Just checking is this normal? Has anyone experienced something similar. Sorry mean bowel movements
My theory is around the time you eat, you will poop. [View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/112zgse)
This is my first dry fast, I'm 7 days in and have been having having frequent diarrhea since yesterday. About 3 or 4 times yesterday and as soon as I woke up today. Just wanted to see if this is...
I've understood from experience and testimonials that it is beneficial to clear the system before a DF . What are some of the methods/techniques/supplements you guys use to do this. ??? I've discovered that Isabgol (psyllium husk) is great for...
I tried OMAD, but I noticed my breath started to smell and my very regular bowel movements became interrupted. I didn’t like it so stopped after three days. But I’m wondering, does this settle over time?
I am wondering how many people have bowel movements post day 3 of fasting. If so how often? To me it’s both logical not to have any - no food coming in. But, also logical to have some as good inside...
I’ve been doing this combination for 2 weeks. And I’ve only gone to the bathroom twice. *in two weeks*. Both of those times are laxative produced. Starting IF was the only new change (I’ve been Keto...
Let me know.
Haven’t eaten anything in 72 hours but I let out a lot of solid matter. I just broke my fast with almonds, watermelon, and a few chocolate wafers. Can food really move that fast through your system or am I...
I tried to do it last week, managed for 24 hours but I felt really bad like a had a flue and an awful headache. I want to try again and I'm going for 9 days. Anyone here have any...
I was wondering what happens to your last meal or two when you dry fast. Do they just sit in your guts drying up or are you still able to have bowel movements. I imagine not. I've only dry fasted...
It happened the first time around the holidays when for about 2 days I ate whatever and whenever I wanted and had multiple bowel movements a day and then this week when Sunday evening, when I had another "cheat day"....
I (31f, 5ft 1, 175lbs) started IF last month after life insurance quote was higher due to 'build'. Lost 8lb so far! I started OMAD but after listening to the fasting method podcasts, realised I would be better with alternate day...
I’ve been doing OMAD for a while now but I don’t use the bathroom everyday. I don’t feel bloated at all and feel fine typically but I know this was not how it used to be. I take potassium,magnesium,zinc, d3,...
Hey guys so whenever I get to around the 40-hour mark there is a high chance that when I need to use the bathroom, I get nauseous and extremely sweaty and feel like I'm going to vomit. As I sit...
I know its disgusting but this is a big deal for me. For the last 8 years my bms have been all over the place very rarely normal looking but since starting this I'm doing big long whole poops which...
Lucky day 13 here. Had some troubles last few days losing a pounds for a few but uped my activity and water and now at 30lbs lost. Noticed however it seems every other day I'm having a bowel movement, notably...
Hi, I just finished my dryfast—it was tweleve days— and I made a pretty big mistake in preparing for it and I wanted to warn anyone to make sure to take the proper preparation in regard to this mistake. So, I...
I know you guys are going to tell me fiber. I've been living out my freezer (big fibrous shop on the way today) but doea anyone else find that when you don't eat your body seems to hold onto poo?...
I know that the peel is nutritious and for that reason I never peel potatoes and I try not to always peel carrots. But I wonder how much of a difference it actually makes? Does anyone know something more specific...
What diarrhea if I'm fasting? Just water! Could that be a symptom of any pathology?
I am on day 5 of a water fast, where I have drank water, tea, and coffee. Today I had my second spell of diarrhea, and it was unlike any I have ever had before. Some of it was a...
Does anyone have any experience fasting with IBS? I often find that if I leave it too long between meals that I struggle, but I've also heard fasting can help. Has anyone found a way to do this well? Would...
Apologies in advance for the detail. I'm currently doing 21:3 intermittent fasting and my 3-hour eating window is in the evening. But I'm still getting incomplete bowel movements. I would have thought this issue would go away if I'm only...
Hello i will be attempting a 5 day fast to try and see if my body heals my hemorrhoids. A key thing is to make sure i don't have a bm and not eating will ensure that right? Any tips?...
I’m hypothesizing that if I don’t eat and drink i.e. dry fasting, that I will avoid as much pain in my anus as possible from slowing down the frequency of my bowel movements. But I don’t want to become constipated...
What do you think?
I’ve done water fasting for 7 days before, and I usually go to the bathroom for the first 3 days. But what about dry fasting? I will probably not poop if I don’t drink water. Is it okay? I’m going to...
I’m interested in doing a seven-day water-only fast. I did one last year and remember getting severely constipated. Does anyone else get constipated during extended fasts? If not, how have you avoided it? What are your secrets? Is it avoidable? I...
Is it just me. or is the first poop after a fast just REALLY smelly. I mean like, smells absolutely rancid and disgusting? A lot more than normal anyway. Anyone else?
