I know many people start fasting to lose weight... but am wondering if there are others who fast for other benefits, not losing weight? I have been naturally fasting lately by just listening to my body when its hungry, but...
Needing some motivation today, any tips or tricks that help?
Hi! I’m currently doing 4:3 or 5:2 ADF and loving it. Hoping to slim down and transition to OMAD or 20:4 by this summer. I’m lucky enough to have my 18yo niece staying with us for 6 weeks this summer....
I got the most male attention when I was 120 lb (I’m 5’ 4”) and now I’m around 135 trying to go back to that. I don’t think I look bad, but I prefer to be 120. When I sent...
If my baseline is 3000 roughly and I want to lose 3lbs a week, will a deficit every other day be enough? So, in 2 weeks, I’ve fasted 7 days, which would be 21,000 calories total. 21,000 / 3,500 =...
F23, 400 lbs, I don't have a set day to stop my water fast but I'm thinking around 40 days, I'm 1 week in and have only been drinking water. When should I start drinking the juice? this Is also...
Aside from supplements, what are some reputable companies whose purview is nutrition?
Hey everyone, even if I know how my health positively turns out when I am doing IF, I am not able to go back in my routine; it is already 2 months. Any advice from who experienced...
I wasn’t planning on celebrating hitting my GW—I would be happy to reach that goal and nothing else—but I’ve been wanting a particular pair of shoes for a while now. I think I’ll buy them when I hit my GW!...
[Belly fat resistant to every-other-day fasting](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/03/210303161656.htm) Does anyone have anecdotal experience reflecting this?
I finally found a reliable calibration in IF. I’m 55(M) and eat once a day. I’ve done this for the past eight years. I’ve maintained 40lb weight loss 228 >188 for 8 years. I’ve gotten down to 177 running 40 miles...
Hi all.. i'm home for the holidays. I planned to do a 20 day fast, but my dad told me he thought I had an eating disorder due to how much I lost and forced me to eat something. I...
Do skinless, boneless, frozen chicken breast from Tysons, say, come under the type one carcinogen label by the WHO? Edit: Here’s an example of what I’m talking about: https://www.tyson.com/products/frozen-chicken-breast-tenderloins/
So, I have been starting intermittent fasting and I usually do a 16:8 fast. Do I have to be on keto to see real results? I try to watch my diet and eating habits. Thanks for any advice even supplements...
My first 4.5 day (108 hour) fast and could use some cheering on. I felt a bit light headed earlier today. Electrolytes helped. Then more coffee. My previous extended fast was 3 days...
I want to do a fast, I’m thinking of a bone broth one for 10 days. But I always have trouble not thinking about eating. I do it when I’m bored, I snack and I don’t even realize it. But...
Help! I have been pretty successful at IF 18:6 with an eating window from 1pm-7pm. However I have started exercising at 6 am. Cardio/weight lifting and by 1030 im starving. Do i try to move my window to 10:30-430? That...
I've been fasting for at least the past 12 months, possibly longer, and I'm not seeing the results that are often posted on this subreddit. I'd love to know if other people have experienced the same issues and what they...
Hello everyone. I (28 M) have recently started to retake my exercise routines after years of hiatus. I am under a basic, calorie and carb controlled diet with lots of protein. However, today I found out about this method and...
Hello Snake Dieters, Long story short; I gained a ton of weight during the lockdowns. I was working from home, ordering junk food through Uber Eats everyday and barely moving much throughout the course of a day for basically a year...
I've been doing 16 h fasting daily for two years with no problems. This week I began doing 22 h fasts and on the third day after weight training in the gym I began losing my eyesight and I felt...
This is my 2 Year Body Transformation from Overweight to Healthy In March 2020 I came across a sport called Calisthenics that changed my life, over the last 2 years I've completely changed my physical appearance, by training Bodyweight movement patterns....
good afternoon everybody and Happy New Year! when i started IF in early May (started 257lbs) of last year i set a goal of hitting onederland by New Years and posting a sweet before and after picture here,...
Hey guys, interested in the spam and pickles diet and ill be messing with it over the next few weeks but i have one issue, processed meat gives me major gout flareups, i had it when i tried the bacon/cucumber...
Tell me your experience if you built up to it or not!
