Hello everyone! I'm a 17 year old male. About half a year ago I got started on antidepressants, these meds make me hungry all the time. Because of this, I gained 12 kg in half a year. Now I'm trying...
These are very good and sweetened with stevia ... Will it break my fast ? https://imgur.com/gallery/bS6ASIn
I'm in the habit of drinking a Red Bull Sugarfree every morning. Will this break my fast?
I take some vitamine pills (capsules) in the morning. I was wondering whether this breaks my fast. Can't find on the bottle whether they contain calories
How about zero sugar energy drinks? As long as they have no sugar in it, fasting is not broken by drinking them?
If I drink A sugar free red bull?
I am asking out of two reasons: 1. I do not trust there is such a thing as zero-calorie drink 2. Artificial flavour in zero-calorie energy drink may break fasting
I've started consuming ashwagandha and it is recommended to take it with Luke warm milk only at night. (I skip my dinner) Does it break my Fast? I know i can change my routine and start skipping my breakfast. But i think...
Would having a Nature Made Multivitamin in the morning break my fast? If so, what vitamins can I take that wouldn't?
I drink coffee with skinny syrup while I’m on fasting everyday till my friend told me it’s no good. I have to ask here. Is drink a black coffee with butter safe? Thanks.
Its citralka, a syrup used for urine infection treatment. Does it break the fast?
I'm about to break a 3 day fast with a big kahuna cheesesteak sub in a tub from jersey mikes. How screwed am I?
If I breathe, there might be water particles in the air. Would that break the fast?
(The kidney shot is drink with 8oz of water with a teaspoon of baking soda) Or should i just break with a glass of regular water?
My goal was 7 days. But I haven’t done a 7 day fast in a long time. Like 2 years. I usually do OMAD no problem. Which I only did 3 days prior so probably not the best prep. I...
On a day that you had to play hockey or any sport, and workout after, would you break your daily 16 hour fast early?
i’m planning on going on a liquid diet for about a week after this 2 day fast (since i fast every weekend). can i eat something to break the fast and before i start my diet, or would it have...
What do you guys do about breath before breaking fast? I would normally chew gum but now I have dry mouth from my meds and it makes for bad breath. Is there anything I can use that won't break the...
I usually break my fast with a veggie/fruit smoothie but I heard its not the best thing to do. I was wondering if I could break my fast with a few slices of ham? I would do this 15 mins...
What about things like coffee
Would some chicken soup broth and steamed vegetables be okay to eat?
Because it's particles of water that i'm inhaling through nose/mouth, so i don't do it just in case, but if someone is sure about this i would really appreciate to know
Hi so i started IF a month ago and its been going fine i dont think ive broken it once Im not wven that hungry right now and my eating period starts at 12 (in 1.5hrs) do u think its ok...
Or can I just have some broth for breakfast and go back to normal after?
I know this is probably too much but could I break my fast with a 2lb chuck roast? I have been dreaming about it all day.
Anyone know how many calories chlorine and sweat contain…?
I’m at hour 60 and ideally want to go for 84-88 hours which is when I have an event and will have to break my fast. The lunch/day event will be in a quiet environment so stomach noise will definitely be...
I know that black coffee doesn't break a (strict) fast but does lemon or apple cider vinegar do? I squeeze lemons into ice cubes to add to water and i want to know if that it breaks a fast, because...
I have to drink tea in the morning, i can't function without hot tea. i've been drinking these type of [flavored herbal teas](https://celestialseasonings.com/collections/herbal-tea/products/fruit-tea-sampler) for a while, but i am wondering if these type of teas are ok to drink...
So I have 200mg pills but I really only want to take 100mg at a time as too much caffeine gives me jitters. The pills are capsulated and have a white powder on the inside which I think might spill...
I’ve always been tempted to add freshly squeezed lemon juice to my hot water in the morning, but I’m afraid that doing that would break my fast so I usually save my hot lemon water for my first meal. Any thoughts?...
How much of fat( butter or heavy cream)break your fast… 1 tablespoon or 2 tablespoon ?????
What do you think?
Just drank a little white vinegar and was wondering if that breaks a fast and takes me out of autophagy.
