Like this []( How do you figure it out?
Or do u need a super clean diet on them?
But eating the macros with healthy whole food, Will i be healthy doing so?
I take fish oils and Curcumim/ginger/piperine supplements at the moment.
I take some vitamine pills (capsules) in the morning. I was wondering whether this breaks my fast. Can't find on the bottle whether they contain calories
I usually take a multivitamin, omega-3s, and some other supplements for mood. I know these things technically have calories, so I just wanted to get some opinions from you guys. Should I avoid them during the fast? (Obviously not looking...
Hello nice people of IF super quick question... I want to start taking Tongkat Ali, which required a 3x day dose. Will taking it in the AM with a glass of water break my fast cycle?
I plan to take electrolytes, but would love to know if other supplements are kosher. Thank you!
Im not interested in creating my own. I can’t actually get potassium from the store. You need a doctor prescription or something. I’m looking on Amazon and there are too many options. What do recommend? I accept links lol
is there any reason to not mix creatine monohydrate with other powdered supplements, specifically the "big green / big red" supplements. Thanks!
Like what brand
Is this normal? A&P covered how dietary cholesterol has little to no effect on cholesterol levels in the body meanwhile majority of the nutrition courses I took taught that it does have a major role in raising cholesterol. Why so...
Lo Salt is the best electrolyte supplement with no useless additives. Lo salt has all natural potassium chloride, sodium, and magnesium, all 0 calories which will not stop Autophagy. I think its the easiest way to start safe longterm water...
I’m on my almost 3rd day of dry fasting and my arms are starting to numb and I’m getting cramps in my legs. I was wondering if I can take magnesium supplements whilst I fast? Thank you for any help!...
are supplements considered as breaking the fast? i take: \--a multivitamin (with minerals) \--lutein \--something that's supposed to curb sugar cravings, bought it OTC from a pharmacy ​ tia <3
The dietary supplement nicotinamide riboside (NR), a form of vitamin B3, in studies has shown benefits related to cardiovascular, metabolic and neurological health. However, a recent study from the University of Missouri has found high intake of NR could actually...
I often get really sore, cold, and a bit nauseous when I’m fasting. I know a lot of people recommend taking certain supplements. I find that a lot of them are pretty pricey. What ones should I be taking and...
Does protein enter in the bone with calcium or what exactly is this mass ?;
I need to buy some vitamin D for winter but I want to make sure it's natural, how can you tell? this is what I'm looking at or would I be better off going with cod liver oil or something...
I am a new bee and I just finished 10 days, some of you suggested me to take electrolytes, what exactly are those ? Some powder to be mixed in water and I drink it ? Tab ? Do you...
A daily dose of two powder capsules could be about 1g.
Would taking multivitamins like ‘Animal Pak’ break your fast? Or any supplement pills like fish oils and vitamin D3?
It's very frustrating. I usually just assume if it doesn't specify, it is insoluble. Is this usually a safe bet?
I see a minimum of 250mg combined EPA+DHA recommended each day by some sources. Is there any major difference in the dosing intervals between taking 250mg/day vs taking a triple strength 750mg every third day? I can’t find much information...
from what i have been reading, caffeine supplements can promote the body to release fat cells. > it’s one of the few substances known to help mobilize fats from your fat...
Hey everyone! Does anyone use “Natural Calm” for their magnesium supplement in water? It says it has 0 calories on the label, but it has a flavor. I dug a little deeper into the internet and it says there is .015 grams...
I’m looking for a seaweed supplement that includes the three types of seaweed. Brown, Green and Red. Anyone know of such a supplement? Below are the scientific names. Thanks! Brown Algae (Phaeophyta) Green Algae (Chlorophyta) Red Algae (Rhodophyta)
They are expensive, and I haven’t found any reputable case studies.
Any benefits of taking a liquid fish oil vs like a capsule ?
Hello I have been fasting for a while and I just recently found this subreddit. I also recently started using supplements. Certain supplements need to be consumed with food because they need some sort of fat.How do you consume the...
I'm about to do my first 7 day fast. I've seen conflicting stuff on taking supplements or sticking to literally just water. What's the science?
I am on day 19 of my 40 day water fast and the past few days it’s been getting harder and harder swallowing my potassium/magnesium pills. Today I actually vomited trying to swallow the pill, it was highly unpleasant. Does...
