Don’t get me wrong. I know that wanting to be super fast can end up being a bad thing. It takes time, i know. The thing is, I’ve been struggling with the lack of results, and it makes me so...
I've been IF for a week :D time flew by, but I'm a little worried. I'm 24,F, sw:212 and I do 18:6. My worry is I see people only fasting for 5 days a week? Should I not do the...
Hi All: Question from a new faster... I am trying to fast but have trouble sleeping at night if I am hungry. I can abstain from's just uncomfortable and it keeps me up and I have to sleep. I know one...
all carbs in the body are already gone and the insulin starting value is also much lower
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Any recommendations? It’s worth it or should I stick to DF. I’m doing it for health maintenance/prevention
Someone give me the strength to throw it in the trash when it arrives…. 😅
okay ive never water fasted, i wanna lose weight. is 15 days extreme?
What's the best way to deplete your body's glycogen while fasting? I usually do the elliptical on the fat burn setting for 20-30 min near the end of my fast. Just want some other options. Thanks.
21:3 ?
I’ve done water fasts, colon cleanses and and a series of dry fast that led me to a max 4 Day dry fast hard mode. My question is this; do you count the hours to tally the amount...
I have two weeks vacation coming up and I want to start IF and be finished fat adaptation by the time I return to my construction job, so I'm not all weak at work. I did IF with a 20:4 window...
Can someone tell me a way to make homemade electrolytes? I live in India and they are very expensive here,I would appreciate it if someone could tell me a way to make electrolytes at home that could allow me to fast...
I'm an obese individual, wanting to speed it up. Even if it's not only fat being lost but water weight too, I don't mind. I just need to get down the scale for now.
Ive been freezing my electrolyte mixture into little pill size balls so that I can quickly and easily swallow them. It has made getting my daily electrolytes so much less of a pain.
How has your refeed been? Yes, I just love my dog so there is no reason for his photo. Happy Saturday
My beans have been soaked for almost 48 hours but I don't want to cook them for a long amount of time. Can I microwave them for like 4-5 minutes or is that not enough?
I'm currently on nortriptyline liquid and I do wonder if it's screwing up my fast or something. I just feel like when I wasn't on meds, I lost weight way faster. Either the effects of the meds are breaking my...
Just started intermittent fasting and I'm having a hard time drinking straight black Coffe
Did you lose hair or not? Did your hair growth slow down or speed up? If any of you have scars, did the scars go away or become less noticeable? And have any of you dry fasted while working a physical...
I was wondering if I can maintain my mass or even gain mass while on intermittent fasting, all while being healthier while doing so. I will be doing the 16/8 diet.
Kidney beans contain a massive amount of iron. However just because a food is dense in a particular vitamin/nutrient doesn't mean our body can properly absorb it all. What steps should be taken to get the most use out of...
I've learned to drink black coffee! Sure, I basically forced me to since I wanted something different than water sometimes in the morning, but hey! I've always had milk or cream in it and you know what, it's not that...
hi! im a new starter doing alternative day fasting ! im in my in my 4th day now and i was wondering what are the best ways to break fast without my gut hurting me all day .
I started doing 16:8 then 18:6. Today I successfully managed a 19:5. Working my way up to 20:4 or possibly OMAD. But I am finding that after I eat my first meal I am not at all hungry during the...
Put everything to make snake juice by ratio in a mason jar (with lid) and shake powder/salt until it’s mixed up. I typically use a large mason jar for this so I use 1-2 cups of each ingredient. Then you...
Reason I ask is because I am planning to essentially do OMAD but also allow myself a protein shake after the gym and some low calorie bevarages throughout the day (creamer in coffee, vitamin water, etc) Is that messing anything...
Hey friends, just passed my 1st 24 hours. I've been thinking about doing the "master cleanse" for years, but always gave up after a day. That includes drinking a mixture of cayene, maple syrup and lemon mixed with...
How bad of an idea is this? Dry fasting and depleting the water from your system by drinking salty water. The point being to enter ketosis faster The thing about Dry fasting that I like is - 1. RAPID KETOSIS, max 24 hours....
Been fasting on and off this past year but want to go on a 3 day water fast to kick start my weight loss journey. What are the best ways to prepare myself and what should I be looking forward...
