Anyone know why Cole Robinson places so much emphasis on potassium chloride over other forms of potassium?
I've been using table salt for sodium, CALM powder for magnesium citrate, and purchased NOW brand potassium chloride powder to have a source of potassium. However, I'm realizing that I'm getting chloride from the table salt AND the potassium chloride...
It's relatively hard to get potassium chloride and magnesium sulphate where I live. I am about to order some online, but it might take 3-5 days for delivery. However I want to get started on my fast immediately, so I've made...
This [Nutrition Made Simple video "The Best Salt According to Science"]( says that it is. In the YouTube description box, there are a bunch of cited studies, but, honestly, I'm not 100% sure it's worth my time to read all...
Like what brand
How much potassium does this count as? My bottle says "potassium (from 550mg potassium gluconate) 90mg. I'm confused please help!
I wanted to buy potassium for my electrolyte drink and I noticed one brand that says in the label (Potassium (elemental) 448mg from 1,400 mg potassium citrate) So to get 4,700mg potassium from it should i get 4,700mg potassium citrate or...
I’m a wimp and can’t drink salt water. I have sodium chloride tablets instead. They are 1 gram. In the wiki recommendations, it says 1-2g minimum of sodium should be consumed daily. Does that mean 1 tablet (1g) of sodium...
According to my Google searches, chloride is an electrolyte. I couldn't find much info about where it comes from though. One of my theories is tap water, but I honestly have no idea. Thank you!
Hello everyone! I’m on my 4th day of a 7 day dry fasting and since yesterday I have been feeling a strong lower back pain, which might have to do with my kidneys since I had UTIs in the past....
The only high potassium item I could find is cream of tartar, I would need around 5-6 teaspoons to reach the recommended amount of 3-4g of potassium. Is it okay to take it one teaspoon at a time throughout the...
I recently discovered, mid-fast and dealing with some electrolyte deficiency, that apparently potassium is prescription only in the country I live in. I decided to end my fast on that note but I was wondering how long I could have...
I really struggle with this! I don’t get near the rdi. Can’t have oranges or orange juice. Or grapefruits. Or tomatoes. Bananas. Don’t like potatoes. Any advice?
I'm asking about these for extended fasting. Do these all need to be ingested? Does your body get these from somewhere? Do you have long term stores in the body? I wanted to supplement the main electrolyte mix...
I plan to take electrolytes, but would love to know if other supplements are kosher. Thank you!
Am curious of the potassium loss of cold soaking beans before cooking. Thank you
As an alternative to gagging down some snakejuice I think it may be preferable to consume electrolytes through tablets such as the following: 4x 1 gram sodium chloride tablets (394 mg of sodium) [such as this]( 24x 99 mg potassium caplets [such...
Most of potassium rich foods that I can think of have carbs.
Hello, I successfully finished 3 days fasting with salt only. Now I want to try 5 days and then 7 days. Potassium: []( Serving size 1/4 tsp, 448mg, which means \~2 tsp needed Magnesium: []( Each tablet is 100mg, which...
I've read the wiki on electrolytes and I'm using the recommended amount to plan when/what I take. My plan has me taking a 1/4 tsp of table salt 7 times a day for 3.8 grams of sodium. 6 tsp of nusalt...
The question pretty much states it. Spring Valley K supplements only suggest 1 tablet per day, and it only fulfills 2% of the DV. It's ~90mg.
My first question is does anybody ever actually get the recommended daily intake of potassium/how do you do it? It seems so difficult, especially without consuming too much oxalates. Which brings up the second question of in your experience, has...
Where to buy Potassium in Australia for the snake juice? Alternatively what product can I buy to make the snake juice easily. Please link. Thanks,
Some says 1tsp some says 200-400mg, so I need to know cuz im after 5 days out of 30
I’m 2 days into a 12 day fast. I’m currently taking sodium chloride (Celtic Sea Salt), potassium chloride and Magnesium Sulfate. Do I need to worry about zinc, calcium, Thiamine, iodine etc?
"It is magnesium that controls the fate of potassium and calcium in the body. If magnesium is insufficient, potassium and calcium will be lost in the urine and calcium will be deposited in the soft tissues (kidneys, arteries, joints, brain,...
If a person consumes around 8,000-10,000 mg of potassium per day, how much sodium he can eat safely?
Sure, call me a wimp, but I can’t handle snake juice. I have an extra-sensitive palate, to put it lightly. Right now, to get my sodium and magnesium in, I’m taking tablets. 400mg magnesium once a day and 1g of sodium...
I just can't do the baking soda so I have been mixing up one teaspoon of pink salt and one teaspoon of potassium in 2L and then supplementing magnesium by capsules. I drink the entire 2 liters daily. Not active...
Whenever I take potassium I feel something weird in my heart. It's like if my heartbeat is's difficult to explain. But it is not a nice feeling. I mix in 2 liters of water (along with salt and magnesium) 1400...