So I fasted four days and dropped from 131.5 to 126. Had a two days of eating and hung out between 125-127. Okay. Water retention, salt etc. sure. Fasted three more days. Dropped to 123. I was ravenous. I...
The question pretty much states it. Spring Valley K supplements only suggest 1 tablet per day, and it only fulfills 2% of the DV. It's ~90mg.
A friend is telling me that he Juice fasts and get's all the benefits of fasting while keeping his bowels moving. He says that is healthier because his bowels don't shut down. I think he is just full of cr@p...
I'm 101 hours into my first multi-day dry fast (soft). Since day 2, I've noticed that my lower abdomen (centered just below my belly button) is oddly puffed out, like there is a pouch of something there (not fat), and...
For context, I'm a 20yo man, 5'10 and 325lbs. About a month ago, I used Coles snake juice packets from Amazon. I got to about 43 hours then my blood pressure shot up and I had acute tatricardia. ...
My apologies if its disgusting to speak about this, as such I will do my best to be as clean with my words as possible. A long story short, I woke up this morning and instantly went to the restroom,...
Hi! Hour 58 into my 72 hour fast and was OMAD for about 3 weeks prior. I'm seeing a lot of comments saying their stool tends to get watery. Anybody else get the opposite? I know I've need to go...
I have IBS (primarily runs), and have been on medication (Linzess) for it, but I’ve gone a few days in between #2 bathroom breaks consistently. For my OMAD (4 weeks), I’ve been eating healthy and balanced. On previous diets...
Post here about fasts you're starting or to provide progress updates in order to minimize overall clutter in the subreddit. Can also ask questions or set up accountability.
Hello fasters, I am living with chronic anal fissure which creates extreme off the charts pain after any bowel movement, for up to 15 hours. I’m currently waiting to see a surgeon, but the surgical options are not that simple either. You...
I mean, I am, kinda, but not like a full bowel movement. More... Liquid. I mean, there's nothing to really digest, so it makes sense, but wouldn't my body keep producing waste anyway? Maybe not like full on bowel movements...
I’ve been fasting all this month, having had a total of 8 meals. I’ve mostly been doing rolling 48s, but did several days of OMAD. I’m currently 88 hours into a 96 hour fast and just had a bowel movement....
Is there a reason why?
Im thinking of doing a 72 hour fast to bring in the new year and I’ve been doing a lot of reading on how to break fast (have a protein rich meal and avoid carbs). One thing I have seen...
Hey! Currently on day 6 of my 7 day water fast challenge. As it's getting easier should I consider doing another week of fasting to really flush the junk.
So I'm trying this for the first time and not finding it hard at all but couldn't find the answer to this on the faqs. I'm doing 16-8 I generally have a small snack when my eating window opens then...
Was going strong fasting earlier this week, but I hadn't pooped in a few days so my last two OMADs were fiber rich meals. Still nothing to write home about. So I took some Smooth Move tea. We have outhouses...
Hi guys, i'm hoping your bright minds on the subject will help me out. I've been on a "maintenance opiate" for years unfortunately and while the dose is fairly low (tough to come off though) its still causing mild constipation...
I started 18/6 about three days ago. Feels great to not be bloated and have that 'skinny' feeling, even though I've got a long journey ahead of me. 2 questions: 1) Without being too graphic, how much have your bowel habits...
Has anyone done coffee enemas while doing snake juice? The enemas aren't for weight loss, it's for a health condition.
If a person consumes around 8,000-10,000 mg of potassium per day, how much sodium he can eat safely?
Hi all! I wanted to know what other supplements I should be taking in, I currently only use Metamucil and it works fine but I have to take like 9 pills a day! Is there something else I can take...
Any tips on preparation. Have done many 72 hours even cascade fasting routine. First 7 days. Any tips on preparation. I keep seeing mentions of emptying bowel prior. Is that even possible?
Is it possible? Am I doing this for no reason. I would have expected better results for a water fast.
I've tried it once before at 16. It worked like a charm. Yet, I fell back into my old habits. A few years later, I think is time to give it a try once again. And what better way to...
I've been intermittent fasting for 3 months. 20:4 I'm a woman 49yo 5'3" currently 152 lbs lost 26 lbs in those 3 months (beginning weight 178lbs) Before that 16:8 on and off I had blood tests done in May 2022....
As the title says, I've been eating only one meal a day and the (electric) scale shows that I've gained a kilogram. I've noticed that I've been eating maybe two people's worth of food in my meals. Should I change...
I've done a 6 day fast a couple times and I felt fine but has anyone had trouble? Has the weight loss and energy gain been noticeable for you?
Bit embarrassing but I’m 120h into a water fast, and up until now I’ve had the usual watery/runny stool but for the first time its appeared normal? Despite not having had digested any food? Why is this???