Hello, I workout in the mornings around 5am and have been taking a preworkout drink called NO Explode. Does this break my fast? If so, does it absolutely ruin the fast or just lessen the effects?
By ginger water I mean like a whole ginger grated into a pot of water, boiling the water and simmering for several minutes, then straining any solid pieces and drinking the water. Will the ginger juices and nutrients that have...
does sucralose break a fast? Long story short I'm doing rolling 120-168 hour fasts and I accidentally consumed some sucralose in this new electrolyte powder I bought. My question is does consuming sucralose break my fast? Have I fucked myself? Should...
So I’m in a circumstance where I need to help cook for family and obviously I want to taste the foods. Would it break my fast if I chew and taste without swallowing anything, immediately rinsing out mouth out with water...
I've had this nasty cold for the past 2 days. My nose is clogged and I've been unconsciously swallowing the mucus. Will this break my fast?
I am the one who cooks for the family and as part of cooking I ve had to taste check the dishes I ve made. Does it would be considered as breaking fast??
Im thinking it doesnt. Right? I feel as if the chilli is insignificant
Same as the title.
I started today water fasting so all information are welcome ✌️
imuno forte natural wealth, Naturel Željezo (iron) + Vitamin C and Naturel Multivitamin+Mineral. All off those are effervescent tableta. Will any off this break my fast? Thanks I can put links,if you want.
I’m the back i get 1g of fat, 2g or total carbohydrates and less than 1 gram of protein. I can’t swallow these in a fast right? If not what can I get that gives me magnesium but no Cals...
Might help!
hello fasting family ​ i need a confirmed answer if this fat burner ( Super HD ) break my fast these are the supplement fact [https://www.stack3d.com/2019/02/cellucor-superhd.html](https://www.stack3d.com/2019/02/cellucor-superhd.html)
Hello nice people of IF super quick question... I want to start taking Tongkat Ali, which required a 3x day dose. Will taking it in the AM with a glass of water break my fast cycle?
Don’t laugh at me please. I want to give my husband a blowjob if he will let me (that’s a whole other issue) but I’m in the middle of a 60 hour fast. Will swallowing his cum break the fast?...
Decided to do a 48h fast in anticipation of a night out after work on thurs. The fast ends at 1pm tomorrow the “feasting” will happen a few hours later. What should I introduce at 1pm to help me avoid stomach...
I recently restarted intermittent fasting 18/6 for weight loss and for my health, but mostly for weight loss. I have Dr. Fung’s The Complete Guide to Fasting. It says that you can add certain types of fat up to a...
Sprite Zero, Coke Zero...all those "zero calorie" drinks, do they break a fast? I don't notice a difference but some people swear it'll break your fast.
Ive on my 2nd day of doing IF. I havent tried this before and on my 1st day, I was actually feeling lethargic. Im doing 16-8 and 12pm to 8pm is my timing but thinking of changing it in the...
Hi I'm doing a 16:8 fast and I'm wondering if the zero cal caramel creamers and flavours are ok to fast on as they have virtually no calories and are basically just sweeteners does it break autophagy?
I have to take these at night before bed. Will these break autophagy? I can’t seem to find a definitive answer.
Hey guys! Like most people, I find late hours to be the most delicious. But is it just a habit? Is it possible to get rid of it? That is, would my organism adapt and stop craving food?
Just water ? Some fruits ?
Hey everyone, Been fasting for just over a week 16:8 and lost 7 pounds so far. Just wondering, do people take days off? Or is this a lifestyle change and you eat this way all the time? Thanks.
sorry if this was asked before!
Im courious basically. Does finasteride break a fast?
I've fasted for 113hrs so far. Tomorrow noon it'll be at around 132hrs. I'm planning on breaking with a salad, some eggs maybe. But I'm scared of overeating and binging. I don't wanna binge. I'll either break tomorrow or on...
Long story short I'm doing rolling 120-168 hour fasts and I accidentally consumed some sucralose in this new electrolyte powder I bought. My question is does consuming sucralose break my fast?
I’m at 43 hours and I wanted to go for 72. I’m feeling thirsty now. But I can’t tell if I should break or if I’m just feeling how should naturally feel after DFing for 43 hours. Any insight on...