I know on fasting days we are to consume nothing but water and snake juice, but has anyone ever thrown creatine into the mix? And would there be any harm in doing so? If this is a dumb question I’m sorry, just...
I’m so sorry if this has been asked before, but can I take supplements while IF? I’m referring to the ones I’d take during the morning/afternoon like MSM, B complex, green tea or caffeine. Thank you!
I usually take a fish oil supplement and a multivitamin. I've been trying to remember to take it after I break my fast, but my routine was to always take it with breakfast at 6:00 and now I forget...
So I know that everyone will have an opinion, but, what do you consider the best protein supplement and why?
Hi there! I am planning to do 72 hour fast and looking into magnesium supplements but very confused due to the ingredients list and unsure of the efficacy of brands. Does anyone have experience with a good vegetarian magnesium supplement (in...
I'm curious of there's a difference between taking collagen supplements (especially type II) as a powder versus a capsule. Is there any science as to why one method of intake is preferred over the other?
I'd like to hear the supplements you guys use for fasting. I'm not going for strict no calorie so even any superfood powder to recommend is greatly appreciated
I googled this but I am having trouble finding a definitive answer In the mornings i usually take the following supplements and vitamins Vitamin D B-complex L-arginine CLA Fish oil Does this mess with my IF plan? I usually do 12-8
Considering joining for the support. I'm down around 30lbs but have stalled out. Fasting and low carb/ high fat working, then I get sloppy. Going to be on steroids for awhile, so that is an added dimension causing me problems....
Are they all the same?
I tried finding studies on the perils of magnesium supplementation but found none, all evidence points to magnesium being awesome. Am I missing something? edit: magnesium heavy diet being one that consists of beans, oats, dark leafy greens, dark chocolate etc....
i’ve always had trouble with extended fasts and reading through this sun has convinced me that electrolyte supplementation would be really helpful! so i’m wondering what should i look for in a supplement and does anyone have any recommendations? i...
Hi just need some advice, will plain chamomile tea, no sugar, no milk kick me out of the fasting window? And will taking supplements or medicated pills kick me out of fasting? The reason i am asking is because i...
I know it depends on what those supplements contain. So here are the ingredients : zinc gluconate, ascorbic acid, microcrystalline cellulose, starch, talc, croscarmellose, magnesium stearate, orange flavour. (These are translated, so I hope they make sense)
Vitamin D and Omega-3 seem to be a perfect fit. Is taking both simulatenously enough as Omega-3 contains fats? And if not, what is considered a "fatty meal"? Are a few eggs already "enough" in terms of maximum efficacy for absorption?
Anyone here use CLA supplements? If so, were they helpful with improving energy levels or aiding in weight loss?
Is there any packaged electrolyte supplement plan I can get for fasting that gives me everything I need daily for a water fast? I tried getting them individually but it gave me a headache trying to work out dosage.
Can i take supplements with fasting? I am thinking about multivitamin + magnesium and also maybe some caffeine?? I have some eczema problems and i want to see if fast will help. But i also need energy cause i have 2...
I want to do fasting but, in my research, I found that taking electrolytes and or other supplements are a good idea. Let me know what supplements I need to purchase to get started! I plan to do rolling 72 fasts...
I've searched but found no clear answer to this. My understanding is that fasting puts stress on the body causing autophagy and so you should avoid doing anything that reduces that stress such as taking a multivitamin while fasting. Would...
I have various supplements i take during the day. I would like to know if these could be implemented into a water fast: -Multivitamins -CLA -Modafinil -Caffeine -L Carnite Im sure that these dont have calories however will they break my fast? Please bare in mind im in...
Nitric oxide supplements Looking for a natural/ cost effective supplement to boost my nitric oxide. I’ve heard beet juice, garlic, vitamin c, and pomegranate juice are all good. Is one more effective than the others? Can I simply just incorporate more...
So there's loads of debate around food supplements, particularly multivitamin tablets and whether very much of it gets absorbed and benefits you. ​ I've had tons of success however taking fish oil supplements, as it has been the only thing to clear...
Has anyone ever tried taking lactase pills and fibre supplements at the same time? Generally, you're supposed to take oral medications 2 hours before or after a fibre supplement, however, given that you're supposed to take fibre supplements with your...
Hey wonderful peeps. My brother told me that the body can't really absorb vitamins or supplements while fasting - his reasoning was that the pills doesn't have anything to bind itself to in the stomach, and that it will therefore just...