I'm 5 11 and 163 pounds, if I where to dry fast for 15 days how much would I lose? About where would my final weight be?
My reason for fasting is solely for autophagy. On day 7 water only but it's nearly impossible to sleep due to the hunger. Considering eating at least something to hopefully reduce the hunger before bed. Would a measly apple kick...
Hi, So I understand through doing various 16/8 and omad fasts that after several hours you enter different phases (catabolic, fat burning, ketosis, etc) but I have a question regarding fasting state and breaking your fast. If you break your fast with...
I’m wondering if any fellow ladies under or equal to 5’2 have experience fasting? I’m 4’11 and weigh the highest I’ve been in my entire life at around 130. I have something the 19th of January I want to...
Welcome to the weekly [r/Nutrition](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nutrition/) feature post for questions related to your personal diet and circumstances. Wondering if you are eating too much of something, not enough of something, or if what you regularly eat has the nutritional content you...
Hey guys! I’m currently on day 3 of my water fast journey. I’m feeling alright. Not hungry, and a lot of energy that I can’t even sleep. I’m not really dead set on going for 1 month because i’m really...
I’m a bit more seasoned to dieting and have so far lost 56 lbs (not a lot but yk life is life). I’ve been dieting and actively trying to lose weight since Feb of this year. I’m 5’7 and I’m...
Hello :) I am a lover of the fasting lifestyle but the majority of fasts I’ve completed were 2 days long each time. The longest I’ve gone without food was 6 days but I really want to challenge myself and...
I'm facing a ton of sleep issues due to fasting. I have done tons of fasts and came to this conclusion. I have been on Keto for 22 months now. Keto and fasting are reasons for poor sleep in my...
I personally am not interested in fasting for any more than 20 hours at a time. However... For someone with a really fast metabolism (in excellent cardiovascular shape, with a low body fat percentage), would their metabolic rate and body composition...
What resources do you guys use to get your calorie and other nutritional info? Obviously if I'm using packaged food I go off that but I buy a lot of loose ingredients. I need something where I can input basic...
Holy macaroni am I cold. I can’t feel my toes, and I am wearing three layers. I have experience in fasting. About two years ago, for three months I fasted 3 days out of a week, but I can’t remember...
I have been Been doing Combined IF, (20 hours) ADF,( 500 cal one day n other day 1200kcal) and extended fasting (started a week ago extended one) It's been 2, months but my weight loss is slow and my belly fat...
Executive Summary: 42 hour clean fast added per week, and after 2 weeks, it broke a plateau of 1.5 months. I am a nearly 47 year old postpartum female sticking to a strict dairy free ketogenic regimen. Weight loss from...
I’m (44F, 5’4” and 158 lbs, GW: 130 lbs) doing 18:6 and have calculated my TDEE. I’d like to both lose weight and gain muscle. I’ve found my sustainable exercise that brings me joy - Pilates reformer classes - and...
Im 24 years old 186cm and I weight 77 kg. Im around 10-15% bodyfat with visible abs. I startef intermittent fasting cos I learnt on youtube feom various sources that its good for longevity. The people I watched about this matter...
I would like to hear from people about losing weight SPECIFICALLY from the belly area. I have an overabundance of visceral fat in that area due to hormonal imbalance and would like to specifically lose the visceral fat. ...
* **Type** of fast (water, juice, smoking, etc.) * **Context** of fast (start, end, day x of y, etc.) * **Length** of fast (8 hours, 3 days, etc.) * **Why?** What you hope to accomplish with your fast * **Notes** How is it going...
Hy guys, so I started IF in the middle of summer. I am a 24yo female, 170 cm in height (5.57 ft) and 60,5 kg (133.5 lbs) in weight. When I started I was about the same weight then now....
Wanted to share this here as a gentle, healthy reminder that things can obviously be taken too far. This poor man attempted a 40 day dry fast and died during it (25 days in?). There’s no real context given as...
Need help with getting in more protein
I've been following a 16:8 IF schedule pretty religiously for about a month and a half. On the few days that I've broken a fast early for things like an illness, I try to keep it a lower cal (1500...
Hi all! As the title says, I'm looking to get back into the IF club. I've successfully lost ~20lbs with 16:8 before (early 2019), but I haven't been able to recreate those results because of life getting in the way...