Just a simple question
What’s up y’all, in your experience what’s the quickest way to get fat adapted? I’m tweaking my diet soon and would love to hear some advice on this. Thanks!
I would love to hear you guys's input. I have experience doing fasts, ranging from 1 day to 30 days. I am still on my weight loss journey and obese enough to put me in a high risk category for...
I used to chew gums sweetened with artificial sweeteners but was told they may be just as bad as sugar so switched to xylitol gums because they don't have bad side effects like other sweeteners but so far I have...
I do 16:8 every day. 12pm-8pm is my eating window. My question is, if one day I feel I can go longer, can I just fast for an extra hour that day, so do 17 hours (1pm-8pm) or even 18....
I've been doing prolonged fasts for the past few days (usually anything from 20-30 hours, so pretty much omad), but I made a terrible error on Tuesday: I broke a fast with cookies. Work brought them in for everyone to thank...
Is fasting every other day for 2 weeks the same as a 1 week on 1 week off fast? I’m new to fasting.
Hey guys! I’m currently on my 9th day of my water fast and I’m feeling great. I was thinking about how I will keep the weight that I’ve lost during the fast off and not gain it again when I...
Let me start off by saying I’ve only done maybe 2 dozen shorter fasts, nothing over 48 hours. There are many much more experienced fasters than me and if you ever see a post where my option differs from...
I'm mostly interested in the health benefits of fasting and the potential for Autophagy. I have been dabbling with the 16/8 to get my feet wet, but I'm wondering if doing 24hr or 36 hr fasts monthly might be more...
You know that even in all the macros, protein takes the most time to digest and then comes fats/ lipids and then carbs . But to what should be the order to eat , first carbs or first protein where...
I’m 24 hrs into my first 48 hr fast. Have done three 42 hr fasts on Thursdays these past few weeks and wanted to see if it was that much harder to skip an additional lunch. It’s going well, not...
Hello! I might of missed it in FAQs and older posts. I have been seeing posts on specific foods, diets, and ingredients. But I would like to learn more about putting it all together. May I have a recommendation? Is...
What pattern do you use? For how long? Do you plan on fasting being a lifestyle? When you do eat, are there macros you focused on to be more successful? I ask bc I heard a podcast today...
My doctor recommended IF and set the time of 16 hours of not eating just drinking. I just stated and only made it 13 hours the first day before I felt like I was going to be sick. Is this...
So say some individual were to theoretically eat 150g of protein every day with 200g of carbs. Would muscle gain be higher if said individual were to keep their protein intake the same but ingest, say, 400g of carbs instead? Just using...
I have done a lot of ADF fasting in the past and just took some salt directly by mouth without putting it in water to drink. This year I am doing an extended fast and wonder if I should also...
I feel like this question sounds very silly, but I’m thinking of giving OMAD a try and want to make sure I’m getting the most out of both the lifestyle and the food I eat. How does one go about eating...
Please share anything that has worked for you.
I tried eating as much as I used to but I can't get the last few bites in my mouth. lol I think my body is insisting on a new equilibrium or something like that.
Hard to exercise that area specifically. How do I just tighten it all up? 6ft2inches male lost a bit and am still going for it. Wondering how I can help the loose skin shrink.
I've gotten so used to enjoying the taste of heavy cream in my coffee. I'm trying to fast from all processed food , dairy & grains for a few weeks for lent but I'm having a hard time enjoying my...
I once came across some information that said “a true water fast” is a fast that doesn’t end till your hunger returns. And that starvation doesn’t start till your body switches from fat to muscle for energy and before that...
Hello, I'm new to reddit and fasting in general. I have done carnivore for a month, then keto for 15 days 2 meals a day, and omad for a week. I have been researching and watching videos about fasting...
Im at 82kg and want to go down to 78kg in about 2 months time. Im experienced with IF and like it a lot for the mental clarity and the weight loss. I only ever had problems with breaking the fast....
What do you do for maintenance? Thanks!
the pain from fasting was particularly bad this morning so i had broke it and i think it may have been a blood sugar spike or something but my arms hurt EXTREMELY bad later if it gets worse i plan...
Hi, Im planning on doing a 18:6 hour fast I will eat lunch at 12pm, then a snack at 2/3pm then dinner at 5pm. I plan on eating healthy like veggies and protein. Will I lose weight from this?
