I am having trouble falling asleep on day 2 feel like I should go for a walk to tire myself out my body is wide awake.
Hello guys,I’ve actually done a 36 hour fast before and right now I have exams going on.I can’t seem to cross 20 hours without eating. I just wanna be able to do 36 hours and increase my fasting window more.
As the title states, what should I expect in this experience? I have no other obligations besides just studying for a standardized test. I imagine studying for extended periods of time would perhaps be too hard on the body.
I accidentally ended up eating at about 2:30 yesterday afternoon when normally it’s about noon my time. Will there be any negative consequences to breaking early so I can stick to my noon preference?
I’m curious of people’s methods. Do you mark it the minute you decide to stop eating? Or do you start it the next day, let’s say after dinner?
Right about that mark or a little after I get so confused and one could say even dizzyish. Is this a normal thing that I should just power through? I tend to get quite anxious during this period as well...
Quick question. Every website that mentions autophagy, only describes it up until the 72 hour mark. Example [https://www.inhousestudiofitness.com.au/blog/2019/5/15/the-hour-by-hour-benefits-of-intermittent-fasting](https://www.inhousestudiofitness.com.au/blog/2019/5/15/the-hour-by-hour-benefits-of-intermittent-fasting) I am currently 15 hours into my first fast, and I just want to be sure that you still reap the benefits...
So yeah, as the title says, whenever I’m nearing the 24 hour mark I feel like my heart rate elevates and I just generally feel anxious. As soon as I eat something the problem basically goes away. Is this all in my...
I went from 245 to 190 this past year largely due to fasting. I love the way I look for the first time in since I was a teen. The only trouble is I still have some nasty stretch marks...
Hi squad, It's unbelievable how much this change has done for my waistline and my mental health in only 2 weeks. I have dropped 16lbs, purely from 16:8. But I chose to try a 20:4 between 6pm and 2pm. And now ironically,...
This is my 2nd time trying to fast, the first one was a few years ago and I was able to make it to the 3rd day, just tried fasting yesterday and the headache was killing me so I had...
I have such a hard time with the mental aspect of getting past 36 hours. I enjoy doing mostly 20/4 IF and OMAD, but I really want to add some 48s every week or so. I find when I reach the...
36.M. Trying to work my way up to 18:6. Currently I can make it to about 15 hours or so until I feel brain fog / cognitive decline. Before this I feel great. Hunger is not the issue. It’s the...
I am addicted to sugar and although Ive tried intermittent fasting before and had some success I have decided to have another go, in order to make myself more accountable im laying it out on the line - I started...
How do i go past it
I'm still new to this IF thing but finally starting to feel a little more settled into a routine of 19:5 - 20:4 depending on the day. My eating window is around 1-6 give or take. But I tend to...
Do you guys know of a book, other than Dr. Fung's, that has something new to add instead of rehashing the same things? I was hoping something from another MD with additional results and insights.
Hi all! I've been doing LeanGains IF for three years successfully. I keep on seeing people asking about OMAD and I was curious if anybody can actually point me to any definitive scientific backing of this diet or the warrior diet?...
Looking for a book that includes details on prolonged fasting (7 days plus). Also scientifically backed without any mystical woo stuff. I'm currently 4 days into a 7 day fast and always find it easier to read stuff around the subject...
I've seen way too many posts declaring that people have a low calorie cap (300-500) on "fasted" days. I'm not one for gatekeeping here, but this is not even a dirty fast. This is just eating at a low calorie...
I am a 22 yo male. My height is 178cm and I weigh about 70kg. I regularly exercise and I am vegetarian. Now to my question: I am fine with my weight and my body in general but I would like...
If I blended fiber, like oats with a sugary smoothie will it have any positive affect?
For those who have done dry fasts 5 days or longer, which day(s) were the hardest & why?
New to life App. Doing 16 to 20 hour fasts. I am 6 foot man aged 40 years weighing 240lbs with high blood pressure and a family history of diabetes and Alzheimer's. I see the icon for ketosis come up...
Started to get really warm today in Los Angeles… I went to the park with my toddler and everytime it starts to get really hot outside I sometimes start to swell up on my hands or feet. My salt intake...
Book/Websites that dive into the science of what foods to avoid/incorporate, all whilst explaining why.
Its so hard Any words would be appreciated
There are articles saying 14-16 hours, some others saying 24 is minimum for it to start. When does this actually happen? Is there a way to detect it?
Does anyone know of an app that automatically calculates and logs the hours and lengths of fasting based on when we ate? I've just got an idea, I'd love to have an app where whenever I ingest calories, I just press...
As the above text suggests I want to learn all about the working of hormones in the body along with how they work during the menstrual cycle. I also want to learn about how hormones work with nutrition and exercising....
Basically just to deplete my muscle glycogen and excess water quickly. Is this safe enough?
Hey everyone! Some of my issues include significant scarring, strech marks and body acne.. Will dry fasting help with these?