Hi Everyone. I just had another Monday morning weigh in and I’m feeling so down. The scale only moved down 0,1kg this week. I have about 27kgs to lose in total. I have been doing IF for 7 weeks and...
* **Type** of fast (water, juice, smoking, etc.) * **Context** of fast (start, end, day x of y, etc.) * **Length** of fast (8 hours, 3 days, etc.) * **Why?** What you hope to accomplish with your fast * **Notes** How is it going...
Diets have come and gone over the years and all connect with some sort of idea that eating needs to be “one way only.” What myths are still floating out there?
I am currently doing 48 hour fasts and then eating until I lose my desired amount of weight. I’ve only been doing this for 2 weeks so far and have noticed some difference. Am I being impatient or maybe doing...
Just to be clear, I am gonna go to the doctor about this, just realized it is a problem that is not temporarily caused by dehydration or detoxing during the fasts. But it can take months just to get an...
I wanted to post this because it seems like a lot of people have family members/friends with bad habits and get a lot of criticism. I looked back at a picture of myself when my mom said I was getting...
#Share your daily fast story thread! 📃 ⏳ **Length** of fast (*start/end/total*) ❓ **Why are you fasting?** (ex: *weight loss, other health benefits, spiritual/religious reasons*) 📝 **Notes** (*How is it going so far? Any concerns? Insights to share?*)...
Hi I’m new here, been doing 16/8 5 or 6 days a week for four weeks and I weighed myself for the first time today and I didn’t even lose a pound. Feeling really discouraged. I have a vacation coming...
If someone ate a large enough variety of vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, and seeds couldn't they possibly meet all of these needs? Or are there some nutrients we simply can't get outside of meat/animal products?
Hi everyone. 51 F, 5’7” 145 lbs. spent most of my life genetically thin, not thinking about calories or what I was eating. I started eating cleaner about 10 years ago. I also don’t eat any dairy or eggs. Menopause hit...
Some people just have dull skin and dull eyes, and others are bright and fresh looking even if they're older.
I’ve read so much on nutrition that my head feels like it is going to explode. The thing that sucks the most is there is no general consensus of what the “ideal” human diet is. I’ve heard arguments for keto, paleo,...
gf has been fasting - no less than 21 hour fasts, with a 3 hour eating window. and has done multiple 36 hour fasts. this has been going on for at least 2 weeks Her weight has essentially stayed the same....
Hey, this question is for people who are trying to understand nutrition better. I want to know where do regular people struggle, any misinformation among general population, what would you like to be clarified? I'll be answering all of your...
I’m sorry if this offends anyone here, I am genuinely not trying to and absolutely give all the respect to those who have lost weight and gained confidence doing intermittent fasting. My question is, how is IF not related to...
Isn't eating right the same as eating less? Less on anything we excessively eat?
Welcome to the weekly [r/Nutrition](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nutrition/) feature post for questions related to your personal diet and circumstances. Wondering if you are eating too much of something, not enough of something, or if what you regularly eat has the nutritional content you...
Good, Bad or Ugly in general? Do the majority of posts and comments even respect the quality requirements of the sub reddit? What is your perception? Reliable and relevant content? Personally, I think qualified redditors in the subreddit (dietitians, etc.) should have an...
I watched the game changers documentary and im curious about the plant based diet. Has anyone tried it? If so did any change happen? Was your physical performance better or worse? Im very curious.
Welcome to the weekly [r/Nutrition](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nutrition/) feature post for questions related to your personal diet and circumstances. Wondering if you are eating too much of something, not enough of something, or if what you regularly eat has the nutritional content you...
Hi all, Been intermittent fasting for 2 years on a 16:8 hour eating window, plant-based diet, eating enough during the window. Did it for the cellular benefits. i.e autophagy, lipid profile, and to stay slim. I had to finally be honest with...
Happy to report 3 consecutive weeks of IF! 25F. Always aiming for at least 16:8 but often doing 18:6. Slimmed down a few inches on my waist. This is the longest that I have been able to do IF for.....
**Hello everybody! I’ve got a question to ask all of you** So the thing is: I’ve tried pretty much anything and everything to lose weight/get fit at this point. Several gyms, several sports, several diets, home remedies, miracle products… you...
Second attempt at a 5 day DF & I am hours away before I’m done. This has been my experience thus far (oddly enough it was all kind of a blur) Day 1: weighed in Monday morning at 182lbs. Felt...