Im doing the snake and I made the water but I just dont want to drink it this week. I have done it before but dont want to push myself to drink it this week. So to not quit my five...
Just wondering if anyone has a good link that compares potassium levels in people fasting by days fasted. I've tried looking for papers online but haven't found a good one. Anyone reckon I would have a noticeable decreasei in potassium...
Taken from Google: The recommended potassium intake for an average adult is 4,700 milligrams (mg) per day. Look at your typical potassium supplement…a measly 2% of our daily is the average amount in pill form. Thinking about where potassium can be found…it...
Those with kidney disease have to be very cautious with potassium, because for them, the potassium would not get eliminated from the body and could have fatal results. But for a healthy person, do they need to exercise caution with potassium...
I decided I wanted to start intermediate fasting to help my weight loss. I’ve been over weight for years and looking back on my fitness pictures, I really have let myself go. I’m currently on 36 hours and I’m not...
We all know how important the electrolytes are during fasting, as well as the ratio between them. Eg Potassium to Sodium 2:1 ratio. Many drink water with salt and potassium. I just stumbled upon this NIH link and can't vouch for...
Title says it all really, I've been doing OMAD for two months, and comfortably for one month. I'm looking to explore longer fasts and really wanna do it right. It seems that refeeding is something that is a little overblown...
Fish - overfishing is obviously bad for the environment Avocados and nuts - out of season in North America right now, fossil fuels used for transport, drought in areas producing nuts in North America also bad Olive oil production, also...
So if you eat a meal with 1200mg of salt, then eat a bunch of fruit containing 500mg of potassium. How much of that salt cancels out because of the potassium? Is there a limit to how much potassium can help?...
Right I am only on day two of snake juice and I can already tell its something I am not going to like long term. Being over 40% bf I am in the fat fucker category so will need to...
I just bought potassium tablets, i have salt , epsom salt lime juice and ACV will this still be snake juice ?
hello, newb here. I bought Himalaya Salt + Baking Soda + Epsom Salt but I can't find NoSalt for prepare snake juice in my country. I can find only LoSalt (the original %66 less sodium). Is it ok to but...
I'm about to start a prolonged fast (7-10 days) and I need electrolytes. I'm a bit confused on the fact that some contain sodium chloride (table salt), some contain sodium and some contain chloride. Doesn't sodium chloride, when exposed to...
Lo Salt is the best electrolyte supplement with no useless additives. Lo salt has all natural potassium chloride, sodium, and magnesium, all 0 calories which will not stop Autophagy. I think its the easiest way to start safe longterm water...
what is the difference between the snake juice and the ringer serum used un hospistals?
I'm not asking cause I'm too lazy to do it It's just that where I am Getting all these salts are either really costly or just unavailable Tho we have table salt So would table salt and just water be enough?...
How necessary is consuming salt and how much should I intake? I’ve done shorter fast before and have had problems with nausea and headaches.
hi everyone, I am somewhat of a beginner faster. I haven’t fasted for over 26 hours but I really wanna get into 72+ our fast. My only concern is if I follow the snake juice program, is that all you...
In my country is very hard to find salt substitutes like No-Salt or NuSalt. So I found this one that has 3 ingredients listed: * Potassium chloride * Tricalcium phosphate * Calcium silicate I'm wondering if someone knows if these ingredients...
I see recommendations for taking salt during a fast to replenish electrolytes and is the fast, but is there a healthier alternative?
Hello I just started my water fast I don't have an end date in mind I'll keep fasting as long as I can My weight is 101.2kg and my goal is 70kg I'm going to use this electrolytes (in the pictures) Do you recommend something else? Should...
Sorry for the stupid question, but I didn't find it answered yet. Neither the website nor the package give any indication as to how many calories/macros a tablet contains, however I found at least one alcohol listed in the ingredients....
It’s been a couple of years since I had Snake Juice, and I know Cole has refined the recipe a few times. So, what’s the latest?
So i am trying to make my own electrolyte supplements and the faq on this sub is probably the most helpful i've found. I am in New Zealand and it's damned infuriating looking for guides and only really finding US...
This is my first time trying this and it tastes like Poseidon is cumming in my mouth. I'm using: 1 liter of water 1/4 tsp of Himalayan sea salt 1/2 tsp baking soda (Brookshires didn't have the other stuff, I'm ordering it from Amazon)
I've been on water only fast. I'm on my third day. About the second night, I noticed my hips and groin aching really bad, and it felt like I need to stretch a lot. I'm not sure what's causing this...
Hi everyone. I’ve started doing rolling 72s and have managed to go from 94kg to 88.5kg in the span of 6 days. I’m currently at the tail end of a 96 hour fast - breaking it in 4 hours. My...
I want to fast mainly for concentration and self-discipline, which I've seen people say that those effects kick in about 3 days into a fast. I can easily do 24 hours of fasting, but it gets significantly harder after that....
