Hello, please no nasty comments. I have been taking Qsymia and have reached my goal weight. I have to come off of the pills and know that everyone gains weight when they do. I would like to...
Sex Male: Age 20s Weight 172 Wishing to ask for principles atound which to build a monthly diet for someone who is living alone.
I’m the back i get 1g of fat, 2g or total carbohydrates and less than 1 gram of protein. I can’t swallow these in a fast right? If not what can I get that gives me magnesium but no Cals...
Generally folks in this group say drink your electrolytes cuz pills will burn your belly, but everyone also seems to take magnesium and multivitamins in pill form. Just wondering why some I pills are cool with a fasting gut and...
I have been experiencing low energy recently, sometimes I cannot even get out of bed, but I have read on other subreddits with people with the same issue recommend electrolyte pills. Should I try it?
Looking for good e-books that teach more about bodybuilding type dieting and nutrition.
You always hear about certain things causing cancer or cognitive decline but is any of it true? Are there any foods we eat which can cause health problems unrelated to diet?
Is Eating 30% carbs, 30% fats, 30% protein bad for you? Does it really matter?
Also considering than chilies have more vitamin c than oranges. Is it worth using more seasoning and spicing up our food?
What about things like coffee
Does anyone recommend taking their electrolytes in pill-form?
Hi all, simple question, is it okay to drink regular water during my Spam and Pickle diet? Didn’t know if drinking regular water instead of snake juice, will flush all the electrolytes out my body that I’ve just eaten. Thanks!
Has anyone had success with a 16/8 or 18/6 fasting plan while drinking diet soda during your fasting time??
Hi all! I'm curious to know if it's possible for an active runner to no lose (or even gain) fat/muscle through their diet. Are there specific things to do other than calorie surplus and extra protein intake? Thanks!
According to my Google searches, chloride is an electrolyte. I couldn't find much info about where it comes from though. One of my theories is tap water, but I honestly have no idea. Thank you!
Does any body else take these during a fast? Im 3 days in and need them to get through work, any advice?
I'm curious what your dietary and metabolic preferences are, as fasters. What's your preferred diet, what are you eating most of the time (and especially between fasts), and why? [View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/10ps67l)
I'm just getting into extended fasting, normally all i'll drink is coffee, water, and bouillon, but I do occasionally crave a diet soda. So i'm wondering if during an extended fast, like 3+ days, a...
Hello everybody! I am trying to find more information about the Gracie diet, and I’m having a little difficulty doing so. I’m looking for research into the diet and more credible sources other than the main website, which is obviously...
So I read the wiki and it says not to put salts into pill capsules as that will hurt your stomach lining. But I wasn’t even thinking about the medication I take daily that comes in a capsule. Is that...
So I have 200mg pills but I really only want to take 100mg at a time as too much caffeine gives me jitters. The pills are capsulated and have a white powder on the inside which I think might spill...
Would taking multivitamins like ‘Animal Pak’ break your fast? Or any supplement pills like fish oils and vitamin D3?
Hi all, while intermittent fasting, will drinking a diet gatorade or diet ice tea drink knock you out of fasting?
I know I'am asking a lot of question. It seems that eating keto would help and accelerate the process of fasting. Would a keto diet be egal in term of health of a dry fast?
Any ideas on what I should avoid / eat more of? Any other advice? Thank you :)
So i started the 5:2 diet, so far i eat 500 calories on the fasting days, and eat normally on my eating says. I stick to eggs and low calorie veggies on fasting days. I haven't seen any changes so...
If natural flavors are extracts (like vanilla extract which has 40 cal per tbsp) shouldn’t they have calories? Is this why diet drinks can stall weight loss?
I am new to intermittent fasting, doing 16:8. Are you supposed to follow any type of diet when doing this like low calorie, high protein, etc… or can you eat what you normally eat within reason?
Two days into my fast (plus a prep day where I ate very little). Finding it just so so challenging. And reading the threads on here and how people have such an easy time with it discourages me despite it...
i normally do not drink a lot of caffeine at all, maybe some green tea a few times a week. however i'm practicing dry fasting lately and i get super exhausted halfway through the day which really affects my concentration...
Can you drink diet sodas and still lose weight? Doing omad everyday?
I know the drink recipe but how do I start the fasting and how long do I do it? I weigh 190 and my goal weight is 130. I am 31year old female. 5 foot 1. Tired of being unhealthy....
I'm 67 hours into a fast and today I woke up and had a couple big glasses of diet coke from the bottle, now I'm questioning weather its real coke or not ha ha, did they mix it up at...
I'm struggling with not snacking during my "down time" when babe goes to sleep at 730pm. Is it okay to have a diet pop around 8 or so? Not every day, but couple times a week or so.. I...
I been searching the internet like a fat stupid pig to find info on this diet. Can some one put me in game I want to do rolling 48’s eat a can of spam a few pickles like 3-4 and repeat....
so i just watched a youtube video and even though ive seen people say electrolytes are needed for a fast, i wasn't sure what to do. but in the comment someone said magnesium is an electrolyte. is this true? should...
