of a length of a fast determined by body weight? I have seen people posting about fasts that last longer than 30 days etc. which just boggles my mind! Is there a good way to set a goal...
Anyone here with experience? Mainly looking for opinions on when to eat. I usually do OMAD, in the evening,but plan on lifting again around 6-7am. What has worked for you guys?
Because I read that you should move your meal 2 hours back from when the feeding window ends because thats like when the fasting starts...
Hi. Been doing intermittent and extended water fasts for a while. Only done a few dry fasts, a couple 24 and 48 hour ones. I was curious as to your thoughts of doing intermittent dry fasts within an extended water...