Hi! I started Jan 2. I’m on Day 3 today and this morning was rough. I’m 148 lbs and will be happy if I end this anywhere in the 120’s. (I’m 5’4”). I’ve been taking some salt and a multivitamin but...
I bought some electrolyte supplements yesterday and they contain 400mg Potassium as well as 400mg magnesium. The packaging says one pill a day. Since 400 mg is way too little I’m asking if it’s okay if I took more than...
Starting weight: 315 pounds Current weight: 283 pounds
what would be a good routine? also only dry fast recommendations please, cannot buy Potassium Chloride
Hello to everyone! I often read about electrolytes and also baking soda, which is why I searched the Internet for electrolyte supplements in Germany. An online store where I also buy other supplements, offers a supplement in liquid form. It is...
I’m starting a 30 day fast in attempt to loose 20lbs. But I notice that I get weaker and my body becomes heavy and cold when I do. What do you guys recommend?
Looking for tips/feedback on my recipe! I've done multi-day and alternate-day fasting in the past, but those have never been long enough fasts to warrant that I replenish my electrolytes, so this snake juice bit is new to me. It's day 3...
is there any difference except for the price? i heard it contains aluminium so it won't lose it's white colors. is it bad for digestion? let me know
I'm currently fasting from food and I'm curious how much water I should I be drinking? What are people's thoughts on this?
Hi! I’m a long time lurker over at r/fasting and finally made the decision to make my own snake juice :D Anyone have a good procedure for establishing a personal recipe? I understand molarity well and could probably use a refreshing...
As a vegan, I'm looking for sources of iodine. I've read a few comments on various threads suggesting that the iodine in iodised salt 'evaporates in just weeks after packing' and also some saying that you would have to eat...
Recently I’ve been getting a lot better at fasting for 4-5 days at a time but I keep having to cut it short because I simply can’t stomach the taste of electrolyte water. I use nosalt, table salt, and a...
So I tried to do a 7 day water fast, taking electrolytes and some vitamins. Everything was fine until I had to do some house work bending down and lifting some moderately heavy items so I had to eat something...
hi, I'm making my own snake juice. But I'm having trouble finding food-grade epsom salts or other forms of magnesium. Previously I used NoSalt, but it's now no longer available in my country. What can I use instead? I...
On Reddit it says the official recipe for a Snake Juice is - 1/2 tsp sodium chloride (table/himalayan) - 1 tsp potassium (NoSalt or Nu-Salt) - 1 tsp sodium bicarbonate...
So I started out with a dry fast which I broke last night (72 hrs). I broke my fast with the snake juice last night and have been drinking today as well (noon now). Since I broke my fast I...
I have started to use the sachets added to my water 3/4 litres a day just to get more water (normally only drink diet coke) and just eating meat. Anyone else do this? I just feel the juice adds flavour...
Hi all. I have managed to get really good at 48 hour dry fasts through practicing. But my real goal has always been to master 72 hours. I want to be able to go 3 full days with no food...
Post here about fasts you're starting or to provide progress updates to minimize overall clutter in the subreddit. Can also ask questions or set up accountability.
Hello all - just came off a 3.5 day fast (I was bed ridden due to excruciating gout) and I felt like I could have gone longer but the anti-inflammatories I was taking were really starting to hurt my stomach...
So I was thinking about drinks like Gatorade and Powerade. Both claim to help with rehydration especially for athletes. I know that drinks like the two brands I mentioned have electrolytes that aid in rehydration. I was wondering what the...
Hey friends, just passed my 1st 24 hours. I've been thinking about doing the "master cleanse" for years, but always gave up after a day. That includes drinking a mixture of cayene, maple syrup and lemon mixed with...
I was going to get Dr bergs electrolytes but it’s pretty expensive just like LMNT and it just doesn’t make sense if I’ll be using them 1-2x a day. I started getting back into fasting and I’m feeling lethargic so I...
I’ve read conflicting studies. Anybody know if there’s a scientific consensus on whether or not it’s possible to maintain muscle mass while doing an extended (2+) day fast? I’ve read that growth hormone surges after around 24 hours, and that...
How is this as a Refeed to keep the weight off after a 10 day DF day 1: just water Day 2: bone broth followed by celery juice Day 3: 1 tomato + 1 cucumber with lemon and Himalayan salt...
Alright, so I have done fasts before, but never knew that it's proper to take electrolytes. I just never thought about it. What products or supplements are there to use while fasting other than mixing salt into water? I cannot cannot drink...
i know salt is a vital nutrient in our diet - but do all the salts have the same nutritional compounds? is himalayan pink salt as good as sea salt is as good as regular Morton’s table salt?
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone here for their support. I just ended a 20-day fast today. Started at 285 lbs, down to 253 lbs. (Height 6'1"). My only concern was over electrolytes. I had never gone without food this...