How will I make it till 1 pm tomorrow??
I don't know how to make it stop and get back on the road to healthy life again.
I've been doing omad lately but want to try to attempt a multi day fast. I can go 24 hours no problem and not really feel hungry but sometimes I'll just think about food in the fridge or from a...
I’m having ALOT of trouble stopping eating. For the 1st month I was doing good. I was doing rolling 72s with a meal at the end of it. I decided to break that cycle once last month so I could...
I feel like there is a hole in my stomach and I'm starving and even If I eat I'm still hungry
I have been trying to do intermittent fasting for past 1 yr but keep failing. I lost my father 6 months ago and it has triggered crazy binge eating, especially over weekends when I am not working. I have been...
Because of the medications that I am on, I have gained 20 lbs in the last few months. I have found that my cravings are worst late at night and I often order Doordash or get fast food...
So I'm adding cream too my coffee, or any small snack. I'm just struggling to fast 'properly' and I want to be clear about whether I'm fasted or not. I've always had a big appetite and I'm physically active all...
My apologies for the spelling and grammar, I'm dyslexic. I'm 26 , 5'10 male weigh 115kg , I was 121 but I've been eating 500 calories a day for the last two weeks. I read about angus barbieri , who...
This week, I'm doing two 60 or so hour fasts as I have a big weekend coming up. I have a 24 hour break in thr middle. My problem, however, is that in that break, I ate junk, drank wine and...
I’ve been intermittent fasting now for about a year and a half . Mostly 18/6 or 19/5. Sometimes at the weekend I’ll do a much shorter fast every so often. I didn’t have much weight to lose ( 5-7lbs)...
Am I understanding this? I read about that really obese guy that didn't eat for over year. I'm not that big, but I sometimes look down at this extra flesh and wonder, "how long would it last me?" It's maybe 30-35...
Yesterday I ate some and I wasn't necessarily hungry during the day but now I'm wondering whether or not was I supposed to eat rice.
I get most people do well about packing and not having to eat out but what happens if you have to? What are good go to, for lack of a better word, fast food chains, to visit and what could you...
Is eating from 12-8 better than eating from 1-9? Is there a certain amount of time you should have your last meal before going to sleep?
Just as the title says, I don’t know how to stop my binges. I am just wondering what has worked for other people. What hours did you do for your fasts? How did you manage your hunger and stop binging?...
Cole says that one needs to break their fear of not eating. I have no fear of not eating. I just have urges to eat and eat and i want to break the cycle of binge eating. Any suggestions of...
Edit: this is a vent/rant post, hence the flair. If I consume that amount I get full and feel full. Then I'm good until the next day. I have had issues with binge eating, but it seems if I don't...
Or do u need a super clean diet on them?
I got excited about a new type of coffee and got a pastry so i started eating at 10 am instead of 1 pm like usual… imma be so hungry tonight after I stop this afternoon….
Hello, I fasted for 52 hours, then I ate in the next 24 hours. I do gym lifts and yoga. Will I lose muscle if I fast again right after I ate? Thanks for help
I have been doing this diet since the beginning of the year, but i noticed that my dog stopped eating breakfast. I just thought she was getting older and not eating as much. But I tend to cheat on the...
Bought the premium Zero app thinking that it had a count down timer for the eating window after stopping your fast, but it doesn’t. Or did I mess something up in the settings? Why did I buy this POS premium if...
If I'm doing 20:4 intermittent fasting and my eating window is 5-9pm, I think I would become bloated etc if I drank water during or straight after the 4-hour eating window. But I'm also concerned I will become dehydrated in...
My theory is around the time you eat, you will poop. [View Poll](
I know, it depends! But I would really appreciate hearing personal experiences with weight loss while intermittent fasting —comparing lbs dropped while sticking to keto in your eating window vs eating carbs in your eating window.
...and I'm still doing good! I lost 30lbs doing a messy keto 18:6 last year for about 8 months. Then I decided to switch over and start bulking. I've been eating carbs and only skipping breakfast occasionally and my weight...
It may sound funny but people who do prolonged fasting, do you at some point stop farting completely?
So I have a binge eating problem. Not really an eating disorder. Let’s call it a “bad relationship with food.” I think IF helps a lot with the binging for the most part but when I break my fast is when...
I got te from the weight loss and also I accidentally starved myself because I wasn’t eating a proper diet :( but I started eating properly and I am taking multi vitamins and calcium and magnesium supplements I have...
I started IF 5 days ago, sticking to 16/8 currently. I was searching around online etc., but can't seem to find a proper answer to these questions that are bugging me: When does the eating period actually begin? Does it begin...
I gained about 20 lbs during the pandemic and from July-Aug of 2021, I’ve been working out 5x eating 1500 (weighing food, tracking on MyFitnessPal, 160g of protein a day) and didn’t lose a single pound. So I stopped. I...
I have heard that Omega3 supplements have a low utilization rate in the body
My eating window time is all over the place, But I stick to an 8 hours or less eating window Today, I might break that because my dinner is gonna be done way later than I had expected it Can I...
You always hear about certain things causing cancer or cognitive decline but is any of it true? Are there any foods we eat which can cause health problems unrelated to diet?