I've always been a normal weight. I had 2 kids by 21 (2008), and was still very slim. Then, by 30 I had gained 25 lbs and hated it. At that same time, I got pregnant. I had 2 babies...
Hello I'm a week away from finishing my 30 day water fast and I'm scared about breaking it because I've seen that you could get refeeding syndrome from breaking it wrong. I'm not a slim guy I’m 240 pounds and...
Hi, According to my bmi i am at a normal weight [m/27y/183cm/76kg] but i have some stubborn belly fat causing me to not wear any nice shirts that are slim fit. So last night i decided to embark on a water...
I have been seeing people post that on this sub. It is unnecessary fear mongering. There have been many people here that have broken 20+ day fasts by eating a regular meal and most of them didn't even have digestive...
Hello everyone! I’ve been using 16:8 (x3 a week) and 22:2 (x2 a week) with weekend breaks for the past month and a half and I’m starting to get a little worried of doing something wrong since I’ve seen little to...
Has anyone struggled with fasting while suffering with labyrinthitis/vestibular issues? I've been almost symptom free for over a year after having suffered on and off for nearly ten years with dizziness. Not eating regularly tends to worsen symptoms so I would...
Are there any other tiny people out there struggling to lose even 5 lbs? I’m only 5’2”, currently at my highest weight (excepting pregnancy) at 117.4 my goal is 112. I’m not overweight but do have some extra to slim...
Hi everyone! I'm so excited to try this. I'm new to this concept. I've had success with atkins in the past but this go around nothing seems to work for me. I'm 39 and weigh the most I've ever...
Hello, I’m totally new to IF and to dieting. Got some questions. Grateful for any advice. Context: Up until recently I’ve always been slim but the pandemic combined with a new baby and a bunch of other stress has left...
Could use some pointers from experienced fasters on how much and what to eat when doing rolling 72s? I'm 6'2 and 315lbs and want to slim down fast to regain my health as I'm tired of feeling like crap all...
TLDR: Easier than I expected. pretty similar to a 3 day water fast except for the terrible day 1 headache. Extending to 86-ish hours because it's going well. Refeeding? idk, so much conflicting info out there... Don't feel too bad,...
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11462201/Intermittent-fasting-RAISE-risk-early-death-30-study-suggests.html I know, I know. I shouldn't have said anything but she asked me how I was able to stay so slim and still enjoy food. She's yoyo dieted her whole life and we recently started getting closer so I thought...
I’m on day 21 of a 30 day fast. I’ve taken herbal tea and a couple pieces of sugar free gum since I started. I’m also taking electrolyte tablets. My ketones are 4.5-6.1 by keto mojo. I did a dexa...
So I've gone from 218 to 210 in about 5 weeks time. I'm 5 ft 7in. But I don't feel any thinner, my face doesn't seem to be slimming, just nothing seems to be happening. Some clothes are...
I’ve seen a few people on instagram. Before they become anorexic they were a little, and I mean just a little, chubby. I also noticed many of them had disproportionate bodies and mainly had a lot of fat in the...
Hey guys - I’ve been fasting for quite some time and it has blessed my life in so many ways. I used to be over 200 lbs - tried every diet out there - stumbled upon keto a few years...
Hi everyone - I want to share a method that is currently working for me. Without saying too much, I have weight loss resistance that (I suspect) is a combination of thrifty genes, 20+ years of dieting, and early menopause...
I'm 5'6"/SW 137/CW 137 lbs/GW 120. I've been doing IF since the start of September, but haven't lost any weight. My strategy was cut out my breakfast and latte every morning, cut out sweet treats, eat a healthy...
I started 16/8 this week. I’m trying to slim down a bit. I’m not overweight by any means but would like a trimmer figure. I do carpentry/ labor and I feel like I’m dying to get to my 10-6window. I take...
Alright, guys and gals. I am kinda tired of the " will this ruin my fast" question that gets asked every so often. Then it gets answered by the " well it depends on what you believe". I think we...
I did OMAD from last Saturday to Wednesday (5 days) meals being less than 600 calories for each day. Then from Wednesday morning to today (Saturday) I fasted. Only water or tea is what I consumed. I lost 9.9 lbs...