hello fasters, has anyone combined these? I learned about buteyko about a week ago and joes method approx 2 months ago and I must say combining these has unlocked a new level of consciousness.
Edit: "This video has been removed by the uploader" Original post: This cringey spam video was uploaded 6 hours ago. Let's dislike and report the video as spam before people get taken advantage of. Hopefully Dr. Fung will see this and remove it...
Hello ladies and gentlemen, I was wondering if anyone has experience with Dr. Mike Israel? [https://youtu.be/BoD7bj74QPQ](https://youtu.be/BoD7bj74QPQ) It sounds like a more effective method than adding 50-100 calories a week. I am very curious about the responses.
Is there any new research on disagreements between Dr Longo and Dr Sinclair? I do appreciate both of them, but I would like to be able to decide on their contradictory claims, specifically: * Is skipping breakfast good or bad...
So, I just got kicked out of The Obesity Code Diet Facebook Group because they did not want to acknowledge Dr. Phinney's research and comments about losing lean body mass when dieting. Oh well...
He's vegan which upsets a lot of people, but I'm genuinely curious how many people trust or distrust him.
It seems like they’re dissolving 20% of their product in sugar and marketing it as soda
On keto when insulin is low, in theory, it circumvents to 2 compartment model so the body can access its fat stores. However, despite having fasted 20 out of 60 last days (OMAD on eating days), I've actually gained about...
[Fasting](https://image.ibb.co/cDXc4e/image.png) seems to be a bliss in disguise but it's confusing for me because my BMI is in range.
Hi- quick question to everyone who read Dr. Fung's Obesity Code: What did he say about weight loss and breaking long term fast? I know that after day 3, we burn our fat and maintain good metabolism. I am so bored...
Dr.Filonov recommended 2 days of dry fast weekly paired with walking for weight loss. Has anyone tried? And what were your results? Would 2 days of 24 hrs dry fast suffice or should I go for longer periods? I am doing...
From my brief research, I see that people say xylitol doesn't raise blood glucose or insulin, but I don't recall Dr. Fung mentioning it in the sweetener section in his book The Obesity Code. The reason I'm asking is that...
I've decided to make some changes to my lifestyle and eating habits and educate myself so I'm looking to buy one of his books, one that contains all the necessary information. I might buy more later but I need one...
For example, sometimes my family will make ice cream (generally healthier than store-bought, but still, it's ice cream) and I know it has added sugars etc. It's hard to completely stop participating in any desserts with my family, so is...
For lunch (I follow 18:6), I ate two salmon burgers, a bit of guacamole, a good amount of broccoli, four eggs, a few spoons of mayonnaise, and a green smoothie. Just out of curiosity, this totaled to under 1200...
Went for a 3 month follow up with my doctor after a physical showing HDL 44 & LDL 135 and elevated inflammation levels. In addition to continuing my intermittent fasting, I was told to make a few changes in my...
I had never been committed to diets or sports before. I once tried the most common way to lose weight: eat less, move more. I dieted, I took up some minor exercise and walking for a few weeks. My weight...
Hello Some of Dr Filonov recommendations worry me. In his book he wrote: Rapeseed, sunflower, corn, soybean, walnut oil - 1 tablespoon of any oil from this list once daily; • Sunflower, sesame, poppy, pumpkin seeds, walnuts; • Wheat sprouts; • Many other plant and...
Hey all. Ive been practicing IF inconsistently for the past two years and am really trying to commit myself to being more consistent about it this year. I recently re-read dr fung’s complete guide to fasting and there is a...
Has Dr. Jason Fung provided his opinion on the Snake Diet (and/or on rolling 48s, 72s, and 96s)? I'm *very* interested to know what his thoughts are. I'm not exactly following the Snake Diet, but I've recently started a 2MAW...
I have stationary bike that was given to me, I just ordered weights. I hate exercising with a passion, but I am still going to do it.
Is he legit or a quack?
I have read all of Dr Fung's books and watched various seminars. There is something I am confused about and which I'm hoping someone can help me with. He talks about his patients doing extended fasts in order to lose weight...
I made the mistake of telling my Dr that I fast and she got quite upset. Now, I love my Dr, she's amazing, but we definitely don't see eye to eye on this. She said that I should never skip...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XjmvBFt63k What are your thoughts on this video?
Received this email today from Dr Fung: Fasting and COVID-19 A lot of people are worried about how fasting affects the risk of COVID-19 virus infection. The truth is there is no good information on this subject at all, so everything is...