Is it true that diet soda/ diet pop may cause headaches& mood swings? 🧐 I wonder if it’s because of high caffeine content or maybe the sweeteners (aspartame) are the victim. Does anyone know more informations about it? 🤔
I learned that refeeding syndrome is due to lack of electrolytes. But since I will be getting sodium, magnesium and potassium.. Will refeeding syndrome be an issue after a fast of like 21 data minimum? What about 15 days...
If someone were to drink TPN or some other sort of complete nutrition (assuming they cannot taste and don't mind the texture) could they live a healthy life? Or is there some importance to real food?
I’m looking for an extra source of caffeine for my fast this week. I don’t want to do coffee, for now I just drink black or green tea for caffeine. Easier on my stomach. But I’d like to try it...
I’m new to the Snake Diet and have been down 10 pounds in a week, but I’m gonna try and change into the “Spam and Pickles” diet witch looks interesting as I love pickles. Just wondering if I should only...
Most of potassium rich foods that I can think of have carbs.
My coaches/peers have always pushed the importance of electrolytes. Drinks like Pedialyte are great for hydration but Im unaware of the sience behind that. Would drinking Pedialyte everyday be too much?
I take a B12 and Fiber pill in the morning, and I thought I was taking them everyday but I realized that both have 2-5 calories. Should I start taking them in the afternoon during my window?
I do a lot of traveling while I'm fasting, looking for a pill or set of pills I can take to keep me covered on the electrolytes front. Any recs?
Say, if you got 45% of your daily needs of every single vitamin every day, and you can only choose one to take to 100%, what would you choose? (of course this is all hypothetical)
Want to get back to old diet after going on a temporary diet. How long will it take for the gut to adjust?
Has anyone had a pos/neg experience on the carnivore diet?
If I’m on a diet and trying to eat less and cut certain foods would homemade chicken and dumplings be ok as long as I don’t eat a shit ton I don’t exactly know what was all used cause I...
Hi just need some advice, will plain chamomile tea, no sugar, no milk kick me out of the fasting window? And will taking supplements or medicated pills kick me out of fasting? The reason i am asking is because i...
I want to try the Snake diet, but im a bit hesitant because of the possible inability to do my job correctly.
Hi! I'd like to read about the calculated macro/micros necesary to follow a "fatty liver disease diet" (which from what I understood is a version of a ketogenic diet?) Any name of good research paper, guide or book to go...
Hey, I'm looking for an online diet coach who can give me personal meal plans based on stats, goals, workouts etc. Any recommendations? Thanks in advance!
Anyone familiar with it?
They all say 0 kals on the packages... Although some say "0 calories - 2.5 servings" - isn't this an indication there definitely is a low amount of calories in them? Are these ruining the autophagy benefits of my 60 hour...
This was really interesting to me, about a fasting mimicking diet that includes eating only raw vegetables, but dropping out almost all calorie intake from food. In a sense this is more extreme than juice fasting, and it's possible...
Just wondering if anyone combines the two methods? If theres any reason I shouldn't try to do both? Also, is there a subreddit for the 5 / 2 diet?
Is this a healthier alternatives?
Be careful, people - as the article says, get good medical advice before drastically changing your diet: Liquid diets like those favoured by Shane Warne can strain heart, say experts Professor Garry Jennings, the Heart Foundation’s chief medical adviser said that, in...
Hi, 16:8 SW:330 45F started today! What is the read on Diet Coke and also artificial sweeteners like Equal?
So I'm thinking of starting the 5:2 diet, just because it might be more effective and easier to maintain for me than the 16:8 diet. But from what I've read and heard, women find that it stops their period completely...
Tried 5 days of IF but no results. I didn't track my calories but maintain the time frame (6pm to 10am). This is my 2nd day not doing IF, will start from tomorrow. Should I need to follow healthy diet...
Which is more important in terms of getting lean diet or cardio?
I've never used hormonal BC methods mostly. It tricks your body into thinking its pregnant. How does it mesh with IF and EF? Thanks
I take a multivitamin, something for allergies, adderall, and a prebiotic each morning. I can't very well change when I take my allergy meds or adderall because I need that for the actual day but I could move the rest...
Vitamin C and D, Zinc and Magnesium for example?
I used to do 16:8 n it worked wonders, but it’s really not working well with my work schedule so i’m considering 5:2, has anyone tried both?
I’m fairly new to this, but should I start the diet on a 72 hour fast, and when should I re-feed. That’s the confusing part for me! Side note - is it bad for me to do this diet even...
Does anyone have experience with this diet while breastfeeding a toddler? He doesn't rely solely on breastmilk for calories so this isn't a question of concern for him, rather a question of whether I should participate. I've been invited to...
Most of us here combine IF with another diet (low carbs for me), my question for those of you who do combine IF with a diet is: Did you start with fasting and then incorporate another diet, or did you add...
Satan says, from now on you only get to choose between these two diets: A: High Sugar and Carbs, like pancakes and waffles with syrup and Nutella every day B: High sodium and meat, like sausage and bacon sandwiches every day And you...