I'm planning to begin a 100 hour (a little more than 4 days) dry fast this afternoon. I am pretty experienced in extended water fasting, but this will be my first dry fast. What can I expect as for the benefits...
I am fasting 21 hours two days a week and 17 the other days. When I'm fasting 17 hours I'm fine, but doing 21 hours really makes me irritable. Does anyone else have this? Does this pass? Very curious about other...
Probably a stupid question, but would there be any problem with just walking all day when on a prolonged fast for fat loss?
Could fasting with vitamin c help reduce the chances for loose skin issues?
Dry fasting all day is easy, then gradually getting myself to eat healthy when I break the fast. The goal is to break my unhealthy eating patterns and replace with life long healthy, clean eating. Most of you on here...
How do yall deal? I usually skip dinner and breakfast but by noon time i can feel the irritability coming on and can be hard to deal with sometimes
Can dry fasting help heal old injuries? Like ligament damage that causes shoulder pain, knee pain, back pain, etc? If so, how many days would you recommend dry fasting for and is there any good schedule to incorporate dry fasting?...
I'm so stoked and I'm still going 🙌 I feel like I've climbed a mountain! Woooooo! I have had this goal every day for SO many months but could only swing IF w/ OMAD. I'm not pressuring myself as to how...
Today was definitely the best day so far, I had a lot of energy and wasn’t thinking of food that much. I can’t believe its already 10 days, even this fasting has felt like an eternity, it also has gone...
Loose skin ( stretchy skin ) is something that has always crossed my mind when trying to loose weight. The fear that clothes still wouldn’t look good on me after loosing weight because of massive amounts of loose skin. And...
This has never happened to me in my whole life (apart from when I was a baby). 48 hours into my first fast, and a short time after having some electrolyte water, I went to the bathroom to pee, and something...
I've been trying forever to lose weight and my unhealthy lifestyle of broken sleep, cigarettes, alcohol and an overall lamentable lifestyle have taken a toll on my skin and I have stretch marks and wrinkles on my shoulders, arms, legs,...
Hi everyone, I have been IF for around 8 years now, mostly 18:6, sometimes 20:4 or OMAD, with a 24 hour fast sprinkled in every few months. I find it works well for me and my lifestyle and have had...
I'm starting a 36 hour fast today. Cheer me on! I need this! I have put my diabetes type 2 into mostly-remission, but only b/c of weight loss! (it's really pretty cool - foot tingles are a thing of...
I’ve been trying intermittent fasting for the last week, and right before I break my fast every day my weight has been consistently 0.2-0.4 higher than last. I’ve been drinking more water than I’ve ever drank in my life and...
my longest fast to date has only been a measly 24 hours. would attempting a 5 to 7 day fast be a terrible idea? should i build up to it with, say, a 3 day one?
Really need some motivation or advice to push through day 3.. not even halfway done with my fast and already considering breaking it
Are you starting a new fast this week? We'll be posting this thread every Sunday, at the beginning of every calendar week, so you can check in and tell us about your plans for a fasting this week!
Hey guys, later this year in autumn i'll begin an intensive 9 month course in nutrition. The diploma is for Fitness Nutrition Diet Specialist. I already have some basic knowledge and i always try to learn new informations but what...
Today I started a water fast. I’ve been looking at this sub for a while and have tried smaller fasts, and I now want to go for this. Problem is, I always get headaches and sometimes I can feel my...
...or how often did you switch things up until your reached your goal? I read the body gets acclimated and stalls during weight loss, even with fasting. I have a lot of weight to lose and want to avoid that as...
I am looking at starting a 16/8 fast and eating between 10-6. There are days that I will have meeting at 10. If on that day I eat between 9-5 or 8-4 does it make a big difference?a
After about 2 months I notice I don't eat antacids anymore. Anybody else have ailments clear up for them?
How do you prevent hair loss when doing IF?
Hey there! Just finished a 21 day fast water fast (with snake juice), I’ve been real cognizant of rebound weight. When is it safe to start rolling 48s? I’m on day 5 of a refeed, biggest concern is building...
Hi everyone, I am super brand new to this reddit thing, please offer feedback on my plan if anyone has any advice! I suppose my biggest question is about if it's a good idea to do a 72...
Such a random question but I'm 30 hours into a water fast but I have no hunger pangs or noises down there. I'm wondering if you guys get this or know the reason for it? Thanks.
I still eat carbs, like potatoes, bread, chips, rice, pasta. Yet I’m noticing my breath is getting worse, especially right now where I haven’t ate for 18 hours. I floss twice a day and brush for two minutes. Is this...
I’m on my 4th day, so far so good. But I’m starting to have a really bad stomach ache. It’s sharp and really painful, at my very low stomach near my waist. I’m planning to finish the fast tonight so...