So I know that Dr Fung believes in not calorie restricting (at least that's the only info I've been able to find). He says if you do a smaller eating window every day, you should still get the same calories...
I just discovered his [youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@drekberg/videos), and ive watched several videos so far. A lot of it seems pretty scientifically on point in regards to his nutrition recommendations. I particularly like his focus on [fundamental nutrition concepts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7gDIshc-S0) rather than evangelising...
I'm interested to hear what the overall take on this from fasters who understand the hormonal impact of fasting on the body. Dr. Fung rarely qualifies this statement and uses black and white terminology such as "the CICO theory has...
Hey, I love If and EF. I'm 100% sure that the right way. But I see quite a few people hate on it and specially on Dr. Jason Fung. It's quite frustrating to people tell you you're stupid for believing...
I am quite far along in my fasting weight loss journey and nearing my goal weight, so I've started doing monthly extended fasts (72s) to keep myself from plateauing. It sort of has gotten me interested in what might be...
I’m doing intermittent fasting. I am not familiar with fasting-mimicking diets. I would love to hear about it, what does a fasting-mimicking diet even look like? How does it compare to IF? Which one is recommended and why?
I am one week away from my montly cycle. Along with PMS and martial stress, I ended up eating a super late dinner and snack. I was doing 20:4 but wierdly started feeling hungrier than the other days. Is fasting...
Hi guys, I need some help here. I come across a lot of content online that says women shouldn’t fast for longer periods of time and your cycle will be disrupted or your hormones will be disrupted etc. I have...
Ladies, has anyone whose period has been affected by IF managed to get their period under control? If you have, what black magic did you use? I’ve started IF for about month. Started off with OMAD/20:4 on the last week...
I've started seeing a naturopath and we had an enlightening conversation about menstrual cycles and diet and how our food needs/cravings shift through our cycle. I've been thinking about this in the context of fasting and am wondering if anyone...
Loving the positivity on this sub, and getting very interested in IF after trying a very basic 14:10 (skip breakfast) for the last few weeks. I've read "obesity code" and would like to find more information on how metabolism works...
Like a lot of women it seems, I find I’m hungry the week before my period, very hungry for chocolate on the first day of it :) then less hungry during. I’m currently doing ADF to lose weight and really...
Did a 48hr water fast in the week leading up to the start of my cycle. I thought since I wasn’t bleeding it would be fine but now my 7ml cup is filling every hour or two for the...
How do i go past it
So I have been doing keto for 2 weeks and I'm in ketosis..I started fasting Monday 16:8. I've been going to sleep early all week and getting good sleep. I did start my time of the month Wednesday night so...
I started about 14 days ago. I haven’t lost a damn pound but at least I haven’t gained… anyways the day I started was 2 days before my period. Well now I’m 12 days late and still no sign of...
So, I'm only a month in of doing IF 16:8 (eating window is 11-7:00). I eat 2 meals and 1 snack per day for a total of about 1500-1800 calories. I don't exercise regularly, but I get an average of...
I am post menopausal, have Hashimoto’s and am overall sick on meds. I’m 5’7 and 150 or so. I’m trying for 135. What am I doing wrong?
Hello, i am planning to do a FULL straight 7 day soft dry fasting and want to know what to expect. I have zero experience whatsoever. Zero preparations and doing this for weight loss. Been on SAD - standard american diet all...
I'm in my 30's 5ft 2 and currently 136.6lbs SW 140lbs GW:119lbs started IF 3 weeks ago, lost 4lbs then gained 0.6lbs (I lost 0.4%BF this week though) I really struggled last week. I've been putting in the hours 18:6 but...
Any women here dry fast during that time of the month? If so what are your tips? And any complications?
So I had a previous post where I stated that I have done the 16:8 fasting before but I never really noticed any results for about two months. Some people recommended extending the fast, so I started reading on OMAD....
I was specifically looking for information between 32 and 48 hours because I'm trying to decide which one I want to do regularly. However, this chart kind of skips that specific part. Does anyone have any charts that illustrate the...
Did it effect your cycle in any way? Other hormonal effects?
I have done dry fasts many times however i find it hard to stick to it after 48 hours, but now i plan to do it sincerely, but I'm in periods, i was already in the dry fast for first...
Has anyone exerpriances fasting and having no loss at all? So strange. I decided to up my electrolytes and have a bit of Mct in my black coffee in the morning. To my surprise no loss at all the morning after..