#Share your daily fast story thread! 📃 ⏳ **Length** of fast (*start/end/total*) ❓ **Why are you fasting?** (ex: *weight loss, other health benefits, spiritual/religious reasons*) 📝 **Notes** (*How is it going so far? Any concerns? Insights to share?*)...
Hello, i’m finishing up a 3 day fast tonight (will try to extend until tomorrow am if I feel up to it), first time ever doing an extended fast so I would appreciate some insight on what to eat tomorrow...
Do you advocate for this? **Have you noticed any changes in your bathroom behavior after eating oatmeal?**
Do you guys see a pattern to your weight loss? As in, when you fast (more than IF), do you lose weight during that fast? Does it happen during your fast or after? I've been tracking my weight and I still...
Fortunately, coffee is allowed when doing intermittent fasting. So let's have a coffee together every day and talk about our daily struggles and joys. Comment this thread with some of those suggestions: **\*Success\*:** Comment your success of the day, can be an NSV...
just asking. I heard goat is healthy but too much fat is not.
Hello, In few days, I'm about to start a 21 or 30 days fasting (depends on how my body will let met). I need a plan please for refeeding. Thanks!
I have been IFing for a few months and have lost about 40lbs. As of late I have noticed that I have a change in stool shape and consistency. My stools are usually mush or small flat pieces. I have...
TLDR: I added salt to my water on hour 36 of my water fast, and I had to poop. Usually I stop pooping after hour 12 of no eating. Do others find the sam? I have been dabling with fasting the...
Is it mandatory? And can i be safe wihout cleansing? If i have to do it what do you recommend?
Hi All, I’ve been intermittent fasting and every time I have my first and meal break my fast, I notice that an hour later I have to use the restroom. Which is fine, but, my stool is somewhat loose and slightly...
Everyone does white rice but it makes me constipated. Brown rice feels really good for me
Does anyone know if IF affects blood pressure? I've heard that improper fasting can lead to blood pressure getting higher (I do not plan on doing it improperly but it's still a concern of mine), and it's a fact that...
When I encounter a "hunger crisis" – usually around 10-11 AM, as I fast until noon – I drink a big glass of water with a spoonful of psyllium-husks stirred in it. It fills the stomach and does wonder for...
Does eating meat when your body has never consumed meat make your body feel like it's a foreign food substance or does nothing. Would meat take longer to digest in a vegetarian's alimentary canal or no? what's the exact biology that...
1. The buffering of carbohydrate absorption is only important if your eating to much carbohydrates. 2. Your gut biome is very stable. It doesn't need a constant supply of fibre. 3. Peristalsis works totally fine without fibre. I think a good dose...
Taken from Google: The recommended potassium intake for an average adult is 4,700 milligrams (mg) per day. Look at your typical potassium supplement…a measly 2% of our daily is the average amount in pill form. Thinking about where potassium can be found…it...
How often do you weigh yourself while IF? My daily weight can fluctuate wildly, so it can be misleading both up and down. Curious what others are doing. Thank you.
Been drinking electrolytes/water. So far so good. My hunger comes and goes . I’ve been pooping liquid poo. Is this normal? My longest fast prior to this was 6 days so this is something new for me .
I've been fasting for over a year now, lost a total of 12kg~ and am pretty much where I want right now in terms of weight, except for my belly, which I feel is bloated probably due to sparkling drinks,...
I bought the snake juice packets on Amazon and to be honest, they taste absolutely horrible. I take 3 packets a day and have been literally chugging each packet that I take which has caused horrible bowel movements and...
How often do you weigh? I can never remember to do it! 😅
Are there some forms of sodium that should be avoided and some that should be consumed? When will sodium hydrate you and when will it dehydrate you?
I've started doing keto again a little over a month ago. I'll be doing it for 3 months. I started doing 5 day omad and 2 day fasts. A few weeks ago I started doing carnivore as an experiment. Not...
Hi all, I've been trying on different fasting regimens and so far my max is 40 hrs. I am interested in trying something longer for the autophagy benefits (as well as the weight loss.) But the refeed portion intimidates me...
Gutted this morning been doing 20/4 fast all week eat lots of fruit and healthy meals and no alcohol in my 4 hour window , weighed myself this morning for my average weekly loss and the I have only lost...
I bought some electrolyte supplements yesterday and they contain 400mg Potassium as well as 400mg magnesium. The packaging says one pill a day. Since 400 mg is way too little I’m asking if it’s okay if I took more than...
After a 5 day dry fast, I went for a colonic. Now on day 6 i ate some cabbage and chicken and had the most severe lower abdominal pain of my life... I almost thought it was kidney stones except...