Background: I've been going down a long journey to lose 60 to 70kgs and currently 35kg from my heaviest. I want to build the most amount of muscle possible while losing weight. This is obviously difficult since one needs a calorie surplus...
Does anyone use a keto testing kit? Would you make a recommendation? IF turns the body into keto mode. But I never know when. Some say between 12 to 36 hours. Testing to know for sure would be nice.
My mom came over and was standing like 2 feet away from me and was like… what’s that smell? Smells like acetone/nail polish remover… and then LEANED IN and smelled my breath and was like errmm that’s your breath 😅...
37/F 5’2” cw: 133lbs gw: 120lbs I have been on a 17:7 fasting schedule for almost a year. When I try to extend beyond that I hit a wall. I can do a full day of fasting no problem, but...
I am a fan of Dr Mark Hyman and he referred to it in a negative fashion in a recent podcast episode (can't remember which one). I also saw some negative comments about how white rice, contrary to popular belief,...
I wanna start dry fasting but it's so hard to cut water off completely, is there a benefit to just drinking 6 ounces of water a day? Or am I just dehydrating my self for no reason? Or does the...
Which do you recommend. Using simple trial, don’t like it. Fastic and zero free versions seem good. Any advantages in paid ones?
I have done some extended fasts over the years. Multiple 5 and 7 days. A 14 day once upon a time. I know the science and listen to podcasts etc. I know this stuff! And yet here I am every day...
Does anyone else look at the clock as you near the time for your fast to start and jam food into your mouth? I assume this is a bad habit but curious how bad and if I should make...
There seems to be a point when the dullness and hunger decreases, when was this for you?
I understand white rice has lower anti nutrients than brown rice. Are there any other carb sources with low anti nutrients?
I've been fasting since last summer. Some extended fasts but mostly 14-16 hour fasting. Tonight I had my meal which would have been more than enough to carry me though my fast buttttt oh no ... I decided to have...
I am looking for any resources, articles, Ted talks, YouTube videos, etc. that explains nutrition or the effects of sugary, processed foods in children (particularly between the ages of 8-14). I am especially interested in learning about nutrition standards outside...
Today is the 5th day of my 16:8 IF! And I must say, it has already been quite a rollercoaster. I've always been a breakfast person, but now with a new job it got pretty inconvenient, since I have to...
It's like my will power is nonexistent
I’m about to embark on my first 36/12 fast. I’ve googled around and am seeing mixed messages about bulletproof coffee. Some sites say adding both butter and coconut oil to coffee won’t break a fast, as long as you...
#Share your daily fast story thread! 📃 ⏳ **Length** of fast (*start/end/total*) ❓ **Why are you fasting?** (ex: *weight loss, other health benefits, spiritual/religious reasons*) 📝 **Notes** (*How is it going so far? Any concerns? Insights to share?*)...
Well dear fast enthusiats, your brother is onto a new dry fast journey. Starting tomorrow! A good way to make a good crossover. Working on my body while fasting, focusing on my spirituality and my stuff, well this is so...
16:8 is the max i can do and pushing it. What did you guys do to get to 18:6
Between 24 - 82 hours I felt very tired and weak, slept so much, everything felt boring and low. then everything changed in an instant after 82 hours! I feel so freaking good and light, this is really amazing. Thanks...
So, I’ve done 16:8, 20:4, and even done a 24 hour fast before. I figured it was about time to try an extended fast, so I started a five day fast on Sunday night. I’m about 42 hours in and...
Thank you for clicking on my post, I need tips or strategies to use when water fasting. I tempt to always end my fast around the 2 day mark, it’s never because i’m super hungry or because i can’t keep...
So I lasted 14 days no problem but my goal was 30. I was hungry my biggest issue was motivation. I had no motivation to do anything . Anyone have any tips ? I'm just starting another 14 days again...
I'm not sure if I want to kick off with a 21-30 day fast (I have done 21 before) and then transition into 72s, or just start off with 72s. I'm leaning towards trying the 21-30. So, now.. I am far...
I’ve been seeing quite a bit of people mention that they put various artificial sweeteners into their black coffee in the morning Just wanted to give a heads up, that artificial sweeteners are shown to provoke an insulin response. [Source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7014832/) Those who...
I’ve done water fasts, colon cleanses and and a series of dry fast that led me to a max 4 Day dry fast hard mode. My question is this; do you count the hours to tally the amount...
New to fasting. Started for weight loss on January 6 so I’m 2 weeks in. Started with 16:8 skipping breakfast. Now I’m doing 19/20:4/5. I haven’t weighed myself but my clothes feel looser. Now I am curious about autophagy and...
23F, 179cm and 98kg. trying to lose 15kg by september In the past I only got to 45h before giving up and it has been quite some time i fasted longer than 20h I struggle mostly with the mental aspect and eating...
so if i ate a tiny meal last night at 9, and my first meal is this morning at 10. lets say it took 1 hour to digest that meal. so i fasted for 13hours , 12 of those with...