I am a 27 year old woman. I naturally do intermittent fasting without really trying but I’ve heard from multiple sources that women should not do it for as long as men. Normally, I wait about 5-7 hours after eating...
I started fasting 3 days a week about 2 weeks ago (not quite ADF, but fasting T, TH, Sun). I’m now two weeks late (and confirmed not pregnant). I couldn’t find a ton of info about this, so I wanted...
I want to start intermittent fasting as I'm not comfortable about my body. Can someone please explain the procedure, what timings do I have to fast at
Doing a 14 day fast and had some questions 1. How many cups of black coffee can I have in one day? 2. Same question for green tea 3. Also can I chew calorie less gum? If so how much? 4. I did a...
I was wondering if there were any diabetic intermittent fasting doers here and if so if they could give me tips on how to keep my blood sugar from getting to low and ill just take IF tips in general...
So I'm on the skinny side but I wanted to water fast for the health benefits. When I told my friend he said don't deprive yourself of calories because you're 18 and your brain is still developing. Is water fasting probably...
I want more options than just Ragusea.
Do you guys know of a book, other than Dr. Fung's, that has something new to add instead of rehashing the same things? I was hoping something from another MD with additional results and insights.
Has anyone done a fast under his supervision and does anyone have his email?
Who do you learn from about fasting?
Had some heart racing, and went in, kidney readings are good, everything checked out.
I read the Phoenix book and it stated 11 day dry fast is the optimal to cure most chronic illness. I have only done 5 day dry fast and couldn’t do 7 day. If you are on the lower weight...
I notice DR. Fung mostly recommends alternate day fasting such as fast for a period of 24or 36 hours every other day of the week. Somewhere I remember him saying eating once per day would cause a person to plateau....
So I am looking to add more weight on my body. I have had serious autoimmune and still have a ton of health issues. I had my colon removed and have a jpouch. Using good diet, dry fasting and some...
Hello, I'm looking for a good introductory book about nutrition. Has anyone here read one that was really helpful? My interests include learning more about eating a healthy, balanced diet. Also, I'm interested in learning about different diets such as keto,...
Who would you follow for reliable, science based nutrition advice, avoiding channels who make lofty and unsubstantiated claims or sell products etc. Please don't mention anyone outside of this remit as I don't want to start an argument - just...
As in: healthy Oatmeal, not the one with high sugars and processing. What would Dr. Fang say?
What should I do? Sometimes I am very warm and other times I am very cold Now my lips feels cold
Will this kick me out of ketosis? I drink around 2 cups a day?
I've read the obesity code and the ultimate guide to fasting. I know as long as you lift heavy 3 days per week while fasting you won't lose muscle mass. My question is can you gain muscle while doing a long fast....
Hi, I was wondering if anyone had stumbled across any documents/literature by Dr. Jason Fung relating to fasting and Endometriosis. I couldn't find any. I found some on PCOS.
So, I did a lot of research before starting this and I've been going for about a month now. But what I've seen on the internet from health websites and what I see in this subreddit don't match up....
I am US resident, looking to join idm program (to reverse diabetes) offered by Dr. Jason Fung and team onsite in Toronto area. I am T2 diabetic for over 15 years with HbA1C over 8. I am on multiple...
I've been doing IF for some time, and now up to doing 20/4 OMAD, and it is working great. I have a friend who is probably 70 lbs. overweight and is interested, but has Type 2 diabetes. He is thinking...
What are you results like? Did your PCOS symptoms decrease? I’d love to hear from you.
I was thinking of fasting. But my friend had told me that I should speak to a doctor first about it before I do it. So I have to get permission from a doctor before I fast? Also is fasting...
I plan to ask my doctor! Just wondering how soon after a major surgery can I restart IF? I hate knowing that I'm likely gaining weight while recovering but I know my body needs extra care right now. I can...
Hello everyone, I’m just curious as if this book is good for also people that cut. I’m not obese or overweight. I just need to lose baby fat and I’ve tried every method that is available on the internet or...
Gained 25 lbs over past six months of cancer treatment (finished treatment in early January). Oh, yes, and I'm in remission from Follicular Lymphoma (treated in 2021) and Triple Negative Breast Cancer (treated in 2018). I just wonder if IF...
Is there any science regarding an abnormal fasting schedule vs a normal fasting schedule is advantageous?
First, I'm very much pro-IF and practitioner (estimating 8 years now doing 16:8 or 18:6). I'm simply trying to bolster my defence to certain and upcoming questions on my liver health due to the practice of IF. My numbers are...