Even when in eating my balanced diet with my fiber, veggies, lots of water I feel backed up. I feel fine physically but just seem to have digestion problems. When I throw in more...
Hey guys! Like most people, I find late hours to be the most delicious. But is it just a habit? Is it possible to get rid of it? That is, would my organism adapt and stop craving food?
I’m 5’8 155-160, and down from 178 and I was wondering how many calories I should eat to keep losing fat.
This drives me crazy. They say, “listen to your body” and don’t fight the cravings, your body needs consistent energy, etc etc. It just isn’t true! We do not need to eat constantly. Why do people think IF is some...
[View Poll](
I’m reading and hearing mixed things about fasting and metabolism. Some say it slows your metabolism down and you’ll just gain back all the weight that you lost in the fast even if you just eat normally …. some say...
Hi, I started IF 16/8 on 15 December and have been doing well sticking to 12 - 8 pm eating and have really appreciated this sub for advice so far but I am finding that I am binge eating...
I have noticed it is WAY easier for me to fast if I eat earlier in the day and end my window earlier, like 1-2pm. Like I struggle to make 16 hrs if I stop eating between 5 and 9,...
Hello people. I used to fast and now considering getting back into. I had a question. Do the hours you eat in matter? I go to martial arts classes at night and they can end around 9. I heard it’s...
I am very new to intermittent fasting. Me and my wife, we are trying 16:8 version of intermittent fasting. How often should we eat in the eating window? Two times as we used to do, or can we eat fruits...
I tried fasting two years ago, and stopped because I was always binging, with very rare exceptions. Now I started again and nothing has changed. Do you have any advice on how to stop binge-eating after, say 16h fast?
I am trying to gain muscle whilst only eating for 1 hour a day, but I have heard that eating too much at once can be dangerous for the stomach. I usually eat chicken breasts and nuts and fruits so I...
Would it be healthy for someone who has a history of binge eating/ compulsive eating to start IF? if so, what do you recommend they start at?? I have done IF in the past and failed but I started immediately...
First and second day I get it But it’s been like 4 days, and it’s harder for me to eat than it was before. That could seem good, but I actually gained weight because I ate too little, and lost weight when...
Does eating 150 vs 100 grams of protein for instance make any difference how fast autophagy kicks in? I've read that autophagy starts when the body lacks dietary protein so it would make sense that a higher protein intake would...
Obviously you shouldn't eat an absolute massive amount of food but would you still lose weight if you had maybe a normal sized dinner and then snacked on candy and other stuff during the eating window? I'm doing 20 hour...
Been doing the IF but I only get a chance to workout after work which is during my eating window 1-9. Does that make sense/safe to do? Will it effect results?
Does anyone fast 5 days and eat on the weekends? If so what is your experience with this 😊 Thank you!!!
I’m trying to figure out my way forward. I’ve fasted lots but I just wanted to know peoples thoughts or experiences? Did fasting help you? Thank you
I know you guys are going to tell me fiber. I've been living out my freezer (big fibrous shop on the way today) but doea anyone else find that when you don't eat your body seems to hold onto poo?...
I have been IF for around 4 years now (16/8) and I was wondering if is it ok to jump between 16/8 and normal eating or less fasting time windows (12-14hrs), the reason being i can squeeze in a workout...
My hunger goes through the roof when I eat chicken, eggs, protein shakes but not when I eat rice, pasta and bread. I’ve always been like this and it’s not recent. So what’s the deal?
I follow an OMAD diet. The only way to eat fruit for me is at the end of my only meal. Is it good or bad to eat fruit at the end of a big meal? Someone say it may...
I’m on day 5 now and the results are insane. I’ve been running a lot during it as well. I’m wondering when would be too much to lose? I already dropped nearly 10 pounds in just 5 days. Would going...
I only started doing IF 2 weeks ago with a 7 hour eating window and fasting for 17 hours from 3pm to 10pm. Does that time has to be fixed? Most days I don't feel hungry at 3pm and...
I've been doing OMAD for about a year, and have always wanted to try an extended fast. Do you guys eat a regular sized meal before starting your fast? Me with no experience would think a large meal would help...
Will I get to much mercury if I eat like 10 cans a of tuna per week. I can eat 4-5 cans in one sitting after fasting.
I was wondering if there was a limit on how much wild salmon you can eat it daily without getting hurt by mercury? Assuming that you don't eat any other fish/sources of mercury.
My cravings for snacks/sweets have decreased massively
Before i elaborate on this, im 5’7 and 170 lbs with the goal of going down to 155. I originally was 230 lbs when i started my diet. My hunger urges have subsided, and yesterday i was having a bad...
i always fast at least 16 hours, but i'm not eating for 8 hours, because i start and stop at different times every day. here's an example: day 1: end fast 10am, start fast at midnight day 2: end at 4pm, start...
Usually I love eating and yesterday I ate quite a lot (especially sweets) and most of the time I feel the need to munch on something just because I'm bored. Today I decided that because I ate a lot...
Hello all, just as the title says im curious if what i am doing is wrong I try to fast 16 hours a day with an eating period of 8 hours. I saw in the description of the sub that intermittent...
Last night I came back home from hard day at work. Dinner took me about 30 minutes to cook but once I began to eat, I could tell I was in somewhat of a binge mode to cope with stress....