New to IF - where do I begin? What can I eat, when is the best time to eat? I enjoy low carb and low/no sugar (keto essentially) eating because carbs and sugar make me sick at times. For context...
I really think that my body needed to lose this weight fast since my baseline is around 165 these days (I gained this extra weight only over the holidays). I am hoping that I can get down to at...
Greetings! I started a fast about 64 hours ago. I've never fasted before (other than every day I wait to eat until 3). First day was rough. Second day was great until the evening. Today is...
Hi everyone, I follow the official (probably) recipe of snake juice, that is: 1/2 tsp sodium chloride (I use iodized salt) 1 tsp potassium (I use potassium pill) 1 tsp sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) 1/2 tsp magnesium sulphate (epsom salt) 0.5 L water. This is...
As stated in the title, this is my first time fasting. For whatever reason I decided I’m going to do it and just starting reading about it as I went along. Low grade headache, can’t make myself drink...
I've been doing 16/8 for a while now, but the schedule has been: 8pm-8am: Fast 8am-12pm: Eat 12pm-4pm: Fast 4pm-8pm: Eat Does this matter? I don't think it would be tough for me to start eating at 12pm instead of 8am, but would it make...
Many people like to post progress pictures every single month, however, I have noticed that the top post of all time are simply people who posted one time after many months or years of IF. So, the best way to...
M29 6’1”. SW ~260, CW ~240, GW ~220/whatever feels ideal/comfortable. I’ve been doing IF for about 3 months and worked my way down to 22:2, but I want to ensure I’m not doing damage to my body. Long walks/hikes nearly...
Hi guys, I would like to water fast for 7 days, mainly for neuronal autophagy and other health advantages. I don't have any medical conditions, am 46, working from home. I read wiki but I can't find here in Italy an...
I live outside the USA and I came to visit a couple of weeks ago. I usually take this as an opportunity to stuff myself with actual poison and dogshit, all the amazing junk food I can’t find in my...
Hi All, I’m looking to lose the final 25 lbs of weight and have plateaued with eating/exercising. I’m also on medication that makes me retain weight and unfortunately I can’t change this med but have been able to...
39 yo female, 177cm, 89kg (196lbs) here. I'm doing 16:8 x 4 days a week, and just trying to eat healthily most of the time, not following a specific diet. I expect slow results but it's the only way I see...
I’am 5’9 355lbs and just getting back to being active now that I have a job and a purpose. I did IF in the past and it worked great 10pm-2pm fast 2-10 eat. But now that I’m working my gym...
Where is a good place to start for people with no experience? Are there apps to help with meal planning for different situations like height, weight, activity level and specific goals, or do most of you just figure it out...
What are some go-to foods/strategies for athletes with high carb intake requirements? On a high carb intake, even white rice can make one feel overly full. Augmenting with low volume, higher sugar carbs seems like the answer, but that doesn't seem...
Fasting Update: As of writing, I've fasted for 40.5 hours, which is roughly 84% into the 48-hour fasting period. For some reason, this fasting cycle is a lot easier for me to do vs the 36h one I did over...
hi, i’m just wondering how dry fasting actually works? from what i know, water is required for all cellular processes including metabolisation of fat stores so wouldn’t it be counter productive? also, after your body is deprived of water it...
I have recently gotten back into 72 hours fasts and plan to do one monthly going forward. I just completed one for February. And it amazes me how many little to-do's that have been on my mind for months, I...
Or is it not necessary? Planning on doing a 10 day dry fast. I’ve heard that you should prepare before a fast by eliminating any waste so that the body doesn’t use any of it. Any foods to eat leading...
My current eating window is 12pm - 8pm and I only have lunch and dinner. I'm being about 90% consistent with this window. My goal with intermittent fasting is to lose weight. I am not exercising or being consistent with it....
I was wondering if there's a change in the way our body react to "fat foods" after we start IF? I have a very strong stomach, I can eat almost anything without throwing up or being stomach sick, so yesterday...
Have you been able to avoid it in any way? Did you eat certain foods to avoid it or do you take some anti-diarrhea medicine for it? Or is it just impossible? (I’m talking about a 88h fast)...
First of all yes I know just having carbs is not great, especially for IF, but yesterday in the eating window of my 20:4 all I had was a frozen pizza. I had been craving it during the fast and I...