When an upper limit is given for the supplemental form of a nutrient, do naturally occurring forms count towards the total? e.g. The UL for supplemental Niacin is 35mg. If I intake 20mg from food and 25mg from a daily...
I've done a 5 day fast before supplementing daily with Magnesium Citrate 210mg,Potassium Citrate 99mg, L-Tyrosine 500mg, electrolytes with water and small amounts of pink Himalayan salt in water. Just water and supplements. I'm planning on doing a 21 day...
I've read differing opinions on this. If the goal is to **firm up** one's stool, which of these, in your opinion, is the best. Right before a meal? Right after a meal? Between meals? Edit: It wouldn't let me create a poll.
Online, I have read lots of discussions about how gelatin is basically collagen. People have said that gelatin has lots of positive effects on joints and skin and hair and everything. Some people even buy gelatin powder or jello to...
Yo Has anyone in here tried the Ran Soul Supplements? Is it really a "super supplement"?
Theres alot of high end and comprehensive multis and greens supplements like outlive 100 and athletic greens, which seem to cover all ur vitamin/mineral needs in one easy shake/pill. But is this even a good idea? Like im not sure on the...
Or similar smelly concoction. It is lunch time here and I can pretty much tell what everybody is eating from my desk... A dab of that stuff under my nose would put an end to that distraction.
Hi (30m, 106/117kg, GW:90, waterfast day 11/40), I've bought a multivitamin, but I'm under the impression that my stomach doesn't like it. I've read somewhere, that the B vitamins are problematic on an empty stomach. What do you use and did you...
So far I have lost 20lbs. I weighed 326 when I started. Trying to get under 300 for the first time in years. My goal is to fast till the 18th. It’s time for me to take supplements so I...
As the title suggests I am wondering why they add so many vitamins and supplements to energy drinks. I am having a hard time finding the exact science on it. Is it to curb the crash or just to increase...
Is it possible that a person has a very low calcium intke through food (avoiding dairy) but has a normal blood calcium level? Furthermore, is it possible that supplementing calcium for this person improves a variety of stuff (like palpitaations...
I used to suffer with anemia and have been healing, where it doesnt affect me apart from time of month. Would taking 1 200mg ferrous sulfate tablet with an ascorbic acid supplement (vit c supplement) break fast on...
I take lions mane and cordyceps pills and im wondering if they will break a fast, I want to get the full benefits of fasting like autophagy
You almost never see supplements with a 1:1 ratio or a higher DHA ratio, it's always a higher EPA. I have read that there are benefits and negatives for both types in different ratios so why do almost all Omega...
Im doing the snake and I made the water but I just dont want to drink it this week. I have done it before but dont want to push myself to drink it this week. So to not quit my five...
Hey guys, if any of you guys take Vitamin D when do you guys take it? I recently found out I am deficient the problem I am having is it is fat soluble but also should not be taken at...
Hello, I saw a post on another sub but I’m interested in doing a supplements only fast. I’m on a lot of supplmemts already but maybe I could bump it up. My goal is healing my brain. I think if...
I'd like to do an extended water fast, but hate telling my friends (cause we know how people can be). So I'm thinking I could eat only on the days they've invited me out to eat, which could be...
I just got done with a bottle of Alaskan king oil. Bought two more bottles of some other stuff that was a lot cheaper and I noticed it was made with a conglomerate of fish (anchovy, mackerel, sardine, pollack, whiting,...
What supplements or foods help with improving memory or forgetfulness?
Wondering what the risks of excessive intake of ginger supplements are. Please provide a source for any claims Thanks
I would like to reap the health benifits of fasting, but I have a disorder that makes it necessary that I consume one spoon full of fish oil a day. Will the 24 hour fast be enough? I have read...
Hi Both a nutritionist and naturopath once told me that the supplements you can buy at the chemist don't actually work. I'm not sure if they just said that however to sell their own stuff. Does anyone know if this is true?
Hey guys. I've been fasting with electrolytes (the usual salt, no-salt, baking soda), using magnesium supplements instead of epsom salt. Except I often get pins and needles in my hands and feet. Ive tried "Doctors BEST high absorption magnesium" as...
New faster here. I'm hell bent on doing this right and I'm aware that some people do it without any supplements but it seems like most people add a little something. I'm wondering if anyone has any